Urban Sims

Chapter 185 The Great Demon King of Competition

Pack your bags and say goodbye to this day.

Her mother, Hongyan, held her hand tightly and said with tears: "Don't go, mother won't let you go! You bastard boy, you were born by your mother, your life was given by your mother, how can you do it without your mother's permission?" Can't even go!"

"Mom, I don't want to live in the mining area forever. I want to go to the ground to embrace the wider sky, and the more exciting world outside is waiting for me, Tieqiang, to conquer. Can you please don't stop me?" Zhou Ming turned his head and said.

"But...you will die if you participate in that kind of competition!"

"I don't know how. I can defeat fifty people by myself. Haven't you seen it? Are you worried that your son can't defeat others?"

"But...but you are my son. Mom doesn't want you to leave me!" There was already a hint of pleading in the mother's words.

Zhou Ming's heart softened, and he hugged his mother and said, "Mom, when I become successful outside, I will come back. I will bring a lot of money back, and I will let you and your father and brother live in the Paradise District. I have changed this It’s a lot of family, isn’t it? Believe me, I will bring greater changes to this family.”

Zhou Ming comforted his mother for a while. After his mother's mood stabilized, he asked his sister to help her back to the mine. Then he hardened his heart and ran away until the cry of "Xiao Qiang" could no longer be heard. After arriving, he slowed down and followed the staff of "The Hunger Games" to leave the underground mining area.

He left with a relaxed body. Except for his mother Hongyan, everyone else had basically made arrangements. His elder brother Tietou became the leader of the "Iron Brotherhood", and his third brother Tieshan inherited an income that can generate 500,000 credit points a month. There are 15 Tiejia repair shops (the repairmen are all trained by Zhou Ming). His father Tieman no longer works in the mines. He usually just manages the water company. He still has more than 10 million credit points in deposits, all of which are placed in Mother's Red. In Yan's hands... all worries are solved.

Even some of the company's senior staff secretly celebrated and smiled after learning that he had signed up to participate in "The Hunger Games."

"I hope I can return to this land in the future."

Sitting on the high-speed maglev train, looking at the desolate land outside the window, Zhou Ming murmured to himself.

Two days later.

A closed area surrounded by a canopy system with an internal area of ​​approximately 5 square kilometers.

In front of the Gate of Victory, 51 contestants stood equidistantly in a circle. Not far from each person's feet, there was a round stone pier. On the stone pier was a khaki-colored backpack. The backpack was bulging and contained some... food.

In addition to backpacks, on the grass in the center of the contestants, within a radius of less than two meters, there are machetes, machetes, hand axes, compound bows, javelins and other weapons scattered on the ground... It can be foreseen that after the competition starts, the first to get Those who get food may not have a chance to get weapons; those who get weapons first may not get food.

At the beginning of the game, all players will face a difficult strategic choice.

Among the many players, Zhou Ming looked around, his eyes scanning the faces of these opponents one by one, and the corners of his mouth drew an evil arc.

These people are all old friends, and he remembers each person's characteristics clearly.

The nose of the plane directly opposite looked awkward, but after the game started, he could not survive for more than ten seconds.

The scarred face not far away diagonally to the left was lean and lean, but a ruthless character with a high IQ and a scheming ability. He almost had the last laugh several times.

The bald man diagonally opposite to the right had big shoulders, strong arms, and a big stomach. He was also a cannibal. On the third day of the competition, he began to eat people. He liked to dig out the hearts and eat them. Tie Qiang was killed. He ate it once.

There is also the big guy on the left. Taking advantage of his big size, this guy has repeatedly targeted Tie Qiang, who is smaller than him. Each time, he chases Tie Qiang shortly after starting, but his clumsy reactions always make him unable to let go. Tie Qiang took the first head.

There is also the blond girl with big breasts on the right, who will shock herself with her lovely electric eyes from time to time. If she is soft-hearted, she will be dead. Tie Qiang paid the tuition for this woman in the first place, and gave his life for that shot. The price is high, and the blonde girl also has the highest IQ and EQ among the 51 players. She will also use her physical advantages to recruit strong support. Once she sees the hope of winning, she will not hesitate to stab anyone. She can be called a murderer. decisive.

It is precisely because Zhou Ming is familiar with the characteristics of each opponent that he chooses to continue to participate in the "Death Game" in this life. He already knows these opponents completely, and is he afraid that he can't defeat them?

"9, 8, 7, 6, 5...3, 2, 1"

The countdown is over and the game begins!

51 runners started running at the same time.

Some people picked up their backpacks and ran into the forest not far away. Others did not take the food backpacks on the piers and went straight to the weapons in the center of the field. The fast ones were already holding hand axes and machetes and were killing people. Many people were killed. Two or three heads have been taken away.

Zhou Ming's target was weapons first. As quickly as possible, he got a handy Nepalese scimitar-style machete. Then he chased after a man holding two backpacks in his hands and cut off his knife first. With one hand, he chopped off his head like a cucumber, and both backpacks fell into his hands.

"Haha, kid, both bags in your hand belong to me. Don't run away, I'm going to kill you!"

The big guy chased me again, with a ferocious smile on his face, and as the distance got closer, the big guy's laughter became louder and louder.

However, the moment he caught up with the kid, the kid suddenly stopped running. Instead, he waved his hand and waved an afterimage of the knife.

The big man's smile froze on his face, and then he fell to the ground while holding his neck, which was bleeding like a fountain.

Zhou Ming picked up another bag.

In the next few days, Zhou Ming lurked in a dense forest and set up several alarm traps to prevent being attacked at night.

One morning on the sixth day, a "swish" sound made Zhou Ming's ears twitch, his body rolled down, and he hid in the bushes nearby.

A steel arrow was stuck in the ground where he had been standing, almost hitting him in the back.

Someone is attacking!

Zhou Ming began to play hide-and-seek with the sneak attacker, constantly flashing and hiding, consuming the opponent's scissors. After the opponent shot six arrows in a row, his strength weakened, and his accuracy dropped, he moved towards the sneak attacker's hiding place in an S-shape. He rushed over, first threw a handful of sand at him, and then struck him on the head with a knife.

The sneak attacker was shocked, threw the compound bow in his hand to the side, rolled sideways, covered his eyes that were blurred by the sand and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

Blonde girl!

After seeing the face of the sneak attacker, Zhou Ming recognized her at a glance.

He bent down to pick up the compound bow on the ground, took out the last remaining arrow in the quiver, and said to the blonde girl: "Let's go, run faster."

The blonde girl got up in embarrassment and ran forward as hard as she could. She ran forty or fifty meters in one breath. Just when she breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to look back, she felt a sharp pain in her back. Amidst the muffled sound of "Puff", a gun The arrow penetrated deeply into her back. She groaned and fell to the ground.

"I haven't practiced for many years. I didn't expect that my archery skills, which are always accurate, are still there."

Zhou Ming pulled out the arrows from the corpse and collected all seven arrows, now possessing a long-range attack weapon.

It just so happened that he had basically eaten all the food on his body. In two days at most, he would be chewing on the pile of grass roots dug out these days, so while his physical strength was at its peak, he started to eat the whole map in the next two days. Sweep.

As a result, in the past two days, because he roughly knew where the other players were hiding, he easily found Zhou Ming, who had about twenty opponents left. He killed all the people who came with some ease, even the bald man who loved to eat people. After he shot him in the eye, he took advantage of him to go crazy and was exhausted, and cut off his head with a knife.

"Congratulations to contestant No. 32 for winning the 3832nd game of The Hunger Games. Please walk out of the victory gate."

On the tenth day, when Zhou Ming was the only one left on the entire map, he was sitting by the Victory Gate, chewing grass roots and introducing different ways of eating grass roots to a miniature camera. Suddenly, a voice came from the sky above his head. Broadcast sound.

"Don't the games end in 15 days? I'm a pile of grassroots and haven't finished eating yet?"

Zhou Ming muttered, spit out the grass residue in his mouth towards the miniature camera, dusted his butt, and walked into the door of victory that had been opened for him.

In the live broadcast hall, two hosts, a man and a woman, looked at each other in shock and were stunned for a long time when they saw this scene in the live broadcast.

After a long time, the male host with a dyed blue broomstick, a bow tie, and a sparkling golden suit asked, "Has this situation ever happened before in "The Hunger Games"?"

The female host next to her, who was wearing heavy makeup and a hairstyle that looked a bit like a lump of plaster, thought for a moment and said, "It has appeared, maybe 13 times in total."

"It only happens once in 300 times..."

The male host muttered, and then asked the female host: "What do we usually call this kind of player? Super master, the best of the best, or the destroyer, the invincible king?"

"Well, for such a player, the audience seems to prefer to call him the Big Devil..."

After remembering a word, the female host said.

"Oh yeah!" The male host suddenly waved his fist, stood up excitedly, and danced: "What an exciting moment, ladies and gentlemen, you have witnessed the birth of a great devil! He has a strong body and a strong mind. Smart, he ended the game five days early and taught all his opponents a lesson with his absolute strength...Have you ever seen such a player? Have you invested money in him? Do you regret your mistake? No need to regret it, you still have a chance..."

Seeing how excited the male host was, the female host on the side also twisted her waist and stood up, holding an orchid and pointing: "Ladies and gentlemen, the 3832nd game of "The Hunger Games" is over, the 3833rd game..."

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