Unlimited Naruto

Chapter 51 51, resentment of disunity

The two of them did not reach an agreement in the end. After sending Shihei away, Minato still sat there and drank in silence.

He was always calm, but at this moment he just wanted alcohol to numb the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

Minato looked at the transparent liquid in the cup and silently thought to himself: Until now, he hasn't accomplished anything...

Am I really not born to be a leader? Are my wishes wrong? Should I just go along with the world?

He imagined himself standing on top of the Hokage Building to take over the burden handed down by the Sandaime, swear an oath to the countless villagers below, marry Kushina and have children, and dedicate his life to the village he loves...

Is all this wrong?

Minato felt confused. He couldn't see the way forward.

A person suddenly appeared in front of him, suddenly breaking his illusion.

"Fugaku..." he muttered.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Fugaku asked.

Minato snorted lightly and looked at him with misty eyes: "When I minded before, I never saw you turn around and leave."

Fugaku smiled and sat down opposite him.

It's getting dark outside, winter is approaching, and the days are getting shorter.

Minato leaned on the backrest and asked blankly: "Fugaku, you have been pestering me these past few days to get me to share more of your Uchiha interests."

Fugaku slowly drank the wine and did not deny it: "I am the leader of the Uchiha clan. Naturally, I should seek more benefits for the clan members. This is why the clan members trust me."

Minato asked: "The benefits you seek for your clan are obtained by appropriating the interests of others."

"How can I control so much? If I don't fight, others will take away what belongs to me." Fugaku sneered. "Minato, the world is like this. Why are there families, and why are there villages and countries? Isn't it just to unite everyone's strength to prevent being robbed and bullied by others?"

"Minato, don't you understand this? You can be fair, but you shouldn't ask others to be selfless. People are born unequal. If your justice means giving things from the rich to the poor, what will happen to the rich? You are said to be a robber! To this world, you are a disruptor of order."

Minato was a little distracted when he heard this and kept mumbling.


He suddenly said angrily: "What kind of order is this?!"

"Why not?" Fugaku asked calmly, "Then you have also seen the future. The world ruled by His Majesty will be peaceful and prosperous."

"That's strong..." Minato was about to refute, but his words suddenly stopped. His eyes gradually became clear and he regained his sense.

There are some things he can't say yet, and he can't say them openly.

Fugaku continued: "Minato, you should understand His Majesty. He has accomplished great achievements that no one has achieved before. If you can sincerely assist His Majesty, your talents will be able to be fully utilized."


Minato deadpanned.

Fugaku pondered for a moment when he saw this, and then said: "This matter is actually easy to solve. We Uchiha are willing to make concessions, as long as we only need a small part. If you just give our part to others, then they will have nothing to do with it." It’s all said and done.”

Minato looked at him, no longer drunk at this moment, and asked, "Why are you helping me?"

Fugaku sighed after hearing this: "It seems that our friendship is not enough for you to trust me."

Minato was silent.

Fugaku crossed his hands in front of him and said calmly: "I would like to say that this is out of help for friends. You can also understand that it is for the sake of the overall situation, or it is more utilitarian. This is an investment in you."

"Investment?" Minato frowned slightly.

Fugaku said slowly: "If you handle this matter properly, His Majesty will reuse you in the future. This is a good thing for you and me, so I am willing to give up this current benefit."

There was a moment of dead silence at the table.

Minato seemed to be suppressing something, but he suppressed it.

Fugaku saw that the blond young man in front of him suddenly laughed, wantonly and crazy.

Gradually, the laughter subsided.

Minato clenched his fists, then unclenched them, and said calmly: "I won't bother you to take all the trouble."

Fugaku looked at him quietly for a while and said, "Minato, people must see themselves clearly."

After saying this, Fugaku stood up and left.

Silence returned here again, Minato sat there blankly, mumbling to himself.

"Assist the emperor...Assist the emperor..."

"Why should I stay here for so long?"


He swept down everything on the table, making a loud smashing sound, attracting countless attention and alerting the boss.

Minato had a look of pain on his face.


On this day, the heads of the major families were gathered together again.

Minato was at the top of the list, looking at everyone present with a calm expression.

"I have carefully divided the stores in these commercial streets again, and the method of division... is the same as last time, to ensure that what each family gets in the end is roughly the same."

As soon as these words came out, some people present looked ugly.

"Does anyone have any opinions?" Minato glanced at everyone.

Uchiha Fugaku closed his eyes to rest and remained silent.

"I have!" Ryuji Sarutobi said with a cold face.

“I want to prioritize the locations of these stores.”

His request immediately made many people frown. The difference in location will naturally greatly affect future profits. Some prime locations are worth more than two shops combined.

Minato said calmly: "The order of selection will be determined by drawing lots."

Sarutobi Ryuji sneered and said tit for tat: "Then I want to catch him first."

Minato continued, "I will find a kid who hasn't gone to ninja school yet and have him catch it for all of you."

Sarutobi Ryuji's expression became extremely ugly, he slapped the table with a "bang" and stood up, about to leave the table.

Minato said with a normal expression: "If you leave now, you will automatically be placed at the bottom of the selection order. Your Majesty, I will be solely responsible for this matter. Naturally, I will have the final say."

Sarutobi Ryuji said angrily: "I'm going to find His Majesty. I don't believe he just lets you do whatever you want!"

"What am I doing?" Minato raised his head slightly and looked at the rest of the people present.

"Am I fooling around?"

However, no one here responded to him. Even those small families who could benefit from Minato's method of division were silent.

Seeing this, Minato sneered secretly and suddenly changed the topic: "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

He pointed to a location on the planning map: "Dedicate half of the street to the Sarutobi clan. If no one has any objections, it will be decided."


Suddenly many people spoke out one after another.

Minato looked at the faces of these people and felt extremely disappointed.

These people can accept that they do not take advantage, but they cannot accept that they suffer, especially compared with others.

At this moment, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, and a figure walked in.

"It's so lively."

"His Majesty?!"

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