Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 40: Vampire hands-on

"What? Are you telling the truth, my brother? Can the wine in that shop really continue our lives?" Maika, one of the former sanctuary secret alliances, and one of the only remaining three princes of the sanctuary Wei stood up suddenly and asked excitedly on his face.

And beside McAvey, a vampire with a gloomy face looked at Bruch excitedly at this moment. If nothing else, in terms of strength alone, this independent clan Prince Giovanni is one of the three princes. The most powerful!

It's a pity that no matter how strong he is, there is no way he can do it, no matter how strong he is, he can only linger in this underground, waiting for his brother Bruch to bring good news.

And this time, as expected, Bruch did bring good news, and it was good news that could not be better!

Bruch smiled slightly and looked at the two vampire princes and said: "Don't get excited, two brothers, I think I can prove this intuitively!"

As soon as the voice fell, Bruch's body instantly blurred, and a cloud of black mist appeared on the spot. At the same time, a group of countless bats suddenly appeared across the ground!

The other two vampire princes stared at the scene in front of them, including the Countess Vivienne, who was also sitting on the side, with a shocked look.

This is not to say that they think there is something powerful about this blood family magic. In fact, this magic can be used by a vampire, let alone a vampire prince.

But it is extremely blood-consuming, especially today, using it consumes more power. When there is no way to quickly replenish it, no vampire dared to use this trick at will, it is reserved for life-saving use!

And now, Bruch uses it at will, and it doesn’t take much effort to look at him...

The sky bats flickered in the air, then gathered again and turned into Bruch's body.

There was no discoloration on his face, and there was no crack in the past. Bruch smiled and said, "How is it, my brother, do you believe it now?"

The two princes and the earl and the three vampires nodded wildly there!

"Then how did you get that wine? Is there a price to pay?" Giovanni hurried forward and asked, after a pause, he said again: "How about the strength of that boss...how?"

When Bruch heard the words, his face suddenly appeared solemnly: "I have already played against that boss."

"Then...you must have won!" Giovanni's face moved.

"No... No, I lost." Bruch's mouth twitched, but he still said: "I lost thoroughly, the boss, if I'm not mistaken, he should be the sword fairy in the Eastern legend. , And the strength is unfathomable, it gives me the same feeling as those old guys back then!"

"Sword Fairy? And similar to those old guys back then? Bruch, are you sure? Do you know what you are talking about? This world is no longer the world it used to be, and the extraordinary powers can no longer survive!" McAvey face On the **** light flashes.

"How did you get defeated? How long did you support it?" Giovanni asked with a serious face. He wanted to know the details of the battle to determine whether he could defeat the opponent, even if he was about to return now. Hidden, but still has the power to fight!

From the beginning to the end, neither of these two vampires thought about using worldly power to deal with the tavernkeeper, although they are actually living by worldly power...

This may be alternative stubbornness, Bruch sighed.

"I didn't even hold up a move. He just waved and shouted'Sword here', and then a sword on the wall suddenly flew into his hands. I was defeated by one move..." Bruch's eyes evasively talked about the so-called details of the battle.

What else can he say, what can he do? He is also very desperate. As a dignified vampire prince, he was beaten into a pig's head by a guy who couldn't even pull a sword in a scabbard. Can this be said to the outside?

Obviously it can't, so I can only exaggerate the strength of that boss Qin a little bit. Anyway, his defeat is no different from one move. The so-called support is just being beaten there...

I took a peek at the three vampires on the opposite side.

Giovanni's face became more solemn: "I defeated you in one move? It is estimated that it is really a sword fairy, then let's forget it, then how did you drink that wine?"

Giovanni said he was stunned. Since you were defeated by a single trick, how did you get the drink? Would someone give you such a precious thing without grabbing it?

McAvey and Vivian also showed interest. Does this guy have any other methods?

Bruch raised his head slightly, looked at the ceiling at a thirty-five degree angle, and then said quietly: "I bought it with money, and the wine sold for as much as the blood we drank..."

What? The two princes and the earl are collectively confused. What kind of situation, is it possible that you are encountering a fake sword fairy? Is the true identity a dying for money?

Vivi, who manages the company for the three princes on weekdays, said, "Since you can buy it, why do you need to do it?"

Puff... Bruch seemed to hear a knife pierced into his heart, Countess, you know what you said so hard!

"If I had known that his spirit wine could be bought with worldly money..." Bruch said blankly.

Vivienne spit out her tongue and couldn't speak immediately. As the well-known king of swordsmen in the vampire family, she felt that her ability to make swords was getting deeper and deeper. Look at the heartbroken look of Lord Bruch...

"It's easy if you can buy it with money, hurry up, my brother, wine, I can't wait to drink a little, the taste of life continuation is really wonderful!" McAvey laughed haha.

He doesn't know how much money he still has in his name, anyway... it's a lot, anyway, it's impossible to spend it all, he always buys blood for him.

Vivienne also nodded and chuckled on one side. She could say very clearly how powerful several vampire princes are in the world, just a little money, after all, she buys bags casually every day...

When Bruch heard this, he gave a wry smile, explained the rules of Jiu Xianju and the things that the boss had asked him to do, and emphatically stated that it was impossible to seize it by force.

"So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two brothers, I need your help now. Of course, this is also to help yourself. Only in this way can you drink the spirit wine and have the power to go out. Then we can all go there. Eastern countries live," Bruch said softly.

Each vampire prince represents a clan. Within that clan, they are the source of blood, the highest vampire, and they have control over all other low-ranking blood clans in the entire clan!

So Bruch can only mobilize his family's influence in the world, and if other help is needed, then these two must nod their heads.

McAvey and Giovanni did not hesitate at all when they heard the words: "Vivienne, all our worldly powers are authorized to be used by Lord Bruch. Those materials must be found. In addition, our treasure trove is also open, and there is a need. Just take it!"

The vampire family don't know how many years of savings they have accumulated. These are all things outside their bodies, and only life is the most precious!

Vivienne's face changed slightly, and she could have foreseen it. Following the orders of these two people, this continent would start to turmoil again. The power of vampires hiding in the dark was simply too powerful...

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