Urban: Start the Girls’ Dormitory to Catch Ghosts

Chapter 356: The Demon of Yan Shuangying is now online.

"Bag! Bag! Bag!"

Matsui Ishi shouted hysterically.

Tear a newspaper in his hand to shreds.

The content of the newspaper is the detailed report of the Japanese invaders being crushed by the 48th Army yesterday. There are pictures and facts.

This was the most tragic defeat since the Japanese invaders entered China, killing more than 10,000 imperial warriors in 40 minutes, and this happened to him.

This is the greatest shame in his life!

He has just received the news that Huaxia's army has encircled the Magic Capital for the second time. The 48th Army cannot be eliminated within two days, and the war will be anxious again.

Telegrams came from the country to rebuke him, especially the group of cattle and horses, the navy, took this to attack the army.

So he is angry now.

In front of him, a group of officers bowed their heads, trying to make themselves invisible.

"Within two days, the four-row warehouse, the order, the 3rd Division, the 11th Division, the 9th Division, the 8th Armored Squadron, the 4th Mortar Battalion, the 3rd Field Artillery Battalion, and the The four-line warehouse position is attacked!" Matsui Shi and his eyes were red, and he mobilized nearly 70,000 people to fight at one time.

To know that the enemy only has more than 30,000 people, this is the first time that their imperial army has fought with more than twice the number of the enemy, which is a shame!

"Hi!" all the officers replied at the same time.

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the sound of gunfire suddenly rang out.

"What's going on! What's going on!"

Matsui Ishi shouted loudly.

"Your Excellency Commander, the Huaxia Army is counterattacking!" A major came in to report.

Ishikawa Matsui's eyes widened: "Nani?"

He was shocked. Their imperial army now has more than 100,000 people, and the opponent's 30,000 people dare to counterattack?

Anger and humiliation followed.

Because this is contempt for him!

This is to ignore him!

"Bag Ya Lu! Organize a counterattack! Swallow them all in one bite!" Matsui Ishi roared while holding the command knife.

If Su Qing knew that Ishio Matsui was going to give him a mouthful, he would probably have been frightened and softened on the spot.

No, he is not hardened now.

At the same time, the people on the south bank of the Suzhou River and reporters from various countries in the observation group were also stunned.

"Oh maid! What are the Huaxia troops doing! They are counterattacking! It's crazy!"

"Quick, quick! Take this scene!"

"If they win, they'll shock the world, lunatics! My God! They're lunatics! Their commanders are lunatics too!"

"How can you counterattack! Isn't this suicide? It's so impulsive! So impulsive!"

"Shut up! You know how to fight better than other generals, so are you still drinking porridge here?"

"General Su! We must win!"

The riverbank was crowded with people, and all of them stared at the battlefield opposite and clenched their fists.

Don't say Chinese.

At this moment, even the foreigners were too nervous, holding their breath for the 48th Army.

A Time magazine reporter wrote: "At 9:20 a.m. on August 29, 1937, the 48th Army of the Sichuan Army, which arrived yesterday, took the initiative to attack hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops with a strength of less than 30,000, and fluttered their banners. It is written with words that I cannot understand, but it does not prevent it from flying high, the roaring tank crushes everything in front of it, and no one of the Chinese soldiers retreats."

On the battlefield on the north bank of the Suzhou River, the Japanese invaders quickly adjusted after a brief panic.

An orderly organized counterattack began, and all the artillery and tanks and armored vehicles were dispatched.

Matsui Ishikawa can no longer lose.

If he loses again, he will be transferred back to the homeland.

Never again had the opportunity to command the army.

So in the face of the 48th Army's oversight, he put all the troops in his hands to destroy them.

"Kill! Brothers! Kill the devil!"

"Send them all to hell!"


"Da da da da da..."

The soldiers of the 48th Army, with hideous faces, roared behind the tank and pulled the trigger at the devil.

Boom! Boom!

The Type 99 tank overturned one devil tank after another with an invincible attitude, rushing into the crowd and crushing it.

The devil was directly cut off by the crawler, and the gun muzzle kept spitting out cannonballs, exploding sparks everywhere.

There are many devils and strong combat effectiveness, but they also encountered the problems of the Chinese army.

That's the difference in firepower.

The gap between a single-shot rifle and an automatic rifle is too great, and there is also a gap in the range, which makes the devil often need to pay several, or even a dozen people, to kill a Chinese soldier.

There is also artillery. The artillery positions of the 48th Army have always been in the rear, far from the battlefield, but they can still accurately hit the artillery positions of the Japanese invaders.

But the Japanese artillery had nothing to do with the artillery of the 48th Army, because they couldn't shoot so far.

In addition, the North Shore was originally a city, and the Devil's army was too large to spread out, so he was suppressed by the 30,000 Sichuan Army for a while.

"Your Excellency Commander, the enemy's tanks and artillery are too powerful. No matter how we go on, even if we can win, we will pay a huge price!" A bewildered Da Zuo withdrew from the battlefield to the headquarters.

Ishikō Matsui said: "Let the fighter formation take a suicide attack to attack the enemy's artillery positions."

"Hi!" The Air Force Wing Captain did not hesitate.

Hundreds of planes then all took off, and the fighter pilot shouted that the onboard rushed to the artillery positions of the 48th Army, and some rushed to the tanks and armored vehicles.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were too many planes and not enough quick-firing guns, so even though some were stopped and shot down, there were still fish that slipped through the net and were about to land.

At this moment, a figure appeared.

"Go to Nima!"

Su Qing directly kicked the descending fighter jet out. Yes, it was kicked.

After all, the body of Jinxian level.

Is it a false name?

The people on the south bank of the Suzhou River, the 48th Army, and the devils were all stunned at this moment.

The gunfire on the battlefield even stopped.

Because everyone stared blankly at the figure that kept kicking the fighter jets.

It had long since been forgotten that there was still a war.

"My... my mother!"

Xie Zhongmin choked out such a sentence after a while.

"This is... this is divine power! No, this is an immortal, an immortal! Immortals have descended to earth!"

"General Su is a god! A **** of war!"

People at this time are more superstitious.

"Oh maid, what did I see!"

"God! I **** saw God!"

"He actually kicked the plane! Is this the legendary Chinese Kung Fu? It's shocking!"

The Japanese invaders were all terrified, looking at Su Qing as if they were watching the devil crawling out of hell.

At the Japanese aggressor headquarters, Matsui Ishikawa heard the gunfire stop and thought they had won.

"Your Excellency Commander! The commander of the 48th Army kicked our planes away!" A major ran in and said with a terrified look and a trembling voice.

Ishio Matsui: "Nani?=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇), have you been blown up in your head? Asshole (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)!"

clap clap!

He raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

"Your Excellency Commander, it's...it's true, I would rather I be stupid." Major said bitterly.

Matsui Ishi walked out with Moibu.

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