Fortunately, the difficult road is not long. After entering the depths of the cave, the space suddenly becomes brighter.

From being able to barely get in and out by curling up alone, to a person who throws off his arms and walking without feeling hindered, and soon to the point where even several people walking side by side will not feel crowded.

In a blink of an eye, the original narrow dog hole became an open underground palace.

With a light from the fire, you can barely see the cave.

The walls and the ground have been treated to look very tidy

It is obvious that this is man-made, not naturally formed.

It matches the description of the 'land of no sleep' where the lich hides in the legend.

The air in the space is very crisp, with a strong smell of dust and a weak air flow.

Before entering the cave, Bajada worried that the space would be filled with poisonous gas.

Now it seems that worry is unnecessary.

The sleepless place where the Lich stayed was different from what was expected. It didn't seem to be a completely sealed space. Apart from the gap discovered by the pigs, there should be at least one exit to connect with the outside world.

This way the air will flow.

Put the torch close to the wall, and you can see strange patterns on the wall.

Judging from Bahada's experience, it should be a kind of text.

But Bahada had never seen such writing.

Because I couldn't understand it, after a few glances, I was no longer interested.

The cave is very clean. Except for the thick dust accumulated over the years. Haven't come across anything weird yet.

Speaking of the Lich's territory, Bahida's first reaction was that there must be many evil things here.

Corpse, totem, evil incident material.

Also, like the mysterious facility called 'Dungeon', it is also inhabited by original monsters. .

Bahada and his party need to eliminate the monsters first, go through difficulties and obstacles all the way, and finally meet the Lich.

After all, this kind of expansion is very popular, and it is already considered kingly content.

It's a pity that Bajada guessed wrong.

Not only are there no evil things here, there are no native monsters either.

Bahadar and his party moved forward slowly without encountering any obstacles. Not to mention monsters, I haven't even encountered a spider or a mouse.

Smooth down to a silky degree.

Under various circumstances, people cannot associate this space with the evil Lich.

This made Bahada couldn't help but think that 'the pig-headed tribe found the wrong one'.

This is just an ancient abandoned relic, not a 'sleepless place' where liches exist.

Even if this were indeed the 'land that never sleeps', the lich might have disappeared long ago.

The last time a lich appeared was a long time ago. At that time, the pig-headed king had not yet been born.

After such a long time, the Lich's energy might have been exhausted long ago, and he died.

Perhaps even the dead bones have weathered, and there are no traces of existence left in this world.

The further you go, the stronger this idea becomes.

Bajada's mood improved, and his confidence also increased.

Thinking of not having to face the dangerous lich, Bahida heaved a sigh of relief.

Although it is a pity that the pig-head king's plan to win over the Lich fell through, it has nothing to do with Bahada.

Bahadar had never been so happy to fail a mission as he was now.

Just when Bahada felt that this adventure would return in vain, and he was already preparing to persuade the pig-headed people to return the same way and listen to the pig-headed king's reprimand, General Bai, who was walking in the front, suddenly reacted violently.

Holding the L-shaped branch in both hands, General Bai shouted excitedly.

"There is a reaction. Right in front, the reaction is violent. It must be a lich. We found the lich."

General Bai's words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Bajada's blood pressure to soar instantly.

My heart sank, and there was a feeling that something was broken.

Bahada felt dizzy for a while, and after looking through the faint light of the torch, he was surprised to find that the branch in General Bai's hand was trembling slightly.

As if they were alive, the two branches swayed from side to side in General Bai's hands. After trembling for a while, they pointed in the same direction and stabilized completely.

This phenomenon is very strange. If it is not General Bai himself who is playing tricks, then there is a real ghost.

Before Bajada had time to gather his thoughts, he hadn't said "don't make such a joke at this time" out of his mouth. Something appeared in front of the team.

You can feel it even if you don't look at it.

Because that terrifying sense of presence and pressure is so strong, it is impossible to ignore him.

Bahada was sweating profusely, and the pig-headed elite fighters around him who were not afraid of death were trembling, retreating instinctively, and the hand holding the torch shook afterimage.

Barely suppressing the huge uneasiness and fear, he raised his head slightly.

What followed was a pale bone.

It's human skeletons. Wearing almost rotten clothes, holding a staff, and a soul-sucking red light flickering in the eye sockets.

Because it is a human skeleton, he is not huge in size.

Bahadar and the Pigheads were also used to death.

Corpses and skeletons are commonplace.

But this thing is different.

It is obviously a dry bone, or the dry bone of a weak human being. But he exudes a very bad breath.

That breath made Bajada feel sick, feeling that his lungs were being compressed and he couldn't breathe, and he had a strong sense of resistance for no reason.

Resisting approaching him, resisting looking at him, resisting even knowing that he exists.

That is the rejection engraved in the soul.

It is the reaction that all living beings will have when facing this special existence.

It's the laws of the world at work.

Even if you have never heard of the legend of the Lich, when facing this existence, you will clearly know that 'he is not good'.

Impossible to get it wrong.

The presence alone can kill a person.

This is the lich that Bahada and others were looking for did not run away.

Too bad Bajada just wanted to run after seeing the real guy.

Compared to Bahada, General Bai seemed extremely excited.

You could tell he was one of those fanatics.

Facing the Lich, who was constantly releasing a strong sense of oppression and an ominous aura, General Bai stretched out his arms, trembling with excitement.

He almost fell to his knees and begged the Lich to accept him as his younger brother.

Bahada kept frowning, but he also admired his courage.

After saying a lot of flattering words with emotion.

General Bai began to describe the purpose of this trip.

"Please Lich join us. Let's form an alliance and destroy the evil Demon King's army together. After defeating the Demon King's army, we will rule the forest together. You can have as many souls as you need."

After General Bai finished speaking, the Lich also made a sound.


It's a pity that it is incomprehensible.

The well-informed Bahadar had never heard such a language. No, it should be said that I don't know whether this is a language at all.

Can liches really talk? Or, is this just the voice of a pure soul?

General Bai chattered a lot again.

And the lich still responded with incomprehensible content.

Seeing the red light in Lich's eyes getting stronger and stronger, General Bai also began to become uneasy.

ps: Thanks to Mr. Zhenmao for your reward, and thank you for your support as always;

Thanks to the black car fan No. 69 for the reward;

Thanks for the reward from the evil emperor under the moon;

Thanks to the 23N living dead boss for the reward:

I've been a little uncomfortable these days. I had a day off yesterday, and I will continue to code today.

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