Chapter 373

According to rumors, the Southern Tang emperors often used Li Mo to reward heroes, and after Song Taizu, all emperors used Tinggui Mo to write edicts. Every year, Huizhou paid 1,000 catties of ink to the imperial court. Due to the monopoly of the rulers, it is difficult to buy the ink made by Li's father and son in the market.

During the Qingli period, a piece of Tinggui ink was sold for 10,000 yuan. Later Shezhou was renamed Huizhou, and Li Tinggui was hailed as the founder of Huimo by later generations.

Legend has it that Li Tinggui made ink with very particular attention to materials. He used pine smoke, pearls, jade chips, borneol, raw lacquer, deer antler glue, rhino horn, musk and other precious items, which were made after pounding for 100,000 times. Therefore, Li Mo is as hard as stone, rich in texture, and glossy as lacquer. It can even be used as a knife to cut wood and cut paper.

The existing Li Mo is "Hanlin Fengyue" in the collection of the Palace Museum on Baodao Island.

And only 857!

"Who is this Li Yangui, so powerful." Zhang Tianai was suddenly shocked.

Never heard the name.

"Li Yangui, a famous ink maker in the Southern Tang Dynasty, formerly known as Xi Yangui, was an excellent ink maker, and was highly appreciated by Li Yu, the late master of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

"So that's the case." Zhang Tianai nodded.

"From the point of view of this ink, whether it is the weight, texture, smell, pattern, and words, it is the same as the records about Li Mo in the book, but can I test it?" , and some itchy hands.

I want to try it.

"How to try?" Zhou Ye asked.

"As I said just now, Li Mo is as hard as stone, with rich texture and luster like lacquer. It can be used as a knife, cutting wood and cutting paper. This is the most accurate way to identify Li Mo, but this piece of Li Mo is too precious, so it cannot be used. The second method requires grinding, because Yangui ink is very durable and very little ink is used for writing. Xu Xuan, a calligrapher and writer of the Song Dynasty, got a piece of Li ink, about a foot long, which he cherished very much. The younger brother uses this ink together, writing at least 5,000 words a day, but it took ten years to use it up.

But we don't have anyone here who is very good at calligraphy and painting, and the ink produced by research will be a lot of waste, so I really want to verify, it is best to find a calligraphy or painting master, and then use the researched Li Mo to create, it will be more Reasonable, and the lesser of two evils. Whether it is for grinding and writing, or for cutting paper and wood, it is easier to damage the ink stick itself. From now on, the first two methods are not enough, and only the third one can be used, which is soaked in water.

Li Mo itself has a very big characteristic. It is of high quality and preciousness. According to records, there was a nobleman who accidentally dropped a piece of Li Mo into the pool. At that time, he thought that the ink would be damaged when it was blistered, so he did not fish it out. After more than a month, when he was drinking beside the pond, he dropped another gold utensil into the pond. This time he sent someone to go into the water to find it. That ingot Li Mo. I saw that after the ingot of Li Mojing was soaked in water, the light and color did not change, and the inside and outside were as new. According to legend, some inks will not deteriorate after being soaked in water for three years. But it doesn't take us so long to identify, three hours is enough." Zhong Lao stretched out three fingers, "Later, people regarded this method as the most practical method to identify Li Mo, which would not damage Li Mo himself, but also know the truth.”

Zhou Ye somewhat understood why the red ink pad and gold paint fell off.

The reason is here.

"Oh my God, bring a basin of water over here."

"Got it, husband." Zhang Tianai brought out a basin of clear water from the side.

Li Yang slowly put Li Mo into the water, only to see the clear water rippling for a while and then calm down without any change.

"As I said earlier, the color of the ink pad here has faded, which means that people are often soaked in water, and the ink is fine, but this ink pad is different. When it encounters water, it will fade, and this ink is different. Really The texture of Li Mo is very hard and fine, like jade, it will not dissolve in water."

"I didn't expect the knowledge here to be so great." Zhang Tianai secretly stunned.

"Let's let it stay in the water first, and let's take a look at what's underneath." The experiment will take some time, so several people turned their attention to the other three antiques.

Zhou Ye stepped forward and picked up the second item.

Although Zhou Ye didn't see it, but by touching the shape, he already knew what it was.

She took off the cloth, and a plate appeared in front of everyone.

The plate is very beautiful, with a folded edge, a diamond-like mouth, a flat center, and a ring foot. The whole body is covered with blue-white glaze, and the base is unglazed. The inside and outside of the plate are painted with blue and white decorations. The folded edge is painted with a grass scroll pattern, the blue and white mesh on the inner wall highlights the white tangled peony pattern, the edge of the disk is surrounded by a grass scroll pattern, the blue and white ground in the center sets off a dragon and a phoenix, and the space is lined with white lotus flowers and cloud patterns. The outer wall is painted with tangled lotus patterns, the whole body is simple and elegant, the porcelain blue and white hair color is pure, and the composition is rigorous.

The inner diameter of the plate is about 20 centimeters, and the outer diameter is about 25 centimeters. It belongs to a large plate.

According to the information from the eyes, this belongs to Yuan Qinghua.

Moreover, it is the Yuan blue and white plate, which is very precious.

Chapter 374 The Royal Sister's Style

Li Yang took Yuan Qinghua from Zhou Ye's hand, looked at it carefully, and watched it carefully.

In his eyes, a piece of information emerged, and with the knowledge he had learned, he suddenly understood everything.

In fact, Li Yang's eyes can identify dynasties, timelines, and what objects are.

But the specific origin and other knowledge can only be obtained by reading.

There are many types of blue and white utensils in the Yuan Dynasty, most of which are practical utensils for life, some are special utensils for sacrifice, and a few are decorative utensils. The more common types of cans are: large and small cans, including pan-mouthed animal head cans, lid cans, two-series and four-series cans. Bottles: plum bottle, gourd bottle, elephant ear bottle, garlic head bottle, etc. Types of pots: Yuhuchun, holding pots, lid pots, four-line square pots, flat pots, dragon and phoenix pots, phoenix head pots, lying pots, etc. Plate types: large and small discs, large and small Lingkou plates, folded edge plates, etc. There are also large and small bowls, butterflies, small boxes, goblet, three-legged stove, maizhen, flower goblet and so on.

various kinds.

However, such a large plate is not something that ordinary people can use in their homes.

"Boss, if I'm not mistaken, this should be a blue-and-white dragon and phoenix with auspicious patterns of the Yuan Dynasty, and it was made in Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty." Li Yang did not dare to say too much.

The Jingdezhen potters in the Yuan Dynasty made further innovations on the basis of inheriting the achievements of porcelain making in the Tang and Song dynasties, made up for the lack of roughness in shape and craftsmanship, and made the blue and white of the Yuan Dynasty more exquisite. Blue and white are combined with engraving, printing, porcelain sculpture, bas-relief and other techniques, and the painting gives full play to the artistic effect of blue and white. There are several styles of blue and white on white, blue and white or blue and white line drawing. When decorating, craftsmen use different techniques in combination with different types of utensils, and some use two or three methods or a combination of several methods. The painting method of Yuanqinghua decoration is mainly flat painting, combined with hooking, chopping, dotting and dyeing techniques, the lines are vigorous and powerful, showing the superb painting ability of the craftsmen of the Yuan Dynasty.

On this dragon and phoenix Chengxiang large pattern plate, all the characteristics can be reflected.

While holding the blue and white plate, Li Yang was talking to Zhou Ye and Zhang Tianai.

But Zhang Tianai didn't understand, his head was dizzy.

What are these.

Fortunately, Zhang Tianai was very smart. Although he didn't understand a little, he didn't leave.

"In the main pattern of Yuanqinghua, plants include: peony pattern, lotus pattern, chrysanthemum pattern, pine, bamboo and plum pattern, moon plum pattern, etc. In addition to the above main flowers, morning glory, camellia, begonia, Chinese roses, jujube flowers, Hemerocallis, Ganoderma lucidum, plantains, bamboo and stone grapes, melons and fruits, grasses and insects, etc. are used to set off the picture. Animals include: dragon pattern, phoenix pattern, unicorn pattern, fish and algae pattern, mandarin duck lying lotus pattern, peacock pattern, deer pattern pattern, hippocampus pattern, etc.

Among them, the dragon pattern of the Yuan Dynasty is very distinctive. The body is slender and slender like a snake, the dragon head is flat and long, with double horns, open mouth and teeth, slender neck, thin four legs, uneven tendons, and three, four or five fingers on the claws. , The split is strong, and the elbow hair and tail mane are all flame-shaped. Look at the characteristics of the dragon and the phoenix, are they very consistent, and there is an inscription in the Yuan Dynasty, starting from the first year of Yanyou in the Yuan Dynasty, "Double-horned five-claw dragon pattern" and "Kirin, Luanfeng, White rabbit, Ganoderma lucidum" "Wait, ministers and concubines are not allowed to use it.

Therefore, all blue-and-white wares with forbidden patterns are also official kilns produced by the folk kilns, so this dragon and phoenix Chengxiang large pattern plate should be an official kiln, and it is also a fine product in the palace. According to my guess, this should be for the emperor. Queen's."

"Then, how much is this market worth?" Zhang Tianai couldn't help but ask.

"A priceless treasure, if you really want to sell it, at least hundreds of millions, probably higher." This is something Li Yang can't estimate.

Because, no one would be willing to buy or sell.

This is China's national treasure.

"Hundreds of millions?" Zhang Tianai really couldn't understand why the value of this thing was so high.

Isn't it just a piece of porcelain?

Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times.

This is not to say casually.

The value of gold is important in troubled times, because money is messed up.

Paper money is useless at all.

. . . .

But in the prosperous times, many people were not poor in money and began to be arty.

Begin to carry out cultural inheritance.

That is to say, there is no shortage of firewood, rice, oil and salt, and I have begun to pursue spirituality.


"Oh my god, can you not be so vulgar?" Zhou Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Money, just think about money.

Can you improve your thinking a little bit?

"Husband, of course you don't care if you are so rich. We are different from you." Zhang Tianai rolled his eyes when he heard Zhou Ye's words.

"Gosh, just tell me if you are short of money, it's useless for your husband to support you." Zhou Ye stretched out his hand and stroked Zhang Tianai's smooth hair.

Zhang Tianai's temperament is very good and outstanding.

In Zhou Ye's previous life, what she liked most was that she wore a dress, long skirt, high heels, and her hair was scattered on her shoulders. She had a very outstanding temperament.

Like a royal lady.

That's really... so fascinated by Zhou Ye.

"Yes," Zhang Tianai nodded obediently when he heard Zhou Ye's words.

Chapter 375 Song Huizong Tian Huangshi Seal

Zhou Ye happily put the Yuanqinghua dragon and phoenix Chengxiang large plate in place, and took out the third antique.

This antique is wrapped in a red silk.

Can't see what's inside.

But in Zhou Ye's eyes, there is a rich treasure light.

Very bright.

It kept stimulating Zhou Ye's eyes.

Zhou Ye took the red silk away, took out the contents, and saw that it was a seal.

I saw that the seal was square, with a side length of about six centimeters and a height of about nine centimeters. There was a five-clawed golden dragon lying on it, dragon beard, longan, and dragon scales. The handwriting looks very elegant.

The whole seal is neither heavy nor light, and it feels very comfortable to hold in the hand.

And the seal looks very soft and makes people feel very comfortable.

"This is..." Li Yang took it from Zhou Ye's hand and looked at it carefully.

"What a beautiful seal", even Zhang Tianai 31, his eyes could not help but light up, "Is this jade?"

"Accurately speaking, this is Tian Huang Jade Stone, and it is also the best among them - Tian Huang Frozen Stone. Regardless of its historical value and literary value, this Tian Huang Stone itself is worth tens of millions." Li Yang knew that Zhang Tianai used to use money to measure things.

So, an approximate price is given.

Money can't buy this thing.

The Tianhuang Frozen Stone, thought to be the best, can be met but not sought.

"Tens of millions, so expensive? Just this small stone?" Zhang Tianai didn't understand the value of Tian Huangshi, and was a little unbelievable.

Yes, people who don't understand Tian Huangshi might throw him into a ditch.

"God, don't talk nonsense if you don't know, this thing is not common, believe it or not, as long as I release the news, many people will come to buy my seal", Zhou Ye put his arms around Zhang Tianai's waist.

"Not only that, they will fight," Li Yang echoed.

"Does this thing have a great origin?"

"It can't be said that the origin is great, it can only be said that it is rare, and this material in our hands is even more scarce. Tian Huangshi, referred to as "Tian Huang", is produced under the rice fields on both sides of "Shoushan Stream" in Shoushan Township, Fuhai City. Named for its yellow color, it is one of the best varieties of Shoushan Stone.

Tianhuang stone and Shoushan stone are basically the same or similar, but because of their rarity and high price, they have long become an independent seal stone variety. Tian Huangshi, one of the "Three Treasures of Yinshi", presents yellow, white, red, black and other colors, among which yellow is the most common. With pearl luster, glass luster, oil luster, slightly transparent to translucent, a few transparent. The texture is dense, delicate, moist and smooth.

What is particularly striking is that the radish-like fine lines are vaguely visible in the muscles, the color is thick outside and gradually fades inward, and the surface is sometimes covered with yellow or gray-black stone skin, with red plaids in between.

It is the unique appearance feature of Tian Huangshi, which is known as "no grain is not a field", "no skin is not a field", "no pattern is a field". It is true that in terms of its stone quality, purity is still the most valuable.

Tian Huangshi is a treasure among Shoushan stone varieties. Because it has the meaning of "Fu" (Fujian), "Shou" (Shoushan), "Tian" (wealth), "Yellow" (the emperor's special color), it has the characteristics of fine, clean, moist, greasy, warm, and condensed stone. Six virtues, so it is called "Di Shi", and became the national stone dedicated to worshiping the sky in the Qing Dynasty.

According to historical records, the governor of Fuzhou in the Qing Dynasty carved the "three-chain seal" with a whole piece of high-quality Tian Huang, which was regarded as a treasure by Emperor Qianlong and passed down from generation to generation in the Qing Dynasty; when Emperor Xianfeng was dying, he gave Cixi a Tian Huang Royal Seal; the last dynasty disintegrated, Puyi didn't want all the treasures, and only sewed the "three consecutive chapters" into the cotton coat. As for folklore, Tian Huangshi is a gem left in the world when a woman's misfortune mended the sky. It is also said that it was changed by a phoenix egg. It is also said that Tian Huangshi can drive away disasters and ward off evil spirits.

Most of Tian Huangshi are egg-shaped, so when you touch it with your hands, it will feel smooth and gentle. A good Tian Huangshi still needs to be artistically processed. The processing methods include thin meaning, relief, round carving and making square seals.

Tian Huangshi is becoming increasingly rare and the price has skyrocketed. The price of Tian Huangshi in the auction market is very hot. The old Tianhuang seals weighing dozens of grams can easily cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan, and the top grades with slightly larger heads can be sold for 8.10 hundreds of thousands or millions of yuan.

Another reason why Tian Huangshi is rare is that on the Blue Star, only the sand layer under the long and narrow paddy fields is found on both sides of a small stream in Shoushan Village, Fujian Province. And after hundreds of years of continuous mining, the paddy fields in Shoushan Village have been dug countless times, and now they have been fully exploited, and the high-quality Tianhuang has long been a priceless treasure.

In ancient times, there was a saying that "one tael of yellow and three taels of gold", but now it should be one tael of yellow and 1,000 taels of gold, so the price of field yellow has risen rapidly."


"It turns out to be so precious." Zhang Tianai seemed to be listening to the story. After listening to it, he was stunned inwardly. He didn't expect Tian Huangshi to be so precious.

"Then do you see who this seal belongs to?" Zhang Tianai was very curious.

"If I expected it right, it should be the seal of Song Huizong Zhao Ji." Li Yang had already determined whose seal it was.

"No way, this seal has a gourd engraved on it." Zhang Tianai heard the seal of Song Huizong Zhao Ji, and his first reaction was that he didn't believe it. How could an emperor be so boring and engraved a gourd on it.

Chapter 376 System Hidden Missions - The Task of Sending Points to the Master Danqing

Hearing this, Li Yang couldn't help but smile.

"Because it is a gourd, it is more certain that it belongs to Song Huizong. According to legend, Song Huizong has a collection of seals called Xuanhe Qixi, one of which is the 'Yushu' gourd seal, and the gourd pattern on the seal is composed of The text is exactly the word 'yushu', that's why I'm so sure." He has done a lot of research on this.

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