Which country will I bomb next time?

, Sakasky was furious by the naked threat, and the space around his body began to distort due to the heat, and magma dripped from his body like sweat, melting through the deck.

"You can't catch me, Admiral Akainu. Diaz shook his head and said, looking at the fearful navy below, sneered and said: "I can go to the country of any of you, remember, it is any of you, I can blow up Mary Joya and the Kingdom of Silaire, and naturally I can also blow up your hometown, really, I wanted to be a partner of justice back then, the world government and you forced me to be like this, oh, there is no need for your demon slaying order to continue, Ciao·".

Lei Jiu pulled Diaz over the top of the navy's head, and the red dog was furious, his arms raised, turning into magma, and countless magma bombs blasted out at the two of them.

"Meteor Volcano !!

" and "Stunt Flying Floating Boat !!

" sword qi flew out, cutting through the approaching magma bomb, Diaz laughed and said: "No need to send it, we will set off fireworks when we leave, General Sakasky is really enthusiastic! The mountains are high and the waters are long, and there will be a period later, oh, by the way, if my kingdom is attacked by you next time, I will blame all of you, and there will be a kingdom that will bring you to the funeral." "

The threat again drove Akainu and the others crazy, but to no avail, the barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes, and the unscrupulous behavior of this guy Diaz is simply stepping on the face of the navy.

Sadly, they didn't have any choice.

No one dares to bet on whether he will really take a world government member country to back his back.

That's the bad thing about the navy, once it involves the world government, it becomes very troublesome.

The words "retreat!"

were almost squeezed out of Akainu's teeth, and they all knew that they should not retreat now, but if they did not retreat, what should they do?

Looking at Diaz in the distance, the navy could only leave in a gloomy manner and report the matter.

Sengoku was also annoyed, anticlimactic

! And this guy Diaz actually threatened them!

Everyone knew that Diaz really dared to do this.

Mary Joya he dared to blow up, what else

did he dare not do?" This bastard! has he been completely lost in madness?"

I regret it, I regret it very much!

Diaz has grown up so fast, so fast that Sengoku is heartbroken, if this kid had been left in the headquarters, there would not have been so much.

His hometown hadn't been destroyed, and Diaz wouldn't have done any of these things.

Granny Crane was silent, "He won't do that, and the Diaz I know won't involve innocent people." "

I know, Crane. Warring States took off his glasses, pinched his heart with his hand, and said with a headache: "He said these words not for us, but for the world government, once he occupies a certain world government member country, the world government cannot mess around, and cannot directly abandon those countries, otherwise, the other member countries will be suspicious of the world government, and they will be even more angry because of the heavenly gold, not to mention that Diaz's current reputation is not good." "

The Confederates are cold-lipped, and although some of them are often at war and have been beaten into dogs' brains, once the world government abandons a Confederate nation for illicit reasons, those kings will definitely ask for an explanation.

Until now, there have been very few countries that have been able to expel member states.

Either because the heavens can't afford it, or because the countries are openly rebelling against the rule of the world government, there is almost no other way to expel them.

If Diaz captures a Confederate country, then the next kings will definitely contact the World Government and put pressure on them to eliminate Diaz and rescue the royal family, because none of them want to be next.

It is precisely because of this that Diaz dares to be unscrupulous.

"Contact the CP and let them control tomorrow's news reports!" At

this time, you must take the direction of public opinion into your own hands.

It's just that he missed a little, and Diaz has already told the news king, Morgause, about what just happened.

"Big news!big news!hahaha!Mr. Diaz, you're such a crazy guy!" Mölgaons listened to Diaz's retelling, and his whole body was excited, and the feathers on his body exploded, like a feather duster.

"Rest assured, I will write every word of your threat today in the newspaper, and this threat will make my newspaper a big sale. "Morgaons is not a good person, and in this case, there is no doubt that it is more profitable to follow Diaz.

"President, this is a letter from the World Government. An assistant knocked on the door and came in and handed an envelope to Morgause.

Morgons opened the envelope, it was a check and a letter, looked at the numbers on it, and sighed: "What a huge number, hahahaha, it looks like some changes are going to be made to the news, you go down first."


Morgaance said to the phone worm in front of him, "The order from the World Government makes me portray you as a madman who has destroyed the entire country.

"It's okay, it's not the image that matters, it's my words.

"OF COURSE, IT'S THE THREAT THAT MATTERS, MR. DIAZ, ARE YOU GOING TO BE EMPEROR OF THE SEAS? Morgause suddenly asked with great interest, "The red-haired Shanks has suddenly made a sudden effort recently, and he has the posture of becoming the fourth emperor of the sea, how about it, do you want to make you the emperor of the sea before him

?" "Oh? You want to use public opinion to push me into that position?" Hahaha, I have no interest in this, so let's prepare for the next broadcast." "

Can you tell me, where are you aiming for?"

"Oh oh oh oh what a bold move, King Riku is a king who is loved by the people of Dressrosa, and it is not easy for you to become His Majesty in the name of the King. "

King Riku, no, the Liku clan is beloved by the entire Dressrosa people, and it is almost impossible to overthrow them and become kings in the name of it.

"Who said I was going to be king

?" "What do you mean?" "

I'm the craziest guy in the world, it's not difficult to grab a country, anyway, lice are not afraid to bite, I don't mind the world government pouring cold water on me, and of course, I don't mind ruining Dressrosa."

Morgaance shuddered, he felt like he was really talking to a madman.

Cruel and ruthless

!But that's how you can be the main character in your big news!!Mr

. Diaz, you always surprise me!

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