Urban Sims

Chapter 596 Monster

After the instrument was moved to the apartment.

Zhou Ming's work every afternoon shifted from studying magic to studying the preparation of potions.

For magicians, potions are still very important.

It is an important prop to increase the speed of meditation.

It also provides many auxiliary functions in combat.

In short, for an excellent magician, props such as potions are indispensable.

Naturally, Zhou Ming also hopes to save some costs in this area.

Even want to open up a way to make money.

Because after observation, Zhou Ming discovered that in this dimension, in terms of the human world alone, more than 80% of the wealth is in the hands of magicians.

The magician is the top of the pyramid.

On the one hand, the cost of becoming a magician is huge. The investment of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of gold coins is just for leisure, and it is considered a relatively small amount of money.

There are many people who spend millions or tens of millions... Every magician is made with gold coins.

As for the annual financial income of Zhou Ming's Yadud Kingdom, I wonder if it exceeds 30 million gold coins?

On the other hand, making money is great.

The price of a lowest-level buffing staff exceeds 10,000 yuan.

A bottle of [Calming Potion], which is guaranteed to be effective for 3 days, sells for 1,000.

A scroll encapsulating level 1 magic costs more than 300 gold coins.

There are also various magic books, potion formulas, scroll production processes... These knowledge carriers are very difficult to obtain and even more expensive.

How much can magicians who have mastered the above-mentioned technologies and technical information earn after excluding costs?

Anyway, Zhou Ming only had two words in his mind: huge profits.

It will definitely be a huge profit.

Zhou Ming also realized that making money from magicians is definitely easier than making money from nobles, and you can make more money!

He also plans to start with the profession of "pharmacist" and enter the magician market.

Over the next half month, he began research in this area.

23 medicines = [soothing medicine]

He tried to implement this process.

But the preparation of potions is by no means as easy as most people imagine.

Quality of medicines and order of placement.

pH balance.

Temperature control.

Control of pharmaceutical consistency.

Even the speed of stirring.

All factors are the key to determining whether the medicine can be successfully prepared.

One detail was missed, and the preparation of the medicine failed.

And the more types of medicinal materials, the higher the complexity, and the higher the probability of failure.

For example, if there are 100 medicinal materials, a hundred steps of preparation operations are required. Even if the success rate of each step is 99%, after one hundred steps, the final success rate will only be 36%.

But in actual situations, even if there are more than a dozen medicinal materials, the preparation steps are no less than 100 steps.

For example, the [Calming Potion] that Zhou Ming wants to prepare has 236 steps recorded in the formula, and no mistakes can be made in each step.

In the first half month, Zhou Ming consumed hundreds of medicinal materials, but failed even once.

Purchasing medicinal materials also costs money. Even if the price of each medicinal material was sold to him by Store Manager Hall at the cost price - 35 gold coins per portion, the loss of hundreds of medicinal materials is not a small amount.

"Boy, have you revealed your true colors? One more month, I don't think you can succeed in one year." Every time Zhou Ming came to buy medicinal materials, Wei Ni couldn't help but sneer.

"Then do you want to make a bet? Bet on whether I can succeed in a month?" Zhou Ming still said the same thing.

"Hmph~!" Wei Ni turned her head to the side and ignored him.

After purchasing the medicinal materials, Zhou Ming continued his experiments and continued to improve.

In fact, an excellent pharmacist generally has two characteristics in common: focus and meticulous operation.

Concentration means that you must not be distracted during the preparation of the medicine, you must keep your spirits up, and you must not relax at all.

It is better to understand the precise operation, which requires that every step in the preparation process be precise and there can be no mistakes.

These two points are not difficult for Zhou Ming, and he can even achieve them to perfection.

But why does it fail so many times?

"The host did not notice the details outside the formal process. The host does not understand many of the foundations and principles of pharmacy, so it is unable to find the cause of the failure."

“Only when all principles are thoroughly understood can the path to success be found.”

The system explained.

Zhou Ming nodded.

His state is like taking a classical mechanics test without knowing Newton's mechanical formulas. Even though he knows the answer, he still knows it but doesn't know why. He doesn't know where the mistake is. There are many low-level mistakes that are not recorded in the formula. Mistakes became the root cause of his failure.


First, learn the theoretical knowledge solidly.

He went to Hall's store manager and borrowed many books on pharmacy.

In addition, he bribed Carlos Page, the director of the magic bookstore, with magic cakes, stir-fries, wine and other food, hoping that he would be able to check out the books on pharmacy in his store.

Each delicious meal is exchanged for one hour of borrowing time, and the books are guaranteed not to be damaged.

Carlos originally didn't want to talk to him at all, but after opening the food box, the aroma of the dishes wafting out of it always made his mind sway, and he was attracted to it unconsciously.

One day he couldn't bear it anymore and took a bite.

After that, he became a slave to delicious food. He was as addicted to those delicious foods and could not live without them for a day.

Naturally, the rich collection of books in "Page's Magic Bookstore" also gave Zhou Ming permission to read.

Zhou Ming's reading speed is very fast. He can read a million-word book in fifteen minutes, allowing the system to quickly enrich the database.

In this way, after about ten days of "recharging", Zhou Ming, who had learned a lot of pharmacy theory, finally discovered that he had made too many low-level mistakes that he should not have made in his previous preparation experiments, which led to repeated failures.

After learning the theoretical knowledge, Zhou Ming only failed twice and partially failed once when he conducted the preparation experiment again. On the fourth time, he finally prepared a "perfect level" [Calming Potion].

Pour the medicine into the glass vials, and get a total of 10 small bottles of 10ml [Calming Medicine] (for this preparation, he put in ten parts of the raw materials).

In other words, Zhou Ming's success this time made him earn back all his previous investment.

Looking at the ten small bottles of [Soothing Potion] in front of him, which contained golden liquid with perfect purity, Zhou Ming felt quite emotional.

"No matter what world you are in, skills are just the shell, and knowledge is the core. If you don't learn knowledge well, no matter how exquisite and gorgeous the shell is, it will only produce a lot of bugs."

"This is especially true in this magical world. As long as you have enough knowledge, you can create almost countless impossible things."

Therefore, no matter what field Zhou Ming wants to enter in the future, or what professional level badge he wants to win, he must first acquire a solid knowledge of the field.

December 10th.

One month later.

Zhou Ming carried a big bag and came to "Gannis Pharmacy" again.

When Winnie at the counter saw him, she started taunting him as usual.

"What? Are you here to buy medicinal materials again? In the past month, you have purchased thousands of [Soothing Potion] medicinal materials. You have almost sold out all the raw materials in the store. Did you prepare the medicine successfully?"

"Actually, you should have made that bet with me. You missed a good opportunity." Zhou Ming looked at her and said.

"Yes, I should agree to bet you. In this world, there is no such thing as a person who can prepare a [soothing potion] from a novice who knows nothing about it. It is impossible to exist."

Winnie shook her head in annoyance. If she had nodded in agreement a month ago, today would have been the day to take the life of the hateful boy in front of her.

It’s just that this kid has no other skills except that he is very good at bluffing people. She has been fooled once, how dare she do it again?

Zhou Ming directly took off the bag on his back and put it on the counter. He muttered: "Fortunately, the bottle of [Dragon Blood Potion] you invited me to drink last time made me stronger. Otherwise, I really can’t carry these 500 bottles of [soothing potion] by myself.”

After speaking, he opened his backpack and revealed its contents.

The inside was piled up in a messy manner, without any individual packaging. They were all glass vials containing golden potions.

A full 500 bottles of [Soothing Potion]!


There was an explosion in Wei Ni's head, and she fell into a blank state.

500 bottles of [soothing potion]?

"This...how is this possible? How is this possible?"

"Did you prepare these? How could it be possible that you prepared this?"

Winnie murmured, as if she had encountered the most incredible thing in the world.

Zhou Ming's words almost drove her into the abyss again.

"These 500 bottles are my share for Gannis Pharmacy according to the agreement. I still have 500 bottles at home. If you don't believe it, you can go to my house and have a look."


In five days, with almost 100% preparation success rate, Zhou Ming prepared 1,000 bottles of [Soothing Potion].


Winnie rolled her eyes and almost fainted.

At this time, store manager Hall came over and was shocked when he learned what Zhou Ming said!

First of all, the exaggerated speed in preparing the medicine had already given him the feeling of "this is impossible."

Secondly, he sold a total of about 1,000 portions of medicinal materials to Zhou Ming. Excluding the failure, how did he manage to prepare a full 1,000 portions of "Calming Medicine" using less than a thousand portions of medicinal materials?

Even a 100% preparation success rate is impossible!

"I improved the formula and improved the purification process to increase the utilization rate of medicinal materials, so that the original 1,000 doses of medicinal materials can be used to prepare 1,200 medicines... The utilization rate of medicinal materials has increased by 20%."

"In addition, I also reduced the steps of preparation, streamlining the 236 steps in the formula to 171 steps, and ensuring that the efficacy of the medicine is completely consistent."

"Manager Hall, this is my new improved formula, you can take a look."

Zhou Ming took out a piece of information from his pocket and handed it to store manager Hall.

After taking the information and looking at the monster in front of him, Store Manager Hall didn't know what to say.


Winnie on the side seemed to be greatly stimulated, screamed, and ran to her room like crazy.

She seemed like she couldn't stay any longer in front of the monster Zhou Ming.

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