Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1118 If you miss it, you miss it

After leaving Paradise Bar, Su Zhe was in a much better mood than when he came.

In addition to drinking some wine just now, he was already a little drunk, so he didn't think about what happened last night anymore.

Moreover, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie's explanations also made Su Zhe understand that even worrying about some things would not help, and would only make himself more troubled.

When Su Zhe came to Paradise Bar today, he came by car instead of driving.

Because he came to Paradise Bar just to drink and relieve his worries.

Since Su Zhe was ready to drink from the beginning, he would naturally not drive here again. He did not want to drink and drive.

Originally, Fu Yanjie wanted to have someone drive him back, but Su Zhe refused because although he had drunk, there was no problem in going back by himself, so he didn't want to trouble others.

When Su Zhe left, Su Xin had not left yet and was still singing and drinking in the bar. He took the first step and left Paradise Bar first.

Just when he left Paradise Bar and was about to wait for a taxi.

A car drove over and stopped in front of him. When Su Zhe was confused, the door opened and a woman walked out. Her appearance made his eyes change, but he soon recovered. .

Shu Muyu, dressed as a white-collar worker, appeared in front of Su Zhe.

"Su Zhe, why are you here?" Shu Muyu walked up to Su Zhe and asked after getting out of the car.

"I just had a drink with my friends, and now I'm getting ready to go back. What about you?" Su Zhe explained. asked.

"I just finished working overtime and am about to go back. How about I drive you back!"

"No, I can just take the car back later. It's very late. You should go back first! Aunt Shu should be anxious at home."

Su Zhe's tone was very flat, and it was this flatness that made Shu Muyu feel strange.

Shu Muyu knew very well that he was still the same person and had not changed. But she no longer belonged to Su Zhe. This realization made her heart feel very painful and cold.

But she also knew that this could not be changed, because she took the initiative to leave Su Zhe.

Although Shu Muyu chose to be with Zheng Yan in order to treat Shu's mother, she also chose to leave in order not to drag Su Zhe down.

But no matter what, things have happened and there is no way to go back to the past.

For a moment, the two fell into silence. No one knew what to say.

After a long time, Su Zhe spoke again. Breaking the silence: "Is this the car you bought?"

He was referring to the car Shu Muyu drove over just now.

"No, this is the company's car. It can be driven back to people who work overtime." Shu Muyu shook his head and explained.

"Then your company's benefits are pretty good." Su Zhe said with a smile.

It seemed that Shu Muyu had found a good job, and he was happy for her.

At that time, Su Zhe thought about asking Shu Muyu to come over and help him, but he didn't expect that she had already found a job, so he never mentioned it again.

"Yeah! It's okay." Shu Muyu said.

After a while, when Su Zhe had nothing to say, she continued: "You haven't been to my house for a long time. Mom has told me several times that she really wants to see you."

"Oh! Really? Then please tell Aunt Shu, I will find a time to visit her." Su Zhe also knew that he did not visit Aunt Shu for a long time because he was worried that seeing Shu Muyu would make him angry. Both parties were embarrassed, so he was subconsciously avoiding it.

"Thank you." Shu Muyu was grateful to him.

"No need to say thank you. Aunt Shu is so kind to me. It's what I should do if I go to visit her." Su Zhe shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Shu Muyu couldn't help but smile bitterly. Her smile looked very bitter.

If she had not made the wrong choice at that time, would she and him still be together now, as happy as before?

Shu Muyu didn't know the answer. The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. There were no ifs in life. Some things happened that could never be undone.

Sometimes, if you take a wrong step, you can never look back.

So no matter how sad I am now, I am just trying to atone for my past mistakes.

"You go back first! Don't let Aunt Shu wait for you at home. She will be worried." Su Zhe continued.

Hearing this, Shu Muyu felt bitter in her heart because she thought Su Zhe asked her to go back again and again because he didn't want to see her or stay with her anymore, so he said this. This made her I felt very sad.

But she also knew how sad and sad Su Zhe would be when she left, because she herself was also heartbroken and she had no choice but to leave him.

"You really don't need me to send him off? Anyway, we are all on the way." Shu Muyu asked again. She wanted to stay with him for a while longer.

However, Su Zhe refused again and said, "No, I want to enjoy the wind here for a while. You can go back first!"

Shu Muyu's eyes dimmed, as if she had lost all color in an instant, and she said, "Then I'll leave first, take care of yourself."

Next, after taking one more look at him, she got in the car and left.

Su Zhe didn't look back and kept looking ahead, which made Shu Muyu even more sad.

But Shu Muyu was not the only one who was sad. Su Zhe felt very painful in his heart.

The better the memories, the more painful it would be to recall them now. The happy times between him and Shu Muyu seemed to hurt his heart every time he thought about them.

So, if possible, he didn't want to recall the past.

Some things have passed, let it pass now! It is best to never have to think about it, so that you don’t have to make yourself uncomfortable.

Therefore, Su Zhe knew that Shu Muyu had driven away, but he still did not turn around.

But what he didn't know was that Shu Muyu didn't actually leave. She just drove a little ahead, then stopped at the intersection in front, and kept watching him silently, but he didn't notice it.

At this moment, a white CEO car stopped in front of Su Zhe.

When this CEO car appeared, Su Zhe felt a little familiar. It wasn't until the people inside came out that he couldn't help but say, "Xiao Xin, why are you here?"

"I heard from Su Xin that you came here to drink. I was worried that you would get drunk and not be able to go back, so I came out to pick you up." An Xin explained to Su Zhe why he came here.

It turns out that the reason why An Xin appeared was because of Su Zhe.

"How could I get drunk? It's even more impossible that I won't be able to go back. But I still want to say thank you for coming to pick me up." Su Zhe couldn't help but smile bitterly. (To be continued...)

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