Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 232, another exercise

Ying Zhihao is a student of Professor Zhong. Strictly speaking, Ye Chen and him are brothers in the same school.

However, he did not participate in this paper, and he did not even sign the paper. That's it, he can get so much luck!

He was simply overjoyed!

If Shi Qun's article is published, how much luck can he gain? Be bolder, what kind of luck can I get after publishing as the first author?

"There will be more!" Ye Chen was sure!

And at the same time!

With the influx of that half of the luck, it merged with the luck obtained before, the blood in the body boiled, and the mind was overwhelmed.

Ye Chen froze there!

The grand voice sounded in his mind again!

"Chaos creates one, yin and yang stand side by side, heaven and man are myriad phenomena, transporting and carrying the void, vessels swallow the universe, and thoughts disperse and diffuse..."

The Heaven Devouring Kung Fu operated on its own again, and a vast aura appeared from the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it came out of thin air, and as if it had broken through the seal, it suddenly appeared from nowhere.

"Derived from chaos, created the universe, penetrated the heavens and penetrated the earth, eternally infinite..."

Promise good luck!

This sound like a grand chanting appeared in his mind, making Ye Chen unable to calm down for a long time!

"Another exercise?"

Ye Chen felt all the changes in his mind, feeling a little messy.

Then, Ye Chen felt the mottled spots of light in the surrounding void became clear again, but, just like the situation when he first obtained the Devouring Heaven Skill, this time he wanted to see these things clearly, but he felt a headache in his mind , woke him up with a start!

With a bang, Ye Chen almost fell to the ground, and quickly supported the table.

"Xiao Chen, are you okay?" Huang Yujie saw Ye Chen almost fell, and couldn't help asking worriedly.

"I'm fine." Ye Chen said.

"Brother, I suddenly remembered something, I need to go back, let's go first." After finishing speaking, he walked out without waiting for Shi Qun's answer.

Shi Qun and the others who were watching couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Usually he looks quite stable, but he is still immature at critical moments. He is still young, but this is the state he should be at this age? If he is always as mature and stable as before, I will feel a little pressure." Huang Yujie said.

"Senior Sister, it's not on you, so what pressure do you have?" Ying Zhihao said with a smile.

"Brat, don't you owe it to me again? Dare to tease my senior sister!"


After Ye Chen went out, he began to grope for this newly obtained exercise.

However, after fiddling with it for a long time, I didn't figure it out!

"Wuji Good Fortune Art? The name is so abstract, what the hell is it for?"

"There is no instruction manual." Ye Chen complained.

"You see how powerful people are in devouring heaven, just eat, can't you be more straightforward?" Ye Chen was a little distressed.

He tried it, this thing is not for fighting, its own ability has not been blessed, and it is not for eating, with it, the Devouring Heaven Skill does not get any better.

"It doesn't even have the effect of aphrodisiac, so it's better to have a piece of geoduck!" Ye Chen said speechlessly.

"What is this chaotic mass? What is its function?"

Ye Chen looked inside himself, and found that when the kung fu was working on its own, the surrounding light spots were swallowed by the devouring heavenly kung fu, forming that chaotic mass in the dantian.

Like a small black hole, people can't see through it!

After fiddling for a long time, nothing came out, which hurt Ye Chen very much.

Back to the laboratory again.

Although I don't know what the use of that good fortune skill is, the luck gained in this laboratory is indeed real.

With luck, you can increase the level of devouring heaven skills and strengthen your devouring ability, which is also good!

When Ye Chen left, Shi Qun was reading a paper.

"This DNA labeling technology is different from conventional radioactive element labeling, and has great enlightening significance." Shi Qun pointed to the paper and said to Ye Chen.

"Recently, we have done this project to observe the correlation between those specific genomes and genetic diseases. We hope to complete gene reassembly and screening through special cutting, so as to observe the gene expression results before and after editing.

One of these steps may involve the use of this technique. You can read more. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. "Shi Qun answered Ye Chen.

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded.

"Oh, by the way, there is another thing, that is, you have been assisting me with my work here before. In an article I submitted two days ago, your name was signed. It is the second author. Although not particularly advanced Articles, however, are considered middle-level in the circle, and will be helpful for your future academic development." Shi Qun said to Ye Chen.

"Thank you, brother! I didn't do any work, so what a shame." Ye Chen said happily.

Generally, the author of the article is signed, the corresponding author belongs to the supervisor, the first author is the person who implements the experiment, and the second author is the assistant. Take the second work, and the second work with a good article is already good, Shi Qun is very kind.

"No, being able to do such trivial things as cleaning has helped me a lot, allowing me to do experiments with peace of mind."

Then, he took another seat card and handed it to Ye Chen.

"In a week, our boss' brother, professor of biology at the University of California, and the last Nobel laureate, Professor Firth, will come over to give an academic exchange lecture. I will ask you for a good seat. Although you may not be able to understand Professional knowledge, however, he also shared about other aspects of experience, you can learn more.”

"Thank you, brother." Ye Chen took the seat card and said with a smile.

"You're welcome, work hard. I believe that you will achieve a lot in four years' time," Shi Qun said.

Ye Chen smiled.

Four years from now? It was too far away, and he couldn't wait.

Allure Beauty Club!

Li Juan was a little nervous at the moment. She felt an invisible pressure from the beautiful woman in front of her. The temperament of the other party made her feel a little ashamed.

"This place is not bad! Unfortunately, it's a bit messy and small." Zhuang Mingyue looked around and said to Li Juan.

Afterwards, Zhuang Mingyue changed the subject and asked Li Juan with a smile.

"What's your relationship with Ye Chen?"

"What's the matter?" Mentioning Ye Chen, Li Juan suddenly became more vigilant!

"Excuse me, why are you asking this?" She instinctively thought that this was Jiang Meiling's rescuer.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to understand briefly!"

"He is my younger brother!" Li Juan said.

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