Urban Sims

Chapter 693 You must have done it on purpose!

By the way, what proposal did Zhou Ming make?

Decorate the cave.

Renovate Malygos' cave.

How to carry out decoration?

Mainly based on the dragon tribe's habits and hobbies, as well as the conditions at hand, the cave was renovated in an effort to create the most comfortable, ideal, and livable living environment.

For example, add a large number of magic lights to the walls to increase the brightness in the cave.

For example, lay a layer of moisture-proof ceramic tiles on the ground to enhance ventilation and prevent excessive moisture in the cave.

For example, a batch of artificial luminous diamonds are inlaid on the top of the cave, and the top of the cave is arranged into a brilliant starry sky... creating a three-dimensional and deep space-time in a relatively closed environment.

Another example is installing a circle of "rainbow lights" to create a colorful marquee effect, making the environment more dynamic and full of life.

The last step is to readjust the original layout and make the "golden nest" bigger, more comfortable and more beautiful...

In short, these decorations have only one purpose: to make Malygos's cave look as "trench" as possible.

Or we need to set a standard for the word "hao".

At least Zhou Ming learned from Malygos: There are not many dragons on the entire Dragon Island that can be called "trench". Even among the eight dragon elders, there is a "golden nest" that is enough to accommodate the dragon body. There are only three or four elders.

Among the eight elders, Malygos's wealth ranks in the middle.

Now, Zhou Ming has given him 1,800 cubic meters of treasure, and his wealth has increased tenfold. Among the eight dragon clan elders, his treasure ranking is absolutely No. 1.

Even [Crystal Dragon] Akris, who is good at prospecting, may not have as much treasure as he has now.

Of course, no dragon has more treasures that he "keeps" than him.

Now Malygos wants to show off his identity, show off his wealth, and make the dragons who look down on him look at him differently.

Zhou Ming wanted to use this behavior to advertise and demonstrate, so as to attract more dragons and let them become the "financial custody consultant" of the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce.

There are more than two thousand dragons of all sizes on Dragon Island. Excluding those dragon tribes with lower levels and lower strength (such as the Dragon of the Earth), there are at least 1,000 adult dragons who can be won over by Zhou Ming and become " "Financial custody consultant"...basically intends to catch all the powerful dragon clan members in one fell swoop.

Let's talk about hiring more than 1,000 dragons. If each dragon is responsible for keeping 100 billion purple gold coins (or gold coins), multiplied by 1,000, that is 1 trillion purple gold coins (or gold coins). Such a huge amount of wealth, Where did Zhou Ming get so many treasures?

In fact, the Jinyintong Chamber of Commerce, which has been established for millions of years and has countless accounts, has a total deposit amount on its books, if measured in gold coins, the total amount is at least 1 billion.

If such a large amount of deposits were all converted into gold coins, not to mention 1,000 dragons, even 100,000 dragons would not be able to be kept.

Compared with gold coins with smaller reserves, the circulation and holding amount of silver coins are more than a hundred times that of gold coins. Even if the number of dragons reaches 1 million, they cannot keep the infinite amount of silver coins.

Therefore, there is no problem in hiring 1,000 dragons as "financial custody consultants".

Zhou Ming also had his own way of transporting a huge amount of treasure to Dragon Island.

So in Malygos's cave, Zhou Ming and the others were busy for three days, and finally completed all the decoration and transformation of the cave based on the renderings on the design drawings.

After the renovation is completed, there is no need to use too many useless words to describe this cave that has been completely renewed and transformed. In short, it is just one word:


One more word means bright!

Trench and bright!

Anyway, when you walk into this cave, you will see all kinds of dazzling golden light, gemstone light, and colored light, forming strong light pollution, so bright that visitors can hardly open their eyes.

March 23rd.

A group of special guests were welcomed into the cave of the dragon elder, the green dragon Malygos.

They are respectively the elder of the [Fire Dragon] clan - the red dragon Yilanjielin, the elder of the [Crystal Dragon] clan - the purple dragon Akris, the elder of the [Sky Dragon] clan - the white dragon Kraken, the [Thunder and Lightning] clan elder There are a total of seven dragons including the elder of the dragon clan - the black dragon Uraus.

When these seven dragon elders were personally visited by Malygos and invited them to visit his new cave, none of them were particularly cold.

"If you don't go, who will go to your dark, damp and smelly cave?" Purple Dragon Acris refused outright, changed into a comfortable position, and continued to lie on her golden bed.

"How about I give you 10 boxes of purple gold coins?" Malygos took out a box of purple gold coins from his space ring, opened the lid, and placed it in front of Acris.

"I'm going."

[Crystal Dragon] Acris, who has always been known for her elegance and nobility, is willing to go to that dark, damp and smelly cave for a mere ten boxes of purple gold coins.

However, as agreed, on the 23rd, Acris, who had flown hundreds of miles, arrived at Malygos' cave.

As soon as she entered, Acris thought she had traveled through time.

She traveled to the treasury of a certain human empire in her dream.


So bright.

The brightness was ten times that of her own cave, and the various dazzling lights made it difficult for her to open her eyes.

I also heard some huge dragon roars.

"Don't grab it!"

"Don't take my treasure!"

"I asked you to come here to visit, not to steal my treasures!"

"Hurry up and stop, I'm going to do it if you don't!"

"Kraken, spit out the purple gold coin in your mouth, it's mine!"

"Ulavus, take off the space ring from your paw and pour out all the treasure inside for me!"

"Elanjielin, although I like you, it doesn't mean you can just take away my luminous diamond!"

"Ah! Stop, stop everyone!"

Malygos felt that he was about to collapse. He invited seven other dragon elders to come and visit his new cave. Unexpectedly, a group of bandits were invited!

All his treasure will be taken away by these robbers!

Malygos was so angry that he wanted to kill them all, but his cave would certainly be destroyed.

All he could do was roar helplessly and angrily, and rush over to stop him!

But the number of robbers is 6.

Oh, now there are seven. Acris, who just came in, saw this situation and joined the ranks of taking the treasure and becoming a robber.

"You bastards, I'm going to sue you to the clan leader! You robbed the treasures of your fellow tribesmen, which is a felony in violation of the "Code"! No matter how much treasure you took, you will definitely give me double the treasure to compensate me!"

Malygos roared helplessly.

These words really had a certain effect.

Two or three of the seven Dragon Clan elders who had just been stunned by the golden light and precious light finally calmed down and stopped what they were doing.

The purple dragon Acris walked up to Malygos with graceful steps and asked: "Malygos, where did you get these treasures? There is also the faint fragrance of the air in this cave and the shining gems. how come?"

Akris was even more surprised and said: "The bad breath in your mouth is gone, and the gold chain around your neck is... very beautiful."

It turns out that Malygos's image is very eye-catching at this moment: there are gold-plated and diamond-plated teeth in his mouth, he is wearing a huge cloak studded with various small gems, and a thick and long large hanging from his neck. Gold chain... His temperament and image have undergone earth-shaking changes.

According to a down-to-earth saying, Malygos, the elder of the Dragon Clan, has changed from a "lost dragon" to a "rich, handsome dragon".

Hearing Acris's words, Malygos was so excited that he wanted to hug her.

"Dragon God! Finally a dragon recognized me! Thank you Acris!"

"What? Are you Malygos?"

"Just now I just felt a flash of golden light, and then I traveled to an ownerless treasure house, and I started to take..."

"Malygos, so this is your cave? No, no, are you Malygos?"

"Isn't it possible? I clearly stepped on an ancient magic circle and was teleported to this place. Is this Malygos's cave?"

"Aren't you Malygos's cousin?"

The other six dragon elders stopped their dragon claws at this moment, and they were all surprised.

"on purpose!"

"You must have done it on purpose!"

At this moment, Malygos was on the verge of tears, and her heart was full of MMP.

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