In an old-fashioned neighborhood.

When the little boy pounced on Wang Qianchen's head, the latter was startled at first, and then quickly plucked it with his hands, only to find that the other person was just a shadow and had no entity at all!

By the time Wang Qianchen reacted, it was already a little too late. The "Nightmare Boy" was sucking his soul crazily. If he hadn't had the sand realm and his soul was slightly stronger, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

Even so, Wang Qianchen felt dizzy and his body was slumped and shaky.

"What's going on?" Brick flew out and immediately went to take a picture of the little boy, but he also took a picture of Lonely.

"I...I don't know..." Wang Qianchen was still trying to scratch his head, but no matter what he did, it was of no avail.

"It's Nightmare Boy! He is a phantom with no body. Conventional methods are ineffective against him. You must use the demon-slaying sword of a demon-slayer!" the well-informed Banzhuan immediately yelled out.

"Then what...what should we do..." Wang Qianchen only felt that his consciousness was getting more and more...

Blurred, the soul seems to be hollowed out.

"Use the [Demon Slayer] skill! The [Demon Slayer] in the Seventy-Two Transformations!" Banzhuan shouted again.

Wang Qianchen immediately remembered the [Demon Killer] in the Seventy-Two Changes. Some ghosts have no physical body, and you need to use [Demon Killer] to hurt them.

Wang Qianchen quickly mobilized the spiritual power in his body and used the [Demon Killing] skill. His palms immediately flashed with golden light. At the same time, he grabbed the brick and slapped it hard towards the little boy above his head.


This worked as expected. The little boy was photographed directly, and the lost soul quickly returned to Wang Qianchen's body.

The little boy fell to the ground, with a look of pain on his face. Wang Qianchen didn't stop and continued to slap him with a brick. Apart from being able to suck souls, the little boy had almost no fighting ability. He was slapped by Wang Qianchen and rolled on the ground, making shrill wails and screams.

As the golden light on the tiles continued to flash, the little boy's body made a "sizzling" sound, and the phantom appeared.

Gradually dissipating.

"Xiao Zheng!" Xing Chuan roared, quickly rushed over and lay on the little boy's body.

The little boy shivered and hid in Xing Chuan's arms, his two empty eyes filled with fear.

"Old Xing, how can you raise such a terrifying thing?" Wang Qianchen held a brick and stared at Xing Chuan coldly.

"This is not a scary thing, this is my son!" Xing Chuan roared, his eyes red.

Wang Qianchen was stunned.

He had just heard Ban Zhuan talk about the origin of [Nightmare Boy], was this actually Xing Chuan's son?

How could Xing Chuan make his son look like this?

"Tap tap tap——"

At this moment, there were footsteps again. It was Li Qianqiu who was holding the demon-slaying knife!

"Are you okay?" Li Qianqiu came to Wang Qianchen's side immediately.

"Brother Li, I'm fine...Why are you here?" Wang Qianchen was a little surprised.

"I'm looking for this guy!" Li Qianqiu pointed at Xing Chuan with his chin, then slowly pulled out the demon-slaying knife and aimed it at

Little boy on the ground.

Seeing the demon-slaying knife, the little boy suddenly shivered even more.

"Don't hurt my son! No one is allowed to hurt my son!" Xing Chuan roared hysterically, throwing himself on the little boy.

Hearing this, Li Qianqiu was also slightly startled. [Nightmare Boy] is actually not uncommon. There are always people with evil intentions who refine such monsters, but there are not many who refine their sons like this!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little boy got into the green jar again with a "whoosh" sound.

Xing Chuan picked up the green jar and was about to leave.

How could Li Qianqiu let him go? He immediately struck Xing Chuan on the back of the head with a knife.

With a "bang", Xing Chuan fell to the ground, but he still held the green jar tightly.

Li Qianqiu can kill monsters at will, but ordinary people like Xing Chuan still have to hand them over to the Luzhou City police.

That night, the police arrested Xing Chuan and summoned Xing Chuan's wife Xiaozhen, finally figuring out the whole story.

a year ago,

Xing Chuan's six-year-old son Xiao Zheng died in a car accident, but Xing Chuan could not accept the result and refused to bury his son. He carried his dead son around to seek medical treatment all day long. Later, he did not know where he found a Jianghu doctor. Warlock, the other party said that Xiao Zheng could be kept alive in this way. Most people would sneer at such a thing, but Xing Chuan believed it and even paid a large sum of money for it.

It's okay if the money is only paid out once. The key is to continue to maintain this status, and to continue to pay the charlatan. It is not enough for Xing Chuan to sell off all his family property. Promotion to manager is his only hope. As a result, It failed, so it became what it is now.

In the interrogation room, Xiaozhen covered her face and cried, and the wailing sound continued for a long time.

A good home was completely shattered.

What awaits Xing Chuan is naturally legal punishment, and Xiao Zheng, who has turned into a 'nightmare boy', must be killed and then saved.

This matter was done by Li Qianqiu and Wang Qianchen did not witness it with his own eyes.

(End of chapter)

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