Liu Tao ignored the bearded man.

He is regretting.

It's not terrible to be cheated, what's terrible is being cheated twice with the same trick!

After experiencing the baptism of "Roger's Mystery" and appreciating the charm of Xu Gui, Liu Tao thought that he would never be fooled by the same trick again.

However, Jiang Yang used this novel to tell him that he was still too young.

This guy used the same trick to trick him again.

When he first got the manuscript of "Tragedy in Three Acts", Liu Tao saw it, oh, the third person, this time it should not be a narration.


He looks down.

At the beginning, this book was very attractive, and it was told in fashionable words: [Old Shuai, Da Zhuang and the doctor are good friends, Lao Shuai and Dandan like each other, but there is a big age difference between Laoshuai and Dandan.

On this day, the old man held a banquet, and thirteen people came, including the old man, Da Zhuang and the doctor, Dandan mother and daughter, Poirot, the pastor and his wife, etc.

Also came a handsome guy.

This handsome guy likes balls.

Because there were thirteen people in total, and the housekeeper said it was unlucky, so she should join in, so there would be fourteen people.


At the banquet, the old man made a cocktail and invited everyone to drink it. The doctor didn't like cocktails, so he didn't drink it.

The chaplain was not much of a cocktail person either, but managed to drink one.

After a glass of wine, the pastor died.

Because the pastor was too kind and had no enemies, and he took the wine himself, and the cocktail glass was tested the next day, and there was nothing there, so Poirot and the local doctor believed that the pastor died of a sudden illness. 】


This is a mystery novel, Liu Tao doesn't even need to guess, the pastor must have been poisoned to death.

To trick Poirot into it!

Reading mystery novels is sometimes an intellectual competition game.

Seeing that Poirot had been cheated, Liu Tao wanted to catch the murderer first, but after a long time, he couldn't find the murderer.

He can only continue to look down.

[The old handsome left because he felt that Eggy was more suitable to be with Xiaoshuai.

after a while.

Da Zhuang was on vacation in France, and saw in the newspaper that his good friend, the old handsome doctor, had died.

The way of death is exactly the same as that of a priest!

Just in time, the old handsome came over and confirmed again that the pastor's death was murder. He also said that when the doctor died, Dandan and Xiaoshuai were present, and now Dandan wrote to ask for his help.

The old friend died, Da Zhuang and the old handsome were duty-bound, they set off to rush back, met Poirot at the train station, and talked about the case.

Poirot was astonished that I had been deceived!

Poirot then went on to make soy sauce.

After Da Zhuang and the old handsome returned, they formed a detective trio with Eggy and began to solve the case——]

From the moment the three amateur detectives start to solve the case, the novel gets very, very boring.

The modeling of the three amateur detectives is very thin, with no psychological activities and no personal characteristics. It is almost like a detective finding the suspect and related personnel for questioning, and asking for some testimony, but it is useless. The three amateur detectives can't see any use. Liu Tao, an outsider, can't see any use for it.

Then, three amateur detectives repeat the above operation.

This mystery novel is neither tense, nor humorous, nor suspenseful.

At most, the old handsome and Eggy will talk about love.

to be honest--

Liu Tao has a feeling of "I watched it, I watched it, what should I watch".

He followed his wife to watch dog-blood romance dramas, which were more exciting than this novel. After getting this manuscript, Liu Tao did not suffer from sleepless nights and trouble sleeping and eating. Instead, he slept so soundly that his wife read His eyes are full of resentment.

He even complained about Jiang Yang—writing books is getting harder and harder, and he can't keep old Liu awake at night.

It's okay to be bored.

What made Liu Tao unbearable the most was the reasoning of these three detectives. They didn’t know what they were investigating. Is there any progress?" Liu Tao followed up, "You fucking know it too!"


Poirot, who has written most of the book with soy sauce, is here!

When Liu Tao read this chapter, he happened to be eating breakfast.

At that time, he had already decided that this book was Jiang Yang's failure.

It's nothing, people make mistakes, horses make mistakes, Jiang Yang can't guarantee that every mystery novel is so amazing.

He is still watching it now, just wanting to know who the murderer is and why the pastor was killed.


Liu Tao was dumbfounded.

After Poirot appeared on the stage, the rhythm of the whole book suddenly became smoother, as if the constipation had squeezed Kiesel. Useful leads.

When the final answer was revealed, Liu Tao immediately realized that he had been tricked by Jiang Yang again!


Just boring!

Reasoning around for a long time without progress?

No progress is right!

The characters are thin, the three detectives have no characteristics, and there is not even a psychological description?

That's right!

Because the murderer is among the three amateur detectives.

The two detectives follow the murderer and lead the reader to investigate the case, and it would be hell if the case progresses.

After the narrator of the investigation in "Roger's Mystery" was the murderer, Jiang Yang changed to the third person and made it again, letting the investigator continue to be the murderer, and actually deceived him again.


Liu Tao is completely stupid.

He suddenly gave himself a smack on the forehead, scaring Mrs. Liu, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"I'm stupid, really."

Liu Tao said.

He should have thought of it earlier.

For a master like Jiang Yang who has already written two mystery novels, no matter how bad his writing is, it is impossible for him to be so bad. Just like a professional 100-meter athlete, even if he has diarrhea and diarrhea, he can run faster than ordinary people.


When the book was so boring, Liu Tao should have thought about why it was so boring.

Liu Tao couldn't eat breakfast anymore.

With the guilt of thinking that this book was a failure before, he took the previous manuscript paper again.

Then he looked at the pile of manuscript paper with respect.


In a sense, this novel is more delicately designed than "Roger's Mystery".

If it is said that "Roger's Mystery" is tricky, using the first-person narration method, relying on the reader's natural trust in the narrator, and tricking the reader into a trap.

This novel uses the third person, from the title, from the structure of the book, from the motivation, from the text, and even from the character creation, step by step to let the readers fall into the trap——

The murderer-led investigation is inherently boring, misleading you, so that you can't find any useful clues, otherwise?

What surprised Liu Tao in particular was the death of the pastor!

It can be said that he could be misled because he still couldn't figure out the motive of the pastor's death!


The detective in the book and the readers outside the book are desperately trying to find out why the pastor died.


Just look at the title of the book and you will know "Tragedy in Three Acts".

This is drama!

The murderer is a drama!

Drama is rehearsed!

So, in rehearsal to kill, does killing someone need a motive?


Among the fourteen people at that time, anyone but three could die.

Including Poirot!

Small-scale indiscriminate killings, in this novel, motivation has become the key to reasoning and decryption, and the title of the book has clearly told the readers.

Liu Tao had no choice but to say, "Cowhide!"

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