Undead Mage in the End Times

Chapter 666: Divine Kingdom Expansion

Half a month has passed.

Everything seems to be "smooth".

The gods of the whole galaxy joined forces to raise "Empty Pearl" as a pig.

I feed from time to time, and when it erupts a divine power crystal or divine crystal shard, it snatches quickly, and the galaxy scatters everywhere, searching for those divine power crystals.

Some of the gods got crystals of divine power, without direct absorption, without purification, set up, and quietly waited for it to transform.

Not all crystals of divine power can be transformed into divine creatures.

It seems like not all eggs can hatch chicks.

But even if less than one-half of the divine power crystals can be transformed, that's enough.

Divine power crystals are transformed into divine crystal creatures, which will absorb the surrounding energy. After killing, you can get divine power crystal blocks that contain more divine power.

祗 Many deities are studying, including Ye Yang, including the **** kings. Want to figure out why those **** crystal creatures absorb the ordinary energy of the outside world, why can they be transformed into divine power in a short time?

However, it is completely unclear.

According to the King of God, this is a very advanced rule, which is more advanced than the rules known to the gods now. You must have enough strength to realize it. It may have to be an ancient **** emperor level.

There are many gods who approve, but there are also many gods who are skeptical-those **** crystal creatures are so weak, can they control such high-level rules?

The previous **** king retorted: "Ordinary creatures also have spiritual laws, soul laws, laws of life, laws of light, laws of darkness, laws of gravity, laws of reincarnation, laws of metamorphosis, and various laws. The power of various laws affects ordinary creatures, but it does not mean that ordinary creatures can master these rules.

"It is the kind of powerful engulfing transformation law that affects the **** crystal creatures, not that the **** crystal creatures can master such laws. It is because the **** crystal creatures instinctively use the power of such laws when they are born. The secret to the power of such a rule.

"Talent is something that is hard to explain."

For now, there are fewer gods of doubt.

However, ordinary gods don't care about these, but they want to get benefits from divine crystals and divine creatures.

结晶 Divine Power Crystal contains various impurities, which must be purified before use. Some gods wanted to read some useful information from it, and found that it was like garbled and difficult to decrypt.

The encryption method is very outrageous. For example, all text information must be converted into digital codes, and then doodled with reference to a ten-year-old child from a country on a planet under the control of a god. The text on one of the error-prone workbooks was converted to the page number of the text written by the child with a numeric code, and it was found to be the correct text.

In fact, of course, it is not so encrypted, but it is probably almost the same.

It becomes very difficult to decrypt.

Unless it is a **** who is particularly good at predicting the ability, or uses Ye Fang's power to make calculations like Ye Yang, it can't be solved at all.

However, most of the information obtained by cracking is useless.

Because the really useful information involves powerful oracles. Then, the remaining memories and information of these oracles will be absorbed by the empty beads and condense into the divine crystal, and the chance that the divine crystal can be transformed into a divine crystal creature will Very high.

Most of the information that cannot transform, the crystals of divine power are useless. Cracking the gods is just a waste of divine power.

Even if Ye Yang is not willing to waste power to crack.

And those creatures transformed into **** crystals, then suppressed, and then forcibly captured memory, the information obtained is the only way for the gods to obtain the information in the crystal of **** power.

A large amount of information, some useful and some useless, is thrown on the trading platform of the Taichu Ancient Hall. The price of the sale is high or low. Whether the contents are valuable or not, many oracles are unclear.

However, rules gradually formed.

When anyone catches the **** crystal creature and suppresses it, and is ready to read the memory, he must start using a special method to record what happened at the time. The condensed memory cluster must be complete and unmodified. And put it on the trading platform, other gods can see a small part of the front of this group of memory group, and must know how much content of this group of memory group.

That's worth it.

There is also a shrine, which is even more simple. Grasp the **** crystal creature directly, and then seal it up to form a thing sealed in a crystal-shaped crystal.

Next, put it on the trading platform of Taichu Ancient Temple.

This is equivalent to the "gambling stone" of mortals.

Through some information, you can know what kind of power the **** crystal creature used before it was suppressed, and speculate what kind of memory the **** crystal creature may have. It's just that this has a lot of uncertainty. Sometimes Hou Mingming felt that the creature was strong, but most of the memories contained were useless. The attack methods it uses are all near-instinct memories, unable to read related information from memory fragments.

There are some creatures that are obviously weak, but they have seen some powerful deities fight, or in ancient times have heard some powerful deities open the road.

These are valuable.

And the spar left after the killing of the **** crystal creature is not so precious.

So, there are more and more **** crystal creatures being suppressed and sold.

The transactions in the ancient temple of the Emperor Taichu were very prosperous, and Ye Yang was earning more and more.

"God Bank" came into being.

However, in the early days, only low-value loans were used. There were not many loans, and almost all of them attracted reserves.

For some reasons, the gods have left themselves a way back. In case of danger one day, they have time to take refuge in Taichu Ancient Temple with wealth, so they also store some divine power crystals here. Think of it as buying insurance.

Qi Yeyang has more and more crystals of divine power here.

"Extract one-tenth and absorb it."

Xie Yeyang didn't dare to draw too much, but with this large amount of savings, he could allocate some of the startup funds he had prepared earlier.

At present, this bank has not really caught fire. It is not so much an insurance institution as a bank. Therefore, there are not too many divine crystals that can be used.

But even if only one tenth is adjusted, after the absorption of Ye Yang, his kingdom of God has swelled several times.

At the cost of consuming a large amount of divine power crystals, the shell of the kingdom of God becomes extremely solid.

Moreover, once an external attack is encountered, all power can be turned into the entire kingdom of God. Unless the entire kingdom of God is annihilated together, the shell will not be broken. This is the mystery transmitted by the **** turtle Yuan Hao.

"Now, even if there is no ancient temple, my body is controlling God to go abroad. Even if God fully releases the level of the deities, he will not be able to break my kingdom of God! Unless they join forces, or the level of deity is higher ! "

提升 This increase in speed can be amazing. Don't look weaker than God now, but think about how much Ye Yang has cultivated, and how many thousand years those gods have practiced. By comparison, you can see how terrible this speed of ascension is.

Is a thousand times or even ten thousand times faster than other gods.

Putting it into a mortal person is equivalent to an ordinary child studying for one day, three years for others, and ten days for thirty years. This is more evil than evil, totally abnormal. It's unheard of. Even in the high-tech plane, which can directly input memory into the brain, the brain's tolerance must be considered.

So, Ye Yang is very low-key.

"Improved my strength, but I must not let the gods know my true strength and progress. Otherwise, even if there is an ancient temple shelter, some bad things will inevitably happen."

Ye Yeyang was very low-key in sending out incarnations to stroll outside. There are various shards of divine power crystals collected in the interstellar void.

The shards of divine power crystals in the interstellar void are too scattered. Every day, more than 90% of the divine crystals spit out by the empty beads will be snatched by Ye Yang and the gods in the first time, and the remaining 5% will be found in the next few days. It ’s hard to say the remaining 5%. It may take some time to find it. Maybe one day, a **** crystal creature will suddenly emerge and attract the attention of other gods. Or it may have been hidden in some wrongdoing. Known places can't even be calculated.

Because there are new divine power crystals spit out by the empty beads every day, no one will spend too much divine power to calculate those divine power crystal fragments that are hard to find for the time being.

"This will definitely be a worry, and there will definitely be problems in the future."

Many gods see this, but now this situation is unstoppable, unless all the divine power crystals are not allowed to fly out of the control area of ​​Taichu Ancient Temple. There are many obstacles to this, so the gods are treated as ignorant and ignored.

Within the empty beads, Ye Yang went in a few times and found that the space inside had become wider.

空间 A space about 100,000 kilometers in diameter. The incarnations of the gods are suppressed inside, the divine thoughts cannot extend beyond 300 meters, and the damage caused is also limited. It is okay to smash tens of meters of rock or hilltop with one punch, but it is difficult to cause more destructive power.

There are about five such spaces.

Presents a weird structure of "pyramid hidden beads".

The three parallel spaces at the bottom form a triangle, and one parallel space at the top and the other three parallel spaces form a pyramid shape, which is very stable.

The gods can now break through the void and shuttle between these four spaces. And you can use the crystals of the divine power you get here to build a special teleportation array that resonates with the outside body and teleports.

He must resonate with the space here, and then resonate with his own external being before he can teleport. If there is no body outside, it is trapped here and cannot leave.

In addition to these four spaces, the gods also calculated through a lot of mathematics and concluded that the fifth space exists between the four spaces. However, no one has yet been heard to enter the fifth space.

I have doubts about who and who may have a way to go in, but I cannot confirm whether anyone has entered the fifth space, it is not clear. What the fifth space looks like is unclear.

The four spaces are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The seasons of each space are different, but the seasons of each space are slowly changing.

Also, the terrain is different. And all kinds of strange plants and animals are gradually appearing in these spaces. It was formed by the overflowing divine power after the divine power crystal burst. It is normal for life and power to create these plants and animals.

There are other attributes of divine power, changing the terrain and terrain, so that there are many mountains and rivers here, mountains and lakes have a variety of landforms.

结晶 Some crystals of divine power will fall from the sky like rain, or fall from the sky like hail. Some of it coagulated on the ground like frost.

But there are still some divine power crystals that actually grow on trees. Some trees have a few fruits and there are several divine power crystal fragments inside. Some are in animals, such as killing a dinosaur and getting a divine crystal shard from its horn, while others are in the heart of the dinosaur, or the gallbladder of an eagle, the stone of a snake, the kidney of a tiger, etc. All kinds of strange places.

There are still some of them, hidden in the mountains like ore, and gradually condensed.

However, no matter what the mountain is, if you want to mine, you can destroy the mountain at most and dig a few tens of meters underground. You cannot dig deeper.

The four major spaces are solid enough that the gods cannot break them.

For the four major spaces, they cannot be shuttled at high altitudes and will be torn apart by violent forces. The King of God joined forces to break into the sky and successfully broke out ... and then reached the scar of the Bead of Orb, and then appeared outside the Beak of Orb. This made the gods stunned and speechless.

Time passes ... The days of the gods slowly pass by in the search and **** of the divine power crystals, or in the exploration of the ancient memories possessed by the divine crystal creatures.

As a result, many ancient secrets have also been discovered.

As a result, many oracles have discovered that some of the memory of divine creatures are wrong.

"Shinny gods will fall asleep, and they will dream when they are sleeping. The powerful divine fluctuations overflow in the dreams. These information memories disappear in the void, but they are swallowed up by the beads. The information in these gods' dreams condenses into the divine power. Crystals, transformed into **** crystal creatures. Then, the memory these **** crystal creatures have is the dream of a certain **** in ancient times. It is hard to say what is inside is true or false. "

For a while, the gods were very cautious about the memory of the **** crystal creatures, and never dared to believe it again. However, some of these memories are very useful. The deities learned from them that part of a secret technique owned by a certain deity in ancient times has greatly improved the combat effectiveness. But there are some oracles who almost drive themselves crazy because of some wrong memories.

In short, although the gods value the memory of these **** crystal creatures, their enthusiasm has dropped a lot and their attitude has been much more cautious.

This way, ten more days passed.

A thing that the gods have been worrying about has finally happened.

Jain is a place three billion billion kilometers away from the Taichu Ancient Temple. It is about thirty light years away, and there is a humble star there.

This day, this star swelled violently.

The blooming light is like a supernova burst, but this star is not really exploding, but like a huge heart, which expands and contracts.

The various gods noticed that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ had to pay attention to each one, and found that the star burst suddenly, but only cracked a shell, and a strong man with a strong dazzling light came out.

The whole body burns the flame, and the power of a heart-breaking law circulates on his body.

His body is 900,000 kilometers tall, but quickly compressed and condensed to a height of only one foot. There is not a terrible power in his body.

"My name is Emperor!"

The sound echoed in the void, and the sound contained powerful divine power.

There was a **** who couldn't help but horrified: "Willn't it be the transformation of the entire star's power into a god? Is this a new **** born?"

"No, this is not a god, it feels like ... God !!!!"

"The evil that the ancient **** Donghuang combined with the evil thoughts of the stars and the power of the stars? !!!"

I was moved by the gods.

Is just the power of a star, the gods are not afraid. But if most of this star ’s power is “qualitatively transformed” into divine power, it ’s amazing.

The new **** is not enough to shock the gods, but if it is a **** ... it will be terrible. This is an anomalous creature with a talent that scares all the gods, and only a terrible creature that destroys desire ~~ hope, and does not conform to the rules of the universe. There is strong restraint against oracles.

As a result, each look changed greatly, and many gods incarnate quickly flew over there.

Ye Yeyang saw that the gods who claimed to be the East Emperor stepped forward and sent more than fifty light years to reach a certain star area. With a right-hand wave, the incarnations of the three deities approaching one another in front of each other turned into flames and were killed in seconds! !!

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