Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1 Devouring Heavenly Kungfu

"I am Tianzun Lingxiao?"

"I got the Heaven Devouring Skill? Can I devour everything?"

"I was robbed and reborn from Nirvana..." When Ye Chen woke up, he found that he had a dream. Many things happened in the dream, but unfortunately he couldn't remember most of them. Gao Shen got an amazing exercise, and then... the things after that, no matter how he recalled them, he couldn't recall them anymore.

Although it was a dream, it felt like I had experienced it personally, as if this memory had been frozen!

"Hey, Ye Chen, what are you muttering about? What is Lingxiao Tianzun? What devours everything? Is your kid reading too many novels recently, and something is wrong with your brain?" When Ye Chen was trying to remember, he leaned over and asked A fat big head, every time this big head gets close, Ye Chen feels that the sky is covered!

This is Ye Chen's tablemate, Bao Wensheng!

Such a literary and artistic name, because he has a big head, he was nicknamed Bao Datou!

"Hurry up and be normal! If you continue to babble like this, the father-in-law will come in a while, and it will be easier for you! Besides, you will also delay others' study, right?" Bao Wensheng reminded.

When he said this, Bao Wensheng couldn't help but glanced to the front right again, his eyes were full of spring!

There is a figure, but also a landscape!

If you observe carefully, you will find that from time to time, there will always be boys looking there!

There is Li Zixuan!

The school belle recognized by the entire Jingyang No. 3 Middle School!

This school beauty is not the kind of self-admired self-admiration of the bad street, or the flattery that is not worthy of the name!

This is recognized by the whole school and even the entire Jingyang County!

Needless to say, her appearance is somewhat similar to the fairy sister in the film and television stars, but she is definitely more pure than her! Even the great director who once worked with Sister Immortal, after meeting Li Zixuan by chance, was amazed and couldn't help admiring that Mount Huailing is an outstanding person, so he wanted to invite her to enter the entertainment industry!

Talent is unparalleled! When I was eight years old, I had piano tenth grade, and when I was twelve years old, my Chinese painting skills reached a professional level. Once, the professor of the Beijing Chinese painting class personally sent a letter to invite me!

As for learning...hahaha...that is the undisputed number one!

Not the whole class, not the whole school! Not the whole county, but the whole city! Everyone in Qingzhou City believes that if there is a provincial unified examination, Li Zixuan must be the provincial number one!

Such a person, who said she was a school belle, who could refute it!

If anyone dares to refute, all the boys in classes three and six will definitely eat him raw!

Because of her relationship, no matter how strict the head teacher of class 3 and 6 is, no one will complain. Even if a male student is punished, not only will he not be annoyed, but happy instead!

Because Li Weihong, the head teacher, is Li Zixuan's father!

In private, the male students are never called the head teacher, but the old man!

Li Weihong has only one daughter, and they are all called Laozhangren. The wolf ambition of these guys is obvious!

"Don't look at it, it's useless to look at it again, you're so cowardly, and you don't have the guts to confess!" Ye Chen taunted Bao Wensheng.

"True! I'll admit it! Do you dare? You don't even dare to admit that you like her, and you even say that she is not your favorite, just talk about it! If you can't eat grapes, just say you don't like them! You really have it! "Bao Wensheng said with a look of disdain.

Ye Chen didn't refute. In a place surrounded by wolves, if he dared to say that he didn't like Li Zixuan, he was looking for a beating! Can be torn and eaten by these wolves!

Besides, it's class time now, let's be honest... go to sleep!

However, Ye Chen just woke up, and after talking to Bao Wensheng, he lost all sleepiness and couldn't sleep anymore!

"Lingxiao Tianzun? Swallow heavenly skill?" Ye Chen frowned, but then he hooked the corner of his mouth.

feet together,

Spread your palms on your knees, keep your back straight, recite the exercises silently in your heart, and follow the practice method in your dream, keep your mind restrained, and regulate your breathing!

"Chaos creates one, yin and yang stand side by side, heaven and man are myriad phenomena, transporting and carrying the void, vessels swallow the universe, and thoughts disperse and diffuse..."

You don't need to think too hard, this exercise seems to be engraved in your mind.

Ye Chen, who originally had the mentality of being idle and having fun in his heart, after practicing the exercises, this joking mentality completely dissipated!


With the operation of the exercises, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and everything has become bizarre!

The whole world is filled with all kinds of Qi!

Some are scattered spots of light, while others converge into threads, strands, and rainbows!

"Luck!" Looking at these light spots, another word popped up in his mind!


It is invisible, invisible, and invisible, but it surrounds everyone, even, everything and every utensil!

When the luck of the utensils is over, they will return to dust. A country whose luck is about to run out will be destroyed, and a country whose luck is about to run out will be plagued by bad luck, and even bring disaster to its descendants!

Luck! Invisible, intangible, yet invisible, it dominates everything!

In Ye Chen's eyes, the entire Jingyang No. 3 Middle School has become a pool of luck. Wisps of luck gather from all directions and enter the pool. Absorbed by students and teachers in China!

"There are three strands on Liu Kun's head, eight strands on Gao Jianwen's head, and Li Zixuan's is even more exaggerated. There are ten strands in one strand, and the purple air is shining brightly."

Afterwards, Ye Chen turned around and looked at Bao Wensheng next to him. This guy was only a little bit!

"Could it be that the better you study, the more luck you will receive from school?" Ye Chen wondered.

Soon his conclusion was verified!

"But, why, my luck is the same?" Ye Chen looked at himself, and found that his luck was no weaker than Li Zixuan's, and even stronger than hers!

"The theory is correct, the better you study, the more luck you will inherit from school, and I have inherited so much luck from other places!" Ye Chen said to himself after observing again.

Like Bao Wensheng, he only inherited a sliver of luck from the school, less than one percent!

"Where does the other part of luck come from?" Ye Chen wondered.

However, as soon as this thought came up, I felt dizzy for a while, and then I felt that my eyes were full of stars, and my head was dizzy!

Ye Chen suddenly woke up from the mysterious state just now!

It took a long time to calm down!

When he wanted to practice the exercises again, he found that he couldn't get into that mysterious state at all!

"What's going on? Could it be that I... I'm daydreaming."

Ye Chen tried again, but it still didn't work!

"Cao! I don't really have delusional disorder, do I?" Ye Chen has seen some movies about split personality, and the neuropathy in them is just as good as his own just now!

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