Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 44 Chamber of Commerce

The scavengers arrived in modified large pickup trucks.

The entire body is equipped with armor of different specifications and colors. There are also many bullet holes in the armor.

The original rear cargo space was a small carriage supported by steel bars and tent cloth.

This is very scavenger style.

This is the vehicle used by scavengers to run in the wilderness.

Li Yelai could even smell a faint smell of blood.

But he didn't care. Instead, he carried a black umbrella and got into the truck with his boss.

Next to him and opposite him were three scavengers, staring intently at him.

Seeing Li Yelai carrying a big black umbrella, the fierce-faced strong man sitting opposite frowned.

He keenly realized that this might be a weapon.

However, the size is a bit too big, and the umbrella handle is long and slender, not like a firearm.

Is it possible that this is a cold weapon hidden? Is there a knife hidden inside?

This is very much like a scavenger.

Some scavengers who cannot afford guns have no choice but to use knives to embolden them.

So, the strong man with a fierce face glanced at Li Yelai, let out a mocking laugh, and hid the weapon in front of the scavengers. It was really a big deal in front of Guan Gong.

Moreover, do you think you are safe if you carry weapons?

Even in a giant city where guns are banned, they still have a way to bring in guns.

Thinking in his mind, the strong man with a fierce face knocked on the armored car and signaled to drive.

For the boss next to Li Yelai, the only good news now is that the pickup truck is not heading out of the city.

This made the boss feel relieved. If he went out of the city, his life safety would really not be guaranteed.

In the giant city, generally speaking, scavengers do not dare to kill people. The security guard kept a close eye on them.

But even so, you can't provoke scavengers at will.

Their overall strength is uneven. There are indeed quite a few gangsters, but there are also thugs who have seen blood and are real desperadoes!

Once you provoke them, you will be in danger even if you don't leave the giant city.

Thinking of this, the boss was a little scared.

The courage I mentioned before is now dissipating little by little.

Li Yelai asked in a low voice: "Boss, you really didn't take anything from others, did you?"

"We've known each other for so long, don't you still believe me?" The boss was furious.

Li Yelai was speechless for a moment. They had known each other for a long time, more than four years.

When he was nineteen, he got the job. A huge city coin with a guarantee of one thousand a month is considered acceptable in the old city.

But the boss is indeed very picky about Sosou. Compared with Li Yelai, he would not be able to take that kind of opportunity.

The boss whispered: "No chance to get it! At that time, I didn't know which side even brought out the machine gun. I didn't dare to get close at all, so I hid from a distance. I could only see them frantically grabbing something, and then passing by After a long while, the convoy of scavengers came over, so I had no choice but to leave.”

"What you said had better be true!" The strong man with a fierce face grinned, and his already fierce face looked even more terrifying: "Otherwise, you will be the one who is unlucky!"

Li Yelai also nodded slightly in his heart. It would be best if the boss didn't take it.

It would be terrible if you accidentally get contaminated with forbidden substances.

Li Yelai thought to himself, silently pressing the contact device hidden under his sleeve.

He doesn't need to speak, the Dongcheng branch on the other side of the communicator will understand what happened to him through the conversation just now. and provide relevant support.

When necessary, the liaison officer will also request support from the city defense army or iron guards.

On the other side, there was a team of handlers from the West City branch.

Someone frowned: "The night general of the East City branch? How did he, a handler from the East City, infiltrate our West City? He crossed the giant city to infiltrate, right?"

From this perspective, this is really ridiculous. The giant city has a large population and a huge area.

The processing department assigned four divisions to manage the urban areas in the four directions.

For example, the Dongcheng branch manages the east old city, east ring city and east new city. The main urban area is managed by the headquarters.

Generally, members of other divisions will not participate in missions.

The last time the branches cooperated was because of the Fantasy Band incident.

Therefore, when they learned that a handler from Dongcheng District was suddenly involved, this group of West City handlers became a little numb.

Is there anyone like you who breaks in?

Cross the giant city, pass through the headquarters, and run to Xicheng District, right?

"No, this was indeed an accident. He seemed to be working in a certain acquirer's antique shop, and this happened to him. Now he was taken away by a group of scavengers." A handler looked strange: "What happened? Is it bad luck? Or lucky?"

"Don't care about luck or unlucky. How strong is this 'Night General'? Will it disrupt our plans or even hinder us?" The handler who spoke first frowned and said: "According to our investigation, this chamber of commerce is If there is a conflict with the wild psykers outside the giant city, we will have to support him."

For the group that has been investigating for some time, Li Yelai's participation is likely to disrupt their plans.

"Let me check, Night General. He is a newcomer, Wanxiang Path. He has only joined the first team of Dongcheng Branch for two months. When he first awakened, he killed the wanted criminal, the victim and the skinner. The following ones cannot be found. We have returned the authority. It’s not enough. We still need to communicate with the Dongcheng branch. At present, we only know that he has achieved second sleep.” A handler replied: “His talent is very high and he is still in the first place.” He killed the victim the first time he awakened, so his fighting power is not weak!"

"The first team from the East City Division, the former champion team?"

The leader's brows relaxed slightly: "In the last incident, they suppressed the black prison in the East City branch and did not allow a single forbidden object to escape. However, the losses were extremely heavy and nearly half of the personnel were reduced. If you can survive in that kind of battlefield, then This night general should still have some strength. What does the Dongcheng branch say? "

"The Dongcheng branch said that the current night general has no chance to contact him and hopes that we will pay attention to his safety. He also said something strange. 'It is your turn to be rich and powerful.'"

"What do you mean?"

The vehicle drove for a long time and did not arrive at its destination until the afternoon.

When Li Yelai and his boss got off the bus, they saw a factory building located in the northwest old city.

These factories cover a large area, with many modified vehicles and even heavily armed trucks parked around them.

In front of the door of this factory, there is a signboard.

Red Dart Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, Chamber of Commerce.

Those scavengers are all members of this chamber of commerce, or they are the escorts of the caravan under this chamber of commerce.

As mentioned before, in the wilderness, the identities of gathering places, caravans, scavengers, and bandits can all change at will.

This is the case for the Red Dart Chamber of Commerce. They control a gathering place for scavengers in the wilderness. At the same time, they are also responsible for escorting caravans or entering abandoned cities to scavenge.

When necessary, they will turn into bandits. Go and attack other scavengers or caravans.

The Red Dart Chamber of Commerce is considered a relatively large chamber of commerce in Border City No. 3.

If it hadn't been too dangerous and he had to leave the giant city, Li Yelai a few years ago might have joined this kind of chamber of commerce and become a scavenger who licked blood at the tip of his knife.

Of course, even if they are so powerful, in the giant city, their Red Dart Chamber of Commerce has to put away its fangs and show friendliness as much as possible.

The boss has some cooperation with them and often goes to their trading points outside the city to purchase items.

At this moment, as he got off the car, Li Yelai saw the members of the chamber of commerce, including gangsters who opened their clothes to reveal tattoos and held knives. There were also scantily clad young women puffing out smoke. Others were muscular men with a faint smell of blood.

Someone saw Li Yelai getting out of the car carrying a big black umbrella and couldn't help but make a mocking sound. Some women and even men winked at Li Yelai.

"Boss, do you usually trade with them?" Li Yelai asked.

"They have a lot of goods, and they are funded by some wealthy businessmen, so the source is stable." The boss reminded: "Don't talk too much, you may be the one to buy it in the future, so don't offend them."

Li Yelai naturally followed the good guy, carrying a black umbrella and following behind the fierce-faced man, and walked into the factory with the boss.

At this moment, many people gathered in the factory.

They were carrying various weapons in their hands, but they did not show their firearms directly.

They looked at Li Yelai and the boss with cold eyes, which made the boss's face become even more ugly. But he kept warning Li Yelai: "Don't be impulsive and don't talk."

At this time, the strong man with a fierce face asked: "I have brought the people from Dongcheng. Have you found everyone else?"

"No, there was a family from Beicheng who fled directly, but he couldn't escape very far." A woman with a hideous scar on her face sneered and responded: "If you dare to take our goods, he and his family will understand the consequences. !”

"What about the rest?"

"We're all here now, except for the family you brought here." The scarred woman looked at the boss and Li Yelai.

When he saw Li Yelai's big black umbrella, he was a little surprised, but then he smiled and said: "Take them in first. If this kid comes up later, don't kill him directly, but keep it for me. Pay attention, Don't hurt his face."

There was even more laughter and laughter from the side.

"Boy, Sister Scar has taken a liking to you. Why don't you thank Sister Scar?"

"You've made it to the sky in one step, why not just stay in the Chamber of Commerce? Hahahaha!"

They laughed wantonly, their words full of malice.

The boss's face became even more ugly, and he whispered to Li Yelai: "We are innocent, nothing happened, nothing happened."

Li Yelai actually didn't care about this, so he just nodded silently.

And on the other end of the communicator in his wrist.

When these conversations came through, the wary liaisons were infuriated.

But the doll passing by the office area was shocked.

Patterns emerge subconsciously from billboards.


Later, Li Yelai, his boss, the fierce-faced man and the scarred woman entered deeper into the factory.

Came to a large room.

There are already many people here, some of them are antique shop owners, some are housekeepers of some wealthy businessmen, and some are traders of unknown origins.

They are all related to the previous incident, and their subordinates or companions participated in that firefight.

At this moment, these dozen people were forcibly invited here, and most of them looked very unhappy.

However, one of the old housekeepers' pupils trembled when he saw Li Yelai.

But years of professionalism still kept him calm.

This was indeed an acquaintance, the old housekeeper of the Wang family whom Li Ye had met when he was taking on private work before coming here.

After Wang De's death, many of the Wang family's properties were seized, and the Wang Group plummeted.

Unexpectedly, even the old housekeeper would come forward in person.

Li Yelai did not greet the old housekeeper, so it was best to pretend not to know him at this time.

"It seems that except for the one in Beicheng, all the groups involved in the transaction came." The boss said in a low voice.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"No, the one from Beicheng is here too."

Then, a man covered in blood was thrown into the room and hit the ground hard, leaving a trail of blood on the ground.

The man's hands and feet had been twisted and broken, and he was panting in pain.

This bloody scene made the scene suddenly turn cold. Some people were trembling, and some were struggling.

At this time, the person who spoke walked out of the door.

It was a man holding a cigar. Behind him, two bodyguards, a man and a woman, followed closely.

The leader should be Xu Shi, the talker of the Red Body Chamber of Commerce.

The two people behind him, Li Yelai, narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't be afraid, I, Xu Shi, just want to retrieve the goods." The man who called himself Xu Shi said casually to everyone, and then stepped on the seriously injured man's head.

The leather shoes were crushed back and forth on the man's face. When the man screamed in pain, he leaned over and stuffed the cigar into the man's mouth.

Then, he watched the man writhe in pain.

Xu Shi smiled and said: "Now there is another chance. If you take out the things, I will not pursue it. If we find him, the end will be even worse than him."

Seeing that everyone was silent, they had obviously been suppressed by Xu Shi's methods.

Xu Shi nodded slightly: "Very good, I hope you will be so silent until the end. Then I will find it in my own way."

Then, he raised his hand slightly, and a scavenger came out carrying a box.

It was a small treasure box, and the classical patterns on it indicated that the items in the box were expensive.

But the other party didn't seem to have any intention of opening the treasure box, and just placed the treasure box in front of Xu Shi.

Li Yelai was wondering when he saw the bodies of the two people not far away trembling.

The eyes looking at the box were full of greed.

He actually approached the treasure chest under the watchful eyes of more than a dozen scavengers. It seems that the weapons in the hands of those scavengers have been forgotten.

"Look, don't we just find two?" Xu Shi spread his hands.

The next second, the female bodyguard behind him suddenly took action and appeared in front of the two people at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to catch up with the naked eye.

His hands suddenly closed together, and with a loud 'snap' sound, their heads were slammed together.

The two fell to the ground, covering their heads in pain. One of them endured the pain and stretched out his hand to touch his waist. Apparently armed.

But the female bodyguard broke the man's arm with just one kick.

A crisp sound of 'click' made everyone feel cold.

Xu Shi seemed to have not heard anything and continued to look at everyone: "There are two more among you. Let's continue."

Li Yelai clenched the big black umbrella tightly, really convinced of his luck.

This can all lead to encounters with wild psykers.

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