"Hello, we want to be adventurers."

"Yes, three thousand Eris, indeed received."

When I came to the counter again, I handed the 3,000 Eris to the counter lady, and after she accepted it, she handed back the three paper documents.

"Three please complete this document."

What a competent counter lady, even if such an embarrassing thing happened just now, she didn't make a sound of ridicule, and completed her work sternly.

"Height, weight, age, and features are all very common items."

He is 180 cm tall, weighs 75 kg, has black hair and black eyes, and looks like a sword...

After filling it out carefully, the three of them returned the document.

"Okay, I did receive it. Next, please listen to the detailed explanation..."

The counter lady explained to the three the things that adventurers should pay attention to, and then took out some kind of card for the three to touch.

"Please touch this card, so that you can know your various ability parameters, and at the same time, you can choose a career that suits you."

In Suqing World, the adventurer's occupation is determined from the very beginning, it's great to be able to determine the occupation from the beginning.

Sato Kazuma is an ordinary adventurer, Aqua shines as a very rare high priest, and Zhou Fangmu...

He touched the card lightly, a not too dazzling light flashed and then dissipated.

"Let me see."

Zhou Fang held the card in his hand, "Mmm, not bad!"

The stats displayed on the card are very good. Although I don’t know what the standard stats are, they are twice as high as Sato Kazuma’s stats!

Thinking about it is also very potential.

"It's so high!"

Sure enough, the lady at the counter was very surprised when she saw it, "Except for the average luck, the rest of the attributes are all at the highest level!"

Presumably, it is more than twice the value of an ordinary boy like Sato Kazuma, and it must be far more than others.

Wuhu, take off~

Although it is assisted by cheating ability, it will not be too weak in the end, but who would refuse a high starting point?

A high starting point means a high apex!

"Let me see, you can choose from Crusaders, Sword Masters, High Priests, and Magisters!" The counter lady suggested, "I suggest you choose the sword master with the strongest attack power, because your strength and physical strength Especially outstanding!"

"Master of swordsmanship? Well, that's it!"

Unlike Sato Kazuma, who can only choose an adventurer, Zhou Fangwu can choose any profession as he pleases.

Of course, choosing a swordsmanship master is not a loss.

Sword skills are not weaker than any other profession, no matter in which world there will be a winner of the title of [Sword Master], then he can analyze and imitate by himself, this plug-in level ability imitates their skills.

Zhou Fangwu was not born to me, the way of swordsmanship is like a long night!

The appearance of a top-level profession again made everyone cheer, and Akuya was also very surprised, "It's just a dead house, why is the body value so high?"

"That's right, is senior really an otaku?" Sato Kazuma had tears of envy at the corner of his mouth.

Only at this moment did he realize that the physiques of people cannot be generalized.

Some nerds say they are nerds, but in fact, their seemingly thin bodies have enviable big muscles.

"Didn't I say that although I'm an otaku, I exercise regularly to keep my body healthy, so my physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people."

"Is this the so-called cash house?"

Sato Kazuma complained, "It's the kind of otaku who says he likes the second dimension, but in fact he is a real cashier. In the end, only nits like me get hurt."

He looked downcast.

But now there is no time to comfort him, they now have to plan for the night's board and lodging!

Living in a stable also requires money, okay?

"It's not too late, let's take the task now and go earn the bounty!"

Sato Kazuma recovered from his disappointment and suggested that everyone do the task. He, who has always yearned for such a life, will finally get his wish.

"No!" Zhou Fangwu flatly refused.


"Because we don't have the equipment."

The three of them are penniless now, and they don't even have the money to buy the cheapest short sword. Could it be that they are going to fight monsters with bare hands?

"Well, if the ability you need at that time is fantasy creation."

Zhou Fangwu lay down on the table with a face full of regret.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked Senior Zhou Fang, what kind of ability did you get from Aqua?" Sato Kazuma realized that Zhou Fangwu is different from his useless material, he is a traverser who really has cheats.

At the same time, he was also wondering whether he could rely on Zhou Fangwu's ability to overcome the current difficulties.

"My plug-in is called analysis and imitation. As the name suggests, it is to analyze everything and then imitate and use it."

"Oh oh oh! Which hero's skill is this! It's too strong!"

Sato Kazuma, who is an otaku, immediately understood the power of this ability. As long as he meets more people, he will learn more abilities. In the end, he will become stronger and stronger. There is no boundary at all!

"But unfortunately, it doesn't help us now."

Zhou Fangwu spread his hands and expressed his powerlessness, "I haven't analyzed and imitated any ability yet."

"makes sense."

Sato Kazuma squeezed his chin, thought for a while and asked again: "Senior Zhou Fang, can you analyze Akua's skills and imitate them?"

Sato Kazuma's idea is very straightforward, as long as Zhou Fangwu can imitate Akuya's ability, then their team will have two Akuya. Moreover, Zhou Fangwu, who has outstanding abilities in all aspects, is still Akuya's Plus version, and his strength is much stronger than Akuya's!


Zhou Fangwu denied his conjecture, saying, "I can't imitate Akuya's skills."


"Sato-kun, have you ever heard of a dilemma? The so-called dilemma is a reasoning consisting of two hypothetical judgments and one with two alternative judgments as premises. It is the main form of hypothetical selective reasoning.

The conclusion can be either a categorical judgment or a selective judgment.

It is precisely because this kind of reasoning sometimes reflects a dilemma, so it is called: dilemma reasoning. "

It's a pity that not only Akua was confused by this professional explanation, but even Sato Kazuma was also full of doubts, and the two of them stared at him blankly.

Well, it seems that knowledge in this area is still too early for mentally retarded goddesses and ordinary high school students.

"Simply put, it is the God refutation of [God can't create a big rock that he can't lift]."

"It is said that God is omnipotent, so can God create a big stone that he can't lift? If he can, God can't lift the big stone he created, so he is not omnipotent God; if he can't, God created He can't move a rock he can't lift, so he's not omnipotent."

Sato Kazuma yelled, "Oh, oh, I understand, wouldn't it be better if I said that earlier!"

"It's great that you understand."

Zhou Fangwu continued to explain: "So, in order to prevent this kind of god refutation from appearing, the analysis and imitation given to me by Akua cannot have an effect on Akuya and other gods.

In other words, I cannot imitate Aqua's skills and stats. "

And this is one of the disadvantages of Zhou Fangwu's imitation and analysis!

In other words, it was the restrictions set by Akuya and other gods to Zhou Fangwu, the purpose was to prevent Zhou Fangwu from analyzing and imitating the gods in turn.

"Ah, that's right."

Sato Kazuma's face was filled with regret, "It seems that Zhou Fang-senpai will not be of much use either."

"Hey, that's too much."

Zhou Fangwu really wanted to beat him up, but what he said was true.

"So, what should we do? We who don't have the ability to hunt down monsters, what should we do?" Sato Kazuma lay powerlessly on the table, and he had no idea.

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while and said, "I have no choice but to go to work."

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and I ask all the readers to vote for two tickets, please bookmark it!

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