Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 271 Do the cruelest thing with the cutest action

All Ursines speak in a coquettish way, and the content of the words of encouragement is especially gentle.

"Thank you everyone. I, I will work hard."

Xiong Da also waved his hands in response to everyone while wiping away his tears.

This picture, the more you look at it, the more it hurts your eyes.

Li Muran weakly told Xiong Da to hurry up.

"Please begin your performance."

"Yes, yes. If you don't do it well, I hope everyone will be more considerate. Hitting things with your fists is too, too brutal. Me, I'm not very good at it."

I almost complained, are you a novelist who is ready to run away at any time?

As soon as you come up, prepare yourself for the steps to go down?

Also, is boxing considered barbaric?

If you were to fight the pig-headed tribe, wouldn't you scare yourself to death before the battle started?

so tired. The mental value is consumed quickly.

The training is so tiring, and the complaints are also very tiring.

Xiong Da finally stood in front of the board.

Eyes closed, head turned to one side.

While making a cute sound like 'Oh', he punched his right fist.

so slow.


It felt like a girl punching.

Li Muran was afraid that he would yell "It hurts" later.

Possession is also bad.

Stand with your legs apart, not clasped.

It's a layman's job.

The fist floated in mid-air for more than ten seconds before hitting the board.

Li Muran almost couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.

"I, I did it. So happy."

The bear jumped up excitedly.

The other Ursines also celebrated for him.

"Thank you for your hard work. You were able to overcome the fear in your heart and do such a barbaric thing as boxing."

"Good job. With your momentum, it is safe for us to become stronger."

"I'm inspired. It seems that if we put our minds to it, we can do it. I want to be as strong as you."

"The future of our bear people is bright."

What is it all about.

Li Muran turned to Bella, Yisha and others, seeking an explanation from them.

As a result, Bella, Isa and the others were also in a daze, shaking their heads desperately, saying that they had never seen such a big scene.

Although the various behaviors of the bear people are eye-catching.

But in the next second.

The wooden plank that was lightly touched by the Ursines suddenly shattered into pieces.

This, how is this played?

Is it the delayed play in "Martial Arts"? Is it the lost martial art called 'Hua Jin'?

Compared to the excitement of Li Muran and others, Xiong Da and the Xiongren fell into panic.

"No, it's not good. I broke the plank of the Demon Lord."

"It actually broke the props. This, this is a big mistake."

"Yes, what should we do? How should we pay for it?"

"Master Demon King will be angry."

"I, I don't know. I just touched it lightly. I didn't mean to. Trust me."

Look at the bear people again.

The excitement that had just risen was suppressed.

At this moment, the resistance of the Demon King Army cadres to abnormal emotional fluctuations has collectively improved.

"Next one, Xiong Er, go hug that tree."

"Yes. Yes. Just to clarify in advance. I, I'm not good at it."

"Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up."

Xiong Er was the same as Xiong Da just now, he twitched for a long time like a girl.

Then, amidst the cheers and encouragement of other bear people, he gave the tree pole a gentle hug.

Li Muran is used to the sharp eye movements of the Xiongren tribe, so he doesn't bother to complain.

And this time was no exception, the big tree was broken in the middle.

The bearmen yelled again for breaking things.

But Li Muran no longer cared about their reactions.

And looking at the tree that was broken off, the tree kept frowning.

Next, continue to test a few items.

Make the Ursine standing long jump.

The Xiongren took off with a very motherly movement, jumped a distance of about 5 meters, and smashed a big hole in the ground.

Let the bearmen lift weights.

The Xiongren lifted a 200-jin weight with a very motherly posture.

Let the Ursine throw.

The bear people threw the stone in a nasty posture, and then pierced through the wall of the magic stone workshop set up far away. Scared the dark elf mage who was working. Everyone came out to scold their mothers.

This made the bear people panic and apologized again and again.

After testing all the items, none of the bear people showed enough masculinity and masculinity.

But looking at the severely damaged training ground as if the bombers passed through the border, it was frightening.

"How should I put it? This is beyond the point where you can't use a sword in your hand. You should be holding an atomic bomb in your hand."

"Although I don't understand what the atomic bomb you are talking about is. But I seem to understand what Li Muran is thinking now."

Li Muran completely underestimated the destructive power of the bear people.

Bear people are walking chariots, and everyone is a boss unit.

In terms of strength alone, they are definitely worthy of the title of the four major races of Death Song Forest.

Rather, it is the head of the four major races.

It's more terrifying than the pig-head clan, dark elves, and the Demon King's army combined.

The problem is that these guys will not use this power.

With simple and cute movements, actions without evil intentions, causing the greatest damage.

This is very similar to White Tail in a sickly state.

No, the situation of the Ursines was much more dire than that of Whitetail.

Just think about a group of muscular bearded men running over in twitching poses, making kawaii voices saying "so scary", "scary people" and "flower Q", while playing slapstick big The tree will punch through the house and trample the ground down.

Just ask if you are afraid or not.

When children watch it, it is 100% able to leave an indelible psychological shadow for a lifetime.

A mature adult like Li Muran will feel a heart attack after watching it, and he will probably have nightmares at night and be unable to sleep.

Compared with physical damage, the bear people caused more serious damage to everyone's hearts.

Let Li Muran, who has seen the world, evaluate it, this is definitely more terrifying than a sick and murderous maniac.

Seeing Li Muran, Bella, Isa, Tuyang and Baiwei fell silent.

The bear people thought that everyone was angry because they destroyed the facilities and finances of the Demon King Army.

Everyone was shocked and rushed to apologize and beg for mercy.

"Lord Demon Lord, please, please forgive us. We didn't mean to."

Of course Li Muran knew that the bear tribe didn't do it on purpose.

If they did it on purpose, let alone the facilities. The Demon King City can be demolished by them.

Huskies, which are famous for tearing down houses, are dogs compared to these bear people.

It was because I knew they didn't do it on purpose that I felt lingering fear and fear.

On the contrary, those who directly express their evil intentions and directly destroy them are pediatric behaviors.

After going through various trials, the members of the Demon King Army who have been able to calm down for a long time can not only greet them without blushing and heartbeat, but even hold a welcome party for them.

"Welcome, welcome. It's been a long time since I've seen an orthodox bad guy like you. We're all very excited!"

While imagining that scene, Li Muran responded with a wry smile to the trembling Xiongren who kept apologizing.

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