Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 555: A Different Winter

People are afraid of the coming of winter. I don't want to have the season of winter in all seasons of the year.

But this year, everyone has different ideas about winter.

This is also the first time in history that the impression of winter has undergone such a drastic change.

It is the first time that everyone is not afraid of winter and feels that they have conquered winter.

Not only the members of the Demon King's Army, but even the weaker races put on thick clothes, walked out of the house, and walked around excitedly on the snow.

These thick clothes are all exchanged with the agricultural products grown by myself and the devil's army.

I rented the land from the Demon King's army, and got the seeds and technology. As long as I put in the work, I can get several times more harvest than before.

With these grains, everyone no longer has to worry about being hungry.

The harvest is too rich, and there is too much food stored in the warehouse, let alone survive the whole winter safely, it will not be a problem to eat it next winter.

According to the requirements of the Demon King Army, everyone will give part of the harvested food to the Demon King Army as a tax.

But after paying the tax, there will be a lot of food left over.

Except for what was left for the villagers to use in this part of the grain, the rest was used for exchange.

After the Demon King's army launched large-scale production in the Dead Song Forest, they invested resources in infrastructure construction, and now they have built the prototype of a small market.

The races in the Dead Song Forest can take their excess food to the designated market for barter.

In addition to being able to exchange for different types of food produced by other races, you can also exchange for various daily necessities.

Among them, the high-end daily necessities produced by Mowangjun are particularly popular.

This kind of clothes made by the Demon King Army, which refers to the clothes Mr. Secretary bought from another world, is especially popular.

Although it is still not as good as the original in terms of appearance and material.

I always feel that there is still a lack of technology. It's a little bit worse.

But compared to the clothes worn by weaker races in the past, they are already fantastic.

In human terms, these clothes are the clothes worn by royal palace nobles compared to the weaker races in the past.

It's something you can't even dream of.

But now, the weaker races can create wealth and buy these clothes with their own hands.

These clothes are nice and warm after wearing.

Wearing this kind of clothes to go out is not only a unique face, but more importantly, the severe winter that makes people fear is no longer an insurmountable problem.

With clothes like this, I finally don't have to cuddle up at home, and I can finally go out in the cold winter.

The winter in Dead Song Forest is finally not quiet and gloomy, but as lively as summer.

Not only food and clothes, didn't the Demon King Army also help with the infrastructure?

The weak races all used the houses built by the Demon King Army.

This kind of house is not only beautiful, spacious and strong, but also very warm.

The new house is much more comfortable than the grass nest in the past.

Living in such a house, even if it is windy and rainy outside, there is no need to worry about water flooding into the house or blowing the grass nest away.

Such a house is also the key to everyone's ability to fight against the cold winter.

Everything has changed since the Demon King Army ruled the Dead Song Forest.

Even the appearance of winter has changed.

The cold and snow didn't lock people inside.

The streets of Dead Song Forest are still as lively as usual.

People come and go, people are busy communicating and working while exhaling white breath.

If the ancestors of the weaker races were to see this scene, they would definitely be so shocked that they would lose their teeth.

Not only those ancestors, but even the current people find this kind of life interesting and fresh.

After all, this is the first time that I have no fear of winter and the power of nature.

Standing on the snow, looking up at the snow-covered trees, envious of the sun above the head, but wrapped in warmth all over the body, feeling all this new, I remembered the words of the secretary.

‘We can conquer nature if only we do it. '

Thinking of these words coming true, I couldn't help clenching my fists, full of strength.

"We did it, we really did it. Even this kind of thing that has troubled us for hundreds of years has been done. Long live the Demon King's Army, long live the Demon King, and long live the Secretary."

I don't know who took the lead in shouting.

Then more and more people followed suit.

Afterwards, they praised the Demon King's army, and the voices of the Demon King and the secretary began to echo in the Dead Song Forest, and they didn't stop for a long time.

It unfolds like this every day. And regardless of time and place.

This will become a special landscape of Dead Song Forest.

Everyone expressed their gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

I was not persecuted by the pig-headed people, nor was I tempted by food, it was all sincere.

For the first time, I feel that being ruled by the Demon King's Army and doing things with the Demon King's Army is such a happy thing.

I really hope that the Demon King Army will continue to grow and lead everyone to do more and more meaningful things.

The reverence for the future, which I had never considered before, suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart.

It seems that I suddenly understand the meaning of life.

Today's winter is obviously different from previous years, it is much more lively than previous years.

Even if it snows heavily, the market outside the Demon King's City is still bustling.

Many people come here to trade winter mountain products and specialties.

There are also many weak and small races who went to the Demon King City for a meeting to learn the safety precautions for the winter.

Dead Song Forest is busier than in previous years, not to mention Demon King City.

Even if it snows, the work of the Demon King Army is still busy.

Someone is going to leave Demon King City to check in various villages. Eliminate the hidden danger of snow accumulation as soon as possible.

There are also construction teams organized to clear the snow on the roads.

Under the leadership of the Demon King, the members of the Demon King City cleared the snow in the Demon King City.

The collected snow was made into a snowman and a school house by the children, which became a paradise for children to play.

The workshops in the scientific research center are in full swing.

Dwarf artisans, dark magicians, forest elf pharmacists, and tailors are all already working in the workshop.

In the workshop, the hot research atmosphere dilutes the cold.

The cooling went completely unnoticed by the researchers, as if it never existed in the first place.

Many artisans don't even notice winter is coming.

The researchers, as expected, are the ones who focus on research and don't pay attention to other things.

The same goes for the training set. Daily training is carried out under the leadership of instructors.

The training did not stop because of the temperature drop and snow.

Everyone put on winter clothes, still full of vitality. Rather, because I feel the coolness, I am more motivated.

Everyone is visibly more energetic.

Seeing their passionate training and hearing their powerful shouts made me feel warmed up.

Schools are also operating as usual.

The teacher prepares the lesson and comes to the classroom early in the morning.

The fire was lit early to make the room warm. After a while, the students arrived one after another, and the teaching officially started.

Because designing their own abilities is related to what kind of contribution they can make to the Demon King's Army, students attach great importance to valuable learning opportunities.

Everyone listened carefully, not missing a single detail.

No one's attention was attracted by the beautiful snowflakes outside the window.

This small space seems to be isolated from the world, except that the flow of time here is different from the outside.

Because the underground palace is underground, everything is not affected.

The staff will use the elevator driven by the skeleton of the flame demon king to enter the underground palace.

The current underground palace has been transformed.

Not only has the space been painted and reinforced, but electric lights have also been installed for lighting.

The underground palace is as bright as the outside.

As in the underground palace, you will never feel depressed again.

Working in the underground palace is as fun as working outside.

From time to time in the underground palace, you can see staff engaged in different jobs.

Some people are researching dark magic, some are developing magic tools, and some are cultivating ghost mushrooms.

The underground palace, which was not affected by the wind and snow at all, was still operating as usual.

Although it was still early, the cafeteria in Demon King City had already started construction.

The chefs selected ingredients from the warehouse and prepared today's special recipe.

Although it is very hard to change the recipe every day. But seeing everyone's happy smiling faces while eating makes me feel proud and satisfied.

Chefs, like everyone else, see this as their mission, their way of demonstrating their worth.

It was the Demon King Army who created the conditions for everyone to have enough to eat.

It not only makes everyone full, but also allows everyone to choose, so that they can eat well.

Then I naturally can't live up to this hard-won happiness.

If I can catch up with the good times, I must maximize the benefits of the Demon King Army.

It's nothing to be tired. Let all the Demon King Army eat delicious food, make everyone energetic and motivated, and contribute better to the construction of the Demon King Army. This is the quality that members of the Demon King Army should have.

While cooking, the chefs couldn't help but want to laugh when they thought of everyone sticking out their thumbs and praising them while eating.

"Master Li Muran said that it's cold in winter, and we need to increase nutrition to ensure our health. Let's think of recipes according to this aspect."

"Understood. I will go to Master Bella for advice and ask her to teach you some recipes suitable for winter."

"Okay. New recipes to learn again. Hooray."

While the kitchen is in full swing, work on the farm has also started early.

Although it is winter now, the mountains are covered by heavy snow.

In other places, farming has long since stopped, entering the slack season.

But on the Demon King's side, neither the cold weather nor the heavy snow could stop the Demon King's army from continuing to grow food.

Not long ago, Li Muran promoted the greenhouse planting method in the Demon King's Army.

The fields that do not need fallow basal manure have temporarily built greenhouses.

With the use of greenhouses, even in winter, on this snowy day, you can still farm.

There is white snow outside, but looking inside through the plastic film, it is full of life.

If the school feels separated from the time and space outside, the feeling here is that it is out of place with the real time and space. The time and space in the greenhouse entered spring earlier than outside.

With the greenhouse, the agricultural scientists are as happy as those scientific researchers.

If Li Muran hadn't stopped them, they would have slept in the shed.

In their words, this is something that they have never seen before, and they dare not even think about it. How could you not be excited.

Not only the greenhouse, but everyone can't wait to plant the fresh seeds that Li Muran bought from

Everyone is looking forward to the seeds germinating as soon as possible, flowering and bearing fruit. Then harvest new food.

With the greenhouse, the Demon King's army can still eat out-of-season vegetables and fruits.

Everyone is full of expectations for the magical greenhouse that can ignore the winter.

There are not only farmlands but also farms on the farm.

With the expansion of the Demon King's army to the farm.

Now the scale of the farm is quite large.

Not only the mounts used as transportation, but also various livestock and monsters for meat.

While the scale is expanding, the breeding technology is also gradually improving, and it is gradually becoming more scientific.

With the current breeding scale of the Demon King Army, it is not difficult for the Demon King Army to eat meat every day.

Because of the renovation of the farm, they were replaced with houses with roofs, and stoves were installed in the houses.

Therefore, the livestock lived comfortably and were not affected by the winter.

Li Muran got up early in the morning.

The moment he came out of the quilt, he was still a little cold, and he shivered uncontrollably.

Looking back at the quilt again, I found someone inside.

It's nothing new for someone to sneak into their bed in the middle of the night.

No matter how many times I say it, no one listens. They even broke the door lock of Li Muran's room in order to get under the covers.

In the end, Li Muran gave up struggling.

Taking a sneak peek, it was Leila, the Dragon Lady, who was sleeping in the bed today.

Dragon Lady Leila came to get under the covers, which means that today is Friday.

Black Bean is Monday, Gorehowl is Tuesday, Christian is Wednesday, Bella is Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Looking at the people in the bed, you can directly know today's date, even saving the calendar.

Long Niang was sleeping soundly and didn't want to disturb her. Li Muran covered the quilt carefully and went to get dressed.

At this time, Bella in pajamas would push open the door of Li Muran's room and ask Li Muran to have breakfast.

By the way, with a pale face, he pulled Leila off the bed.

"How many times have I said that. That's my place."

Although I know it's useless, I still have to say it every time.

Claiming sovereignty over the bed seems to be what Bella struggles with the most.

It had become routine for Bella.

Anyway, I got used to it, and Li Muran watched the daily unfolding with a normal heart, just like watching his wife preaching to the children.

Of course, it was useless to say a little bit, after being lectured by Bella, Leila ran back to sleep again.

Li Muran and Bella came to the living room for breakfast.

At this time, Christian and Black Bean, who had turned into human forms, would run down from the second floor.

Even Gorehowl took human form and sat together at the edge of the table.

It feels like there are many more people.

Bella yelled a few times with a pale face, Tina Li, who was disheveled and dressed so sexy that people didn't know where to put her eyes, staggered down.

Her hair was messy, her clothes were crooked, revealing a large part of her body, and she was breathing while rubbing her eyes.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a demon king, but like a female office worker who took paid leave to sleep in at home.

While scratching her belly, Ti Nali, who was becoming less and less like a demon king, sat behind the table, and Leila, who had returned to sleep, also came out of Li Muran's room.

Now the people are finally all together.

Bella said something, 'Think more about the people who prepare the food for you. ’ Complaints such as ‘I know how hard it is to take care of your troubled children’, but they still prepared food for everyone seriously.

Like a mother who works while complaining.

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