Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 192: Facing difficulties!

Yin Xueqing ignored the people eating melons in the tavern. She was still arguing with Boss Qin, but she had nothing to do with the words of Boss Qin in the past.

Lajiu is indeed appetizing, and the appetizer is actually good for many people, but by the way, some of them are losing weight!

Every time I lose weight, it’s painful, desperately trying to restrain my desire to eat, but I still can’t help wanting to eat. After a week, I’ve gotten used to it. As a result, I was given a gluttonous meal by this guy. ...

"Boss Qin, you pay it, you pay it quickly, I finally lost a little weight!" Beautiful Yin Damei stood there and shouted.

Qin Feng scratched his head: "How can I pay for this? You eat the meat. I can still get it out. It can only be expelled by you, right..."

"In addition, it is reasonable, Xueqing, is it very comfortable after eating? Especially when you are sitting there paralyzed after eating?"

Boss Qin’s ability to deceive people is top-notch. Just like the last time he had dealt with Liu Sanpao’s daughter, the three sentences were set out, and the beautiful lady Yin didn’t react at all...

Hearing Qin Feng’s question, Yin Xueqing subconsciously said, “Yes, it’s so comfortable to lie there after eating...”

Xueer and Li Tong nodded likewise: "Indeed, it's really comfortable that way, I really want to do it again... Wait, Mr. Qin, don't talk about it for me!"

Qin Feng Tan said with an innocent look: "Look, you all said you were comfortable, and you all said you really want to do it again, isn't this for you?"

No one spoke in the tavern. The melon-eating crowd stopped communicating with Lajiu and looked at Qin Feng in shock. Does he still have this operation?

The three sisters looked dumbfounded, and seemed to have seen Boss Qin’s lower limit again...

It took a long time for the sisters to react, and Yin Xueqing smiled helplessly: "Okay, boss Qin, you won, but as your good friend, sister, let me advise you, quarrels with girls always win boy papers, yes. There will be no girlfriends."

This is a famous saying!

After all, when you won the quarrel with your girlfriend, you have already lost your girlfriend... Single dogs, it's the New Year soon, feel your conscience and ask yourself... Why don't you have a girlfriend yet? ?

But of course Boss Qin didn't take it seriously. He sat down and said lightly: "It's okay, what Lingyun said is what..."

Yin Xueqing rolled her eyes, pulled Xueer and Li Tong and was about to leave. Originally, she wanted to scare Boss Qin, but he actually showed off again...

As soon as I walked to the entrance of Jiuxianju, I heard Qin Feng yelling from behind: "Welcome to drink hawthorn wine tomorrow..."

The beautiful lady Yin almost tripped over the threshold when she heard this...

In Jiuxianju, Yixianmei sipped her honey wine and looked at Qin Feng and said, "Boss Qin, I deeply feel that it is really not easy for you to live to this age..."

In fact, sister paper still hasn't said a word, you can still find a girlfriend...

However, this big excitement made the people who eat melons feel refreshed. Boss Qin is really Boss Qin, and the three most beautiful girls in Jiu Xianju will not let go, beasts!

At this moment, a middle-aged hard-drinking man suddenly raised his head and said: "Hey, I only discovered now that Boss Qin's routine is really too deep!"

A girl covered in black sportswear suddenly smiled and said, "Uncle, your reflex arc is slightly longer. Who knows that boss Qin has a deep routine, deliberately sells appetizers to Sister Yin who is losing weight..."

Uncle...The middle-aged man still said after three seconds of silence, "Little girl, you don't understand it. You can tell by listening to the words from Boss Qin. He asked Yin Xueqing and the three to drink hawthorn wine tomorrow!" "

"What can you do with this hawthorn wine? That's a wine that can lose weight. This wine is a popular point, which is the wine that will become fat after drinking. Think about it, in this Jiuxianju, you drink the wine. Get fat, and then come back to drink hawthorn wine to lose weight..."

"His boss Qin is doing business here, it's a blockage!"

As soon as this statement came out, the drunkards in the entire Jiu Xianju suddenly slapped their tongues. They hadn't thought of this one just now. Now that I think about it carefully, it really is!

After drinking his wax wine, you have a better appetite, eat more, and then become fat.

After getting fat, it’s okay. There is hawthorn wine in the pub. You can lose weight by drinking it. It’s okay. Just eat...

What is a routine, this is the final routine of boss Qin!

Just like the news you heard some time ago, the *** production company has acquired the milk powder production company...

Anyway, if you don’t use other people’s condoms, you have to drink people’s milk. Anyway, you have to pay people...

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the counter and felt that in the future, it would be easy not to play routines with Boss Qin. Your uncle is still your uncle...

At the counter, Qin Feng happily kicked the dog again, and looked at our old Qin’s coping methods. It was really no problem. IQ crushing was as simple as that...

Of course, if Yin Xueqing and the others were to know Qin Feng's current thoughts, then it would be really going to kill him.

However, Boss Qin did not expect that he did win, but the story of Jiuxianju is far from ending like this...

I don’t know where the gossip came from, saying that Boss Qin’s new wine can’t be controlled after drinking it, and I have to eat a lot of things!

Then the news spread more widely, and the drinkers would also know. This is not gossip, it is true, and it was the three of them, Yin Xueqing in Jiu Xian Ju Li.

This news has no effect on the male drinkers. After all, some men don't care about their figure, especially the guy with a beer belly like Boss Wang, who is not worried.

And women, whether they are sisters or aunts, care about their figure. They eat a little bit of each one on weekdays, and they work hard to keep themselves in good shape.

But now, this kind of wine is so appetizing, after drinking it, I want to eat something, it's still available!

Ever since, even though they all know that lajiu is delicious, the girls still have no one to buy, for fear that they will become fat...

Qin Feng didn't have any reaction to this incident. After all, Jiuxianju had many customers, and there were also a lot of male alcoholics. Lajiu still sold a lot every day.

A week later...

At the end of the day’s business, Qin Feng wiped the tavern table as usual. At this moment, the system’s emotionless voice remembered:

"It has been detected that the sales of wax wine among female alcoholics are not good, so the task of "knowing the difficulties" is issued. Please go to the task panel to check on the host!"

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Feng's hand wiping the table stopped. He felt a faint aura, advancing with difficulties, knowing that difficulties can also be met, it seems a bit cheating...

When he clicked on the task panel and looked at the temporary task displayed at the top, Qin Feng was stunned...

After a long time, he realized that he was too lazy to scold the system, because it was useless to scold the dog, and the dog would definitely pretend to be a dead dog again.

But this task... is really related to yourself. Does the system still talk about cause and effect?

Task: Upgrading from difficulties!

Mission: Sell 20 pots of wax wine within a week, and sell them all to beauties!

Mission description: As the descendant of Jiuxian, how can Jiuxianju’s wine not be sold to beautiful women? Go to Sao Nian and let beautiful women like La Bar!

Task progress: 0/20

Boss Qin only wants to see the sky now. He knew this a long time ago. Why did he...Oh!

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