Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 59 Going upstream

Li Yelai, his teammates and several students rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the security room.

But they didn't find the art museum key card Huang Du mentioned.

This made everyone a little stunned, and several students immediately turned around, planning to beat Huang Du again.

Think that Huang Du deceived them.

At this juncture, how many people are going to be killed?

You should know that the security captain may come back at any time.

There were fifty to sixty people in the entire museum, all waiting for the key card to open the door and escape!

Seeing this, Huang Du, who was tied to the security room with the key card, shouted in horror: "No, no, no, I really don't know. We have tried it several times and the key card is all in this security room! It's none of my business. Really! There might be some other accident!”

"It's me who has dragged you down." Li Yelai sighed: "I'm a bad guy."

Li Yelai was originally cursed with bad luck.

This accident was probably caused by his bad luck.

Sure enough, he is not suitable for carrying out missions with his teammates. He will kill these teammates. A sense of powerlessness pervaded my heart.

"You kid, don't take the blame blindly!" Cheese muttered: "In Huang Du's experiment, no one could eliminate the weirdness of the security guard. Now, the only security guard left in the entire art museum is the security captain. Perhaps it is because of this , the security captain took the key card away, it was due to incomplete information. Don’t think too much about it!”

Cheese frowned and looked at Li Yelai. She had to change Li Yelai's thinking, otherwise if anything happened to his teammates, he would probably think it was her own problem.

If you have this kind of mentality, I'm afraid it will soon get distorted and out of control.

"Damn, if I had known earlier, I would have saved one." Xinghuo was a little anxious: "Then what should we do now? Steal the security captain's key card?"

This time the plan seems to have reached a dead end. Everyone came to steal the door card because they did not intend to fight the security captain. The door card was on the security captain's body.

‘We don’t want to fight the security captain, so we have to escape from the museum through the door! ’

‘Then go get the key card! ’

‘But the door is stuck on the security captain. ’

‘Then go and rob the security captain! ’

‘We can’t beat the security captain! ’

‘Then go get the key card and run! ’

Trapped in a weird endless loop.

"What should we do? Give it a hard fight?" Xinghuo asked anxiously, "Maybe we can prepare some traps."

"The risk is too great. Moreover, Ye Jiang is not in peak condition now." Cheese shook his head.

Indeed, Li Yelai did not carry psychic weapons. Unable to use it, he is best at eighteen picks with one hand. Unable to exert the strongest combat power.

This is why Cheese is worried. If a war breaks out, Li Yelai is the only one who can fight against the security captain in close combat. If you are not at the top, you cannot take risks easily.

"Then shall I steal it?" Shadow Stream asked, she is a psyker of Netherworld Path. You can hide your figure, approach quietly, and maybe steal the key card from the security captain.

"The level difference is too big. If you get close, it will notice it." Cheese shook his head again: "If you get touched, you will be finished."

"Then" Li Yelai tried to ask: "Shall we destroy the gate directly?"

Although, the door of the art museum is a thick metal gate.

But Li Yelai had a weakness and could see through it. It was easy to break open a door.

This is indeed a method.

But as a ghost story area, the entire art museum has a psychic barrier.

And using such violent means to open the exit will cause the weirdness inside to go berserk.

It will also inevitably lead the security captain back immediately.

You know, there were 50 to 60 people present, and there were many unconscious wounded people.

It would take a lot of time to take them all away.

By then, the door was only halfway open, and the security captain came back, but it was terrible.

Everyone frowned.

At this time, a student who was writhing in the corner suddenly said in surprise: "I found it!"

At the same time, raise the object in your hand.

That's a landline phone, the security room's landline phone!

Li Yelai's heart moved and he immediately stepped forward to pick up the landline phone.

In the strange story in the museum, the signal was cut off and Li Yelai was unable to call official support from the outside world. The landline phone in the security room might be able to connect to the signal.

So, Li Yelai quickly dialed a set of numbers, which were the official hotlines.

One or two seconds after dialing the number, the bell rang. Li Yelai and others felt happy.

Sure enough, the landline here can communicate with the outside world!

The call was soon picked up.

"This is the Dongcheng High Wall Service Center." A beautiful female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I am a member of the Disaster Management Bureau, Dongcheng Division Champion Team, Night Commander!" Li Yelai was pleasantly surprised and immediately said: "Help me connect with the branch! I need support!"

The other end was quiet for a moment and immediately responded: "Wait a minute!"

Then, there seemed to be the sound of many people running quickly, and after waiting for about two seconds, the line was switched.

Li Yelai heard a lot of gunfire and a somewhat unfamiliar voice: "I'm Ben Lei, Ye General, are you okay?"

It’s the voice of the operations leader of the third team, ‘Thunder’!

He is a man in his thirties and the commander of this operation. Li Yelai has seen him a few times, but is not very familiar with him.

"Ben Lei, I'm in the art gallery of Huancheng University and need support!" Li Yelai said quickly: "Moreover, we caught the holder's accomplice, Huang Du, and his two roommates are both accomplices. Especially That third brother, Ye Xun! He’s carrying a strange note! Please arrest him immediately!”

"Very good, there is already a team to deal with it!" Ben Lei responded seriously: "Your information is very important!"

Li Yelai, who finally delivered the news, felt relieved.

Afterwards, he immediately informed Ben Lei of the problems he encountered in the art gallery.

"Don't worry, there are four teams, including me, approaching your location. They will arrive soon. We will force the door open to meet you and rescue the people." Ben Lei responded.

Li Yelai was startled: "Although it is a good thing, why are there four teams coming to support?"

"Hey, by your side, don't we just wait for the weird ones to come to the door?" Ben Lei responded, with a smile in his words: "The more weird things are eliminated, the safer others are. So, the more dangerous it is, the safer it is. !”

"Could you be a genius?" Li Yelai complained.

Many people in the branch thought that Li Yelai's monster spawner was a good one.

Commonly known as, things are pressing!

Once something happens, rush to Li Yelai's side with all your strength.

No matter what, you will encounter a strong enemy. No matter how strong you are, can you still be stronger than a group of handlers?

These are all unexpected gains!

Ben Lei and others had this plan. If there was any awesome weirdo wandering around Li Yelai, they would swarm him!

At the same time, Huancheng University has become a battlefield.

A large number of heavily armed combatants and armored vehicles are pouring into the academy with overwhelming momentum to start a battle with a large number of strange stories.

Countless horrifying weirdnesses were wiped out by the terrifying heavy firepower.

Deep in the academy, there seemed to be a huge figure shaking in the night, and many handlers were fighting with it.

As long as the firepower is enough, all weird things can be eliminated!

Therefore, after the strange story started, the processing department sent a large number of combat personnel into the academy to rescue the trapped people.

At the same time, the handler who was originally lurking in the college also began to battle wits with various strange things.

It was their presence that controlled the number of casualties.

Li Yelai, who received the news, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Support is on the way. As long as you wait for them to arrive and open the door, you will be out of danger.

Li Yelai thought to himself and said to the students around him: "Let the classmates and teachers gather at the gate. We will be able to go out soon!"

"Okay!" The student looked happy and turned around immediately.

Everyone felt a little at ease.

"That's good news." Cheese said, "But don't let down your guard. The security captain may come back at any time."

Li Yelai and others nodded and stood ready outside the security room. They didn't want to open champagne at halftime.

Fortunately, the security captain had been kited by the Knight of Two Swords and was still wandering back and forth on the third floor. There seemed to be no intention of coming down.

About five minutes later, Li Yelai learned via phone that a team had successfully arrived outside the art museum.

From the phone, Li Yelai seemed to hear Chongqi's voice.

It seems that she and her teammates have already dealt with a strange story, and after receiving the news, they came here to provide support.

He also helped Li Yelai get the Red Dragon Halberd in the dormitory!

"Ye Jiang! I'm getting ready to break down the door!" A strange handler shouted on the phone: "You guys are also getting ready over there!"

"Okay!" Li Yelai nodded and wiped it directly on his face. Show Xiang Yu's facial makeup!

Prepare to break the door on both sides at the same time and open the channel as quickly as possible. To avoid accidents in strange stories.

So, under the expectant eyes of everyone.

Li Yelai approached the gate with a molten ax in hand. Overlord's double eyes appeared, and several black lines spread out of the gate.

Without hesitation, he slashed along the black line with an axe, and struck hard on the psychic barrier on the door.

A ripple spread from the gate.

In an instant, the entire museum trembled violently.

The weirdos went berserk!

But, they are too late!

As Li Yelai's weak point was broken, twisted cracks appeared on the door.

At the same time, the heavy rider and another handler from the outside also raised their sledgehammers and hit the door heavily.

There was a 'click', under the action of two forces. A large hole half as tall as a man was instantly punched out of the metal gate.

Li Yelai could see Chongqi and the other four handlers through the hole.

Both sides looked happy, even the stern Chongqi had a smile on his face.

With this efficiency, the entire door can be dismantled before those weirdos arrive.

When the time comes, the handlers will just enter the hall and cover everyone's evacuation.

However, a sudden change occurred.

The moment everyone saw the light of hope, the iron curtain of despair was instantly suppressed.

I saw that the hole, which was half a man's height, began to shrink rapidly! The cracks throughout the door are healing quickly! In just an instant, the hole changed from half a person's height to the size of a basin.

"Wait!" Li Yelai was stunned, and immediately raised the molten ax in his hand to strike again. The heavy rider and another handler also immediately launched an attack. A crack half as high as a person was created again, but the door was healing quickly, and the crack began to shrink!

Everyone felt a chill going straight to their brains.

At this moment, they have alarmed all the weird things in the entire art gallery. As a result, they still couldn’t leave the museum!

At this time, some students screamed in fear, and went straight into the crack regardless of the fact that the crack was still shrinking.

Li Yelai and the handler outside the door were startled and could only attack again to widen the crack.

Then, Chongqi grabbed the crack with both hands and tore it hard. His palms were stained with blood, and he managed to slow down the healing speed of the crack. So that the student who ventured through the crack was not pinched by the door.

Seeing this, a handler shouted: "Quick, expand the crack! Let's hold it! Let people run out first!"

The remaining handlers attacked the door one after another, or used their own power to tear apart the cracks. Only then could he barely maintain the crack at half a person's height.

But inside the door, everyone panicked and rushed towards the crack crazily. There even started to be stampedes and shoves.

Under the threat of death, it was difficult for them to remain calm and they all wanted to rush out of the door as quickly as possible.

Even if someone tried to maintain order rationally, they would soon be pushed away. If Li Ye came to grab them, they would probably be trampled.

"[Listen to me] Calm down! Evacuate in an orderly manner!" Cheese used his ability.

Only then did the panicked crowd calm down.

After Cheese swallowed a piece of saccharin, he turned and looked away.

An unusually bloated figure has appeared at the corner in the distance.

This caused the originally quiet crowd to become panicked and crowded again.

That weird overlord is back after all!

At this moment, both the handlers outside and inside the door were horrified.

It's too late. At this speed, it's too late to evacuate everyone!

The door handler must maintain the cracks and be available to support the inside of the door.

Then we still have to let those inside the sect face the overlord of Kaitan!

"Damn it, why did the door heal itself? What happened?" a handler yelled.

"It's the holder! That holder has gained some kind of power!" A handler gritted his teeth and responded.

"Stop talking and pull harder!" Chongqi groaned, her palms already dripping with blood. Looking at the security captain approaching step by step inside the gate, she became increasingly nervous.

But suddenly I heard a familiar voice: "Give me the black umbrella!"

The few college students who escaped didn't know why, but they still started working together, and the three of them carried the heavy black umbrella. Passing towards the crack.

The next second, the college students' eyes widened.

Because, the man took the black umbrella with one hand, then turned his back to them and faced the monster.

The security guard had a very weird appearance. His face also had no facial features, but instead had irregular circular holes with sharp spikes.

Although it is wearing an oversized security uniform, its bloated belly is still exposed, and the painful human face appears. Disgusting and uncomfortable.

There was a thick chain wrapped around its waist. It held the chain in its left hand and a huge metal stick in its right hand. The terrifying momentum was frightening.

It gets closer to the crowd step by step, and likes to see the expressions of fear on humans. Look at their panicked appearance.

However, its steps suddenly stopped.

Because, among the crowd of people fleeing in panic, there was someone holding a red halberd and swimming upstream!

"Come on, beast!"

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