Severe pain, stomach here. The feet seem to be screwed in. She cried out in pain. Voice.

Someone started kicking Naruto. They hated Naruto and cared about their children, so they naturally turned to Naruto. There were punches and kicks.

see this. Mukakashi hurried over with the instant body technique, pressed the shoulder of the person who hit the hardest, threw him behind, and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Anbu, they stopped the violence against Naruto, yes, it was violence, their actions have gone far beyond the scope of venting anger for their own children, they punched and kicked Naruto who was unable to fight back.

Kakashi exuded a cold murderous aura, but his cold eyes were gone. Looking at them with a trace of emotion, the whole person is like. Take the sharp knife out of its sheath.

Picking up Naruto who had lost consciousness, the murderous aura on Kakashi's body became stronger, and they couldn't stand the murderous aura released by Kakashi, they passed out.



The sound of water droplets ringing in his ears, Naruto slowly opened his eyes, this is it. This dark place is Naruto's inner world.

Naruto sat up at the place she had seen countless times in anime, and watched the calm water below him ripple like a mirror. She stood up and walked forward. At the end, she saw a huge prison door. It is stuck in the center of the cell door. sheet of paper.

. The sharp eyes with blood-red pupils glared at Naruto angrily.

"You are... Nine Tails..."

Approaching the prison door, Naruto saw clearly the huge body of Kyuubi locked in the cage.

A huge claw stretched out from the prison door and slapped Naruto. Naruto looked at the paw that was slapped on the spot without hiding, without any timidity in his eyes, but on his face. The color of liberation.

Maybe after I die like this, I can return to my original body. Even if I can’t, I don’t want to continue to suffer... Living is really tiring...

The claws stopped when they were about to hit Naruto, Kyuubi looked at Naruto who seemed to be begging for death, retracted his claws, and cut. After the sound, he lay on the ground too lazy to talk to Naruto.

Chapter 3 Eat Me, Nine Tails (1/2)

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Naruto approached the cell door, touching the cold cell door.

"If you want to die, you can commit suicide, but I don't want to kill. A stinky brat who wants to die!" Kyuubi opened his closed eyes. Slightly looked at Naruto. Eye.

"Heh~!" Naruto laughed at himself. Laughing, he slapped the cell door hard.

"Do you think Konoha's people will kill my important Hinjuriki?" Naruto slipped in through the crack of the prison door, came to Kyuubi, opened his hands, his blue eyes were full of anticipation.

"Nine Tails, eat me! Then you will be free! And I, too, will be free."

"Little devil..."

Kyuubi opened his eyes wide and looked at the child in front of him, which was not as big as its nails. Kyuubi had to admit that Naruto's words moved him very much.

This kid gives it. Kind of different from everyone else. Feeling like that, those blue eyes looked at it without any fear or fear.

"Then, I'm not polite!"

Nine Tails opened his mouth. He bit down on the petite Naruto. Swallowing his mouth, Kyuubi thought Naruto would struggle, but he didn't feel any struggle, only death. as calm.


Kyuubi spat out Naruto who was covered in its saliva. Naruto sat up and looked at the ripples on the water, and looked up at Kyuubi questioningly.

"Why didn't you eat me!"

"Little ghost, you are too small, I'm afraid I'll eat your teeth! Go back quickly! Don't disturb my sleep!" Kyuubi looked at Naruto, who was covered in his own saliva, feeling a little guilty for no reason. Shaking, turned around not to look at the angry Naruto, lay down on the ground and closed his eyes.

"Ugh... ah! Bastard!"

Naruto, who was chased away by Kyuubi, couldn't bear it anymore, and lost his temper. When he came up, he rushed up and kicked Kyuubi's leg without hesitation. feet, and then grabbed Jiuwei's hair and climbed onto Jiuwei's body. Lu ran up to Jiuwei's head, grabbed Jiuwei's ears and rubbed them again and again.

"Stinky Nine Tails! If you don't eat me, I won't leave!"

"Eat me quickly!"

"Little devil, you are so annoying!"

Nine Tails roared angrily. Sound, it has never seen anyone rushing up to be eaten. Kyuubi shook his head, trying to shake Naruto off, but Naruto hugged its ears tightly, smiling happily.

"Hahaha! I feel like I'm on a pirate ship. Kyuubi is pushing hard. Click!"

On top of Kyuubi's head, Naruto smiled happily, her beautiful blue eyes smiling into two crescents, this was her first time in the world of Naruto. Laughed so happily for the first time.

In the end, Naruto was driven out of his inner world by the distraught Kyuubi.

Kakashi, who was flipping through "Kissing Heaven", saw the smile on the unconscious Naruto's face, and his eyes flashed. My heart aches.

Have you ever dreamed of something beautiful...

Naruto, who was kicked out of the inner world by Kyuubi, woke up from a coma and found that he was back home, and his injuries were healed, but his body was still in pain.

He dragged his painful body to the window, drew the curtains, and burned it. The pot of water is soaked. Bucket of instant ramen, Naruto sat in front of the table, watching the steam coming out of the unpressed gap in the bucket, Naruto touched his abdomen, recalling what happened in his inner world, the corners of his mouth curled up. Wipe a happy smile.

Break apart. Disposable chopsticks, eating ramen with big mouthfuls.

"Eating ramen all the time will make you malnourished." Kakashi's voice suddenly appeared, and several cartons of milk appeared on the table.

"Cut, I don't need you to control me!" Naruto said stiffly, ate the ramen, and opened it. The carton of milk gulped down.

"Kakashi, you care about that nine-tailed brat!" The other Anbu were a little puzzled after seeing Kakashi's actions.

"Before, did you just watch Naruto being bullied like that?" Kakashi lowered his head slightly, his eyes swept over their masked faces.

"We are here to protect her safety. As long as her life is not in danger, there is no need to stop her. Besides, this is also a way to detect the degree of danger of her as a human being. If she is treated like this and goes berserk, it will be difficult for Hokage-sama to let her continue. Stay in the village."

"is that so……"

Kakashi sensed straightforward malice from their words.

Will he vent his weakness in the face of Nine-Tails to the child... Kakashi narrowed his eyes and did not continue speaking, and left using the instant body technique.

The next day, Naruto again. For the first time, he came to the place where Nine Tails was in the inner world.

the third day...

day four...

Every day Naruto will look for Kyuubi, no matter how bad Kyuubi's attitude is, Naruto will pester Kyuubi, talk and chat with Kyuubi, until Kyuubi gets impatient and drives Naruto away.

After getting along with Naruto for a long time, Kyuubi can feel Naruto's loneliness and loneliness. Even if he refuses to admit it, Kyuubi's attitude towards Naruto has eased a lot, and it is not as bad as before.


On the way to the store to buy food, Naruto accidentally ran into him. As a zhongnin, Naruto bowed his head and walked around the zhongnin, but the disgusted words behind him made her clenched her fists.

"It's really unlucky to be hit by this monster just after finishing the task! I really don't understand why Hokage-sama let her walk freely in the village."

In the store, Naruto tried his best to put the purchased items on the counter, and took out the wrinkled money to pay. The cashier, after seeing that the person who paid was Naruto, immediately changed his attitude. The 180-degree turn was in stark contrast to the previous attitude towards other guests.

carrying. Naruto walked home with great difficulty, in order not to meet too many people, Naruto chose to walk. Taking a shortcut, walking in a narrow alley, Naruto saw three boys surrounding him. A girl, that girl has. A pair of distinctive white eyes, and the three boys pointed around the girl because she had such eyes.

Hinata Hinata...

Isn't this plot the first encounter between Naruto and Hinata Hinata in the original book? I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I wanted to take a shortcut.

To care or not to?

Hinata Hinata is Hinata. People from the family clan, I don't believe that there is no one around them, just watching Hinata being bullied like this, could it be that they are part of the family?

Thinking of what happened recently, it should be the plot that Neci's father sent the clan's twin brother to die.

What a big lady~!

Naruto shrugged and continued walking, looking at the three boys blocking the way.

"Hey, you're blocking my way!"

"Huh? Why should we make way for you!" As soon as the boy said, his companion pulled his arm.

"My mother told me not to get close to Uzumaki Naruto. She is the incarnation of Nine Tails. A monster!"

Even though he deliberately whispered, the boy's words were clearly heard by Naruto.

Put down the things in your hands, Naruto went up. Punch in the face of the talkative boy,. A tooth flew out of his mouth, turned around and raised his hand to hit the other. on the boy's chin, twisting his body. The kick knocked the unresponsive boy to the ground.

"Get out!"

The three boys looked at Naruto in fear, and helped each other to leave.

Naruto turned to look at his hands on his chest. Hinata Hinata with a frightened face.

"If you don't want to be bullied, then try to become stronger." Said, Naruto patted the non-existent dust on his hands, as if he had hit something dirty, picked up the things on the ground, and left.

Hinata Hinata stared blankly at Naruto's back, her immature face turned red.

That has. The girl with messy blonde long hair left a deep memory for Hinata Hinata, which will be unforgettable for a long time.

Chapter 4 Kyuubi feels a stomachache (1/2)

Walking out of the alley, Naruto saw it. A boy is sitting at another. on the neck of a boy, happily pointing at the shop selling meatballs.

"Brother, I want to eat meatballs!"

"Okay, Sasuke will buy whatever Sasuke wants to eat."

Heh~ brother control! Heh~! brother control!

Naruto watched coldly the pair of Uchiha Uchiha brothers who were deeply affectionate towards the meatball shop, and she noticed that Uchiha Itachi already had a forehead guard on his head.

It turns out that Uchiha Itachi had no nasolabial folds on his face when he was a child!

As if aware of Naruto's gaze, Uchiha Erzhuzi turned his head to look at Naruto who was looking at him and Uchiha Itachi. I don't know what Uchiha Sasuke was thinking, but he made a face at Naruto, sticking out his tongue in a funny way.

"This kid..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, Naruto was left speechless by this lively and cheerful Er Zhuzi's sudden offense.

Back home, he put all the things he bought in the refrigerator, and lay on the bed. Naruto skillfully went to the inner world, found where Kyuubi was, squinted his eyes while lying on Kyuubi's body.

Nine Tails snorted dissatisfied. The sound did not dispel Naruto.

"Little ghost, you should be enough!" Jiuwei suddenly said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto rubbed against Kyuubi, slipped off Kyuubi, ran in front of Kyuubi, and looked up into Kyuubi's eyes.

"I said, you should know that you will be treated like this because I am in your body, don't keep looking for me, brat!" Kyuubi propped his chin and looked at Naruto impatiently.

"It has nothing to do with Nine-Tails, they just want to find someone to resent after going through the disaster."

"You want me to be obedient, but don't treat me well. The Will of Fire is just a joke." Naruto looked up at Kyuubi's immature face with a sarcastic smile.

"Do you mean that Konoha deliberately made you the target of the villagers' resentment?" Kyuubi looked at Naruto with interest.

"That's right, in order to stabilize people's hearts, what they need is not to use their own bodies to imprison the son of the hero of Nine-Tails, but a so-called monster incarnate by Nine-Tails to make people hate.☆☆"

"Kyuubi, in a few years, when I have the ability to leave Konoha, I will let you be free." Naruto's immature face was full of confidence, and he stretched out his small hand clenched into a fist.

"Hahaha! You are the first person to say that you want to give me freedom, let me wait and see! Naruto!" Kyuubi froze for a moment, laughed, and stretched out. A finger touched Naruto's small fist, and the red chakra was like ripples. Spread out like that.

"What's this?"

Naruto could feel the excess in his body. There is no chakra in her body who has never refined chakra, so this chakra can only be from Kyuubi.


"I don't want you to die before fulfilling your promise to me. Live hard and become stronger! Then fulfill your promise." Kyuubi smiled, showing his sharp teeth.

Looking at Kyuubi's ferocious smile, Naruto didn't feel any fear, but a kind of warmth from the heart. Her cold heart, which had been hurt by Konoha long ago, became warmer.

"Well, I won't die easily! If I die, I will be eaten by you!"

Naruto nodded solemnly, smiling brightly, as if. A ray of sunlight brightened the cold and damp place.

A cold and damp place like an underground waterway, this is where Nine Tails is.

The five-year-old Naruto has grown a lot taller, only the messy long golden hair has not changed much, and the big blue eyes are deep and deep, making it impossible to see what she is thinking.

Naruto was lying on Kyuubi's head, rolling around in boredom, the corners of Kyuubi's mouth moved, looking quite helpless. Naruto narrowed his eyes lazily, and patted Kyuubi's head.

"Kyuubi, do you know how to refine chakra?"

"Refining chakra too early at your current age is not good for your body." As a tailed beast who has lived for an unknown number of years, he naturally knows the way humans refine chakra, but Kyuubi doesn't want to tell Naruto, as Naruto is now A malnourished body, if not for a whirlpool. Supported by the blood of the clan, Naruto had already been admitted to the hospital because of malnutrition.

"I really want to grow up quickly!" Naruto lowered his head, his blue eyes instantly turned blood red and his pupils stood up, "I can't help but want to kill those stupid idiots! It's obviously my idiot Father protected them with my body! They treated me like this!"

"I. I've been working hard! I've been working hard! Suppressing my urge to kill them!" The red chakra was like a coat. Like that, it gushed out from Naruto's body, wrapping her.

Suddenly, Kyuubi's tail wrapped around Naruto's body, and all the red chakra gushing out of Naruto's body was absorbed. After Naruto's blood-red eyes returned to normal, he lay on Kyuubi's head and gasped heavily. .

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