Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 50 Human - Predator - Alien

"Bo Handong, the body of the second iron-blooded youth was found."

Chris looked at the mess in front of him, and reported with a slight frown.

The iron-blooded youth lying in a pool of fluorescent green blood is not the Celtic who met Chris before, let alone the first cat face to receive a lunch box, but Scar who should have been one of the protagonists in the movie.

Scar's body was facing down, and there was a bloody hole in the back of the head. It seemed that it was attacked by the alien from the back, and then the head was shot by the alien's inner molars.

On the other hand, Celtic, who died due to carelessness, now restrained his mentality of playing sadism in advance because Chris and others are different from the protagonist group in the movie, and has completed a double kill.

According to the custom, Celtic took off the mask and carved two symbols similar to 丿 and ㄟ on the forehead and the mask with the strong acid blood of the worker bees.

This means that Celtic is no longer a youth, but a qualified adult Predator.

The face-hugger once made a sneak attack when Celtic carved the symbol. However, unlike the scar in the movie, Celtic, as the strongest of the trio, naturally failed to let the face-hugger's sneak attack succeed.

The facehugger was cut in half by the boomerang.

After engraving the symbols and putting on the mask, Celtic is ready to take back the shoulder cannon, so the first thing to do is to deal with the fish that slipped through——


After ten minutes passed, the chamber of secrets opened the door, allowing Chris to continue looking for the exit to the outside of the pyramid.

When Chris crossed a cliff and came to a corridor in the middle of the pyramid, he spread the double-edged wrist knife with his right hand and Celtic, who held a spear in his left hand, met at the corner.


Celtic made a voice unique to the Sangvis clan, and shook the weapons in their hands, as if inviting Chris to a duel.

After all, surviving the cat face attack and successfully killing an alien, luck or not, Chris deserves a Celtic one-on-one duel.

Chris, who understood the other party's intentions, stopped and confronted him.

in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

"call out--!"

Chris and Celtic attacked each other at the same time.

The guns of MA5B opened wide, and the spears were thrown vigorously.

Chris barely avoided the spear attack, then adjusted his posture and continued to shoot Celtic with precise long bursts.

But Celtic used the armor on his left arm to protect his belly without armor protection, and charged towards Chris without fear.

"Dang! Crack~!" The warheads were all bounced off by the armor.

Although the armor of the young iron blood cannot resist acid, it is not something that the MA5B caliber can easily penetrate.

See here.

Chris immediately adjusted the muzzle of the gun and fired at the unarmored thigh.

"Puff! Puff!" The attack was indeed effective, and three bullets successfully 'drilled' into Celtic's right thigh.

"Roar!!" The pain of the warhead rolling violently in his body made Celtic roar uncontrollably.

But Celtic is iron-blooded, not human. The density of muscles and bones is much higher than that of human beings. Three shots are not enough to stop Celtic from sprinting.

On the contrary, the pain caused Celtic's body to secrete a large amount of adrenaline-like hormones.

The distance of more than ten meters was fleeting, and Celtic waved his double-edged wrist knife at Chris vigorously.

! ! !

The speed was so fast that Chris instinctively raised the MA5B to block.


The MA5B made of titanium alloy and polymer does block the speed of the wrist knife to a certain extent. Although it cannot avoid the fate of being cut into several pieces, it gives Chris enough time to fight back.

I just saw Chris retreating back, and took advantage of the momentum to kick Celtic's lower abdomen with a straight kick.

"Pong!" came a muffled sound.

"Oh...~!" followed by Celtic's wail.

Suffering from the ton-level strength of the mechanical skeleton, even Celtic, who weighed more than half a ton, was kicked down by Chris's kick.

"Plop!" Celtic hit the ground heavily, kicking up a lot of dust.

If the angle of Chris's kick is a little lower, Celtic may become the first "iron-blooded eunuch" in history.

If that's the case, Chris will never be able to complete the task of earning the respect of the Predators.

As Celtic fell to the ground, Chris had pulled the .40 caliber STARS Samurai Blade from the holster on his right leg.

As soon as he finished drawing his gun, Chris heard a gust of cool wind behind him, and then dodged to the right.

"Hiss!" Seeing that the surprise attack on Chris failed, the alien worker bee rushed directly towards Celtic who was lying on the ground.

"Roar..." Celtic, who was pressed to the ground by the worker bees and couldn't get up, hadn't recovered from the pain, and couldn't push away the worker bees' restraint at all.

"Cha! Cha!" The worker bee aimed at Celt's head several times and popped out the inner molars, but was also dodged by Celt.

The two sides were so deadlocked.

But a discerning person can see that if this trend develops, Celtic will be killed by worker bees sooner or later.


Chris stepped forward quickly, and "Pong" kicked the worker bee again, using the strong force brought by the mechanical skeleton to kick the worker bee away.

After kicking the worker bees away from Celtic, Chris aimed at the part of the worker bees that was not protected by the exoskeleton, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

"Puff! Puff!"

In order to show enough respect, Chris emptied the extended magazine that can hold 24 bullets, and the magazine is also equipped with a high-speed armor-piercing bullet.

In accordance with Sui Bian's policy of replenishing guns, Chris reloaded a full magazine, and then fired five shots at the same position on the head of the worker bee.

At this point, the worker bee that failed to sneak attack but was...killed was completely dead, and the frightening effect in the movie would definitely not appear.


But just after the worker bees were dealt with, there were a lot of alien howls from the end of the corridor.

Chris turned around and found that at the end of the dim corridor, at least seven aliens were attacking where they were.

The number has already surpassed the six in the sacrificial room. In other words, when they were ambushed in the narrow hall, there were still many D-class personnel who did not die completely, and then were dragged away by the alien to breed.

Seeing this, Chris turned his head to Celtic who was struggling to get up beside him, and tried to suggest:

"Hey man, I know your mask can translate what I say, and now we're both stuck here, and we're going to die here if we don't cooperate."

After Chris finished speaking, he put the pistol back into the holster first, quickly took off the backpack behind him with both hands free, and took out the longest silver shoulder cannon from the backpack.

Take out the shoulder cannon.

Zip it up.

Chris, who put his bag back on his back, handed the shoulder cannon to Celtic in his right hand and said, "What do you think? Time is running out."

Celtic, who had almost slowed down, did not roar angrily as usual, but stared at Chris for two seconds in silence.

In the end, Celtic chose to take over the shoulder gun.

at the same time.

Wave Winter's combat conference room.

[Anomaly detected. Chris Redfield's special attribute, 'good luck' activates. 】

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