Arriving at the suburban airport of Raccoon City, Sui Bian, Victor, Carlos and other UBCS took the convoy that had been waiting for a long time, and drove straight into the brood from the southern passage.


The convoy arrived at the first floor of the hive.

Afterwards, Marini, Chris, Jill and other members of the Charon task force came to explain to 54 UBCS what employee levels and abnormal phenomena are.

As for why Sui Bian didn't explain it himself...

It was because he was going to meet a rookie policeman.



The second floor of the brood.

A small living room.

Sui Bian, who was still dressed in a gray suit, flipped through the paper files in his hand, and sat on the leather sofa with his legs crossed.

Sitting on the sofa opposite him was a policewoman wearing green tight short-sleeved sleeves, dark gray combat pants, and short brown female hair——

Rebecca Chambers.

At this time, the immature Rebecca was slightly nervous.

Obviously, she seems to have misunderstood something.

"I was admitted to Cornell University at the age of 16, and graduated with a bachelor's degree in chemistry at the age of 18." Sui Bian put the file aside, looked at Rebecca with a smile and said, "It seems that you are a genius in the field of chemistry. what."

"Uh..." Rebecca was a little dazed, but quickly reacted and said, "I can't be called a genius, but I really like to study chemistry and biology."

After finishing speaking, Rebecca hurriedly asked again: "Mr. Sui, Director Irons transferred me my job is...?"

Two hours before Sui Bian arrived in Raccoon City, Rebecca observed the first and second floors of the nest under the leadership of Irons.

The existence of the brood has completely refreshed Rebecca's understanding of the current world, and she has also begun to think about what kind of company Umbrella is.

"Hehe, come with me, we'll talk as we walk." Sui Bian smiled softly, then got up and walked towards the reception room.

"This... good." Rebecca also got up from the sofa, and left the reception room with Sui Bian.

When he came to the corridor, Sui Bian started the 'Flicker' mode, and first said to Rebecca, 'Do you understand the darkness behind this world? '.

Rebecca, who was still in a state of shock due to the existence of the brood, directly fell into Sui Bian's trap.

Immediately afterwards, when the two came to the central hall to wait for the elevator, Sui Bian instilled in Rebecca that Umbrella was to deal with the 'darkness', and thus conducted various biological experiments.

He did this to prepare Rebecca mentally before seeing the B.O.W. on the third floor.

Soon, the two took the elevator to the third floor of the brood.

When Rebecca saw the production workshops of the Tyrant and Hunter α, and saw the' assortment of' weird samples in the laboratory, she was still in a bad mood.

But with Sui Bian's previous psychological foreshadowing, Rebecca can at least accept the existence of these B.O.W.s.

After passing through the three-story production workshop and the researcher's experimental area, the two came to William Birken's exclusive laboratory.

walk in.

Sui Bian saw Birken in a white coat sitting behind his desk, staring intently at the computer screen, and typing on the keyboard from time to time, as if he was taking notes or revising something.

Birken is still the same casual look. Judging from the yellowness of the shirt collar and the messy and greasy hair, it can be judged that Birken has not showered for at least five days.

And "in the same room" with Birken, there are four other Zetas in suits.

After Sui Bian took Alpha and Omicron to Europe, he was responsible for closely monitoring Birken, and the USS with Birken's wife and children was replaced by the Zeta team.

Birken seemed to be too involved in perfecting the follow-up work of the G virus, so he didn't notice Sui Bian and Rebecca who had already walked beside him.



It wasn't until Sui Bian knocked on the desk surface that Birken's attention was caught.

"Mr. Sui?! You're back?" Birken, who had regained his composure, quickly stood up and said excitedly, "But you came back just in time! The research on the G virus is already in the final stage!

one day! One more day! I will be able to perfect the research and development of the G virus! it's me! Hahaha! It is I who created a treasure that is more perfect than the T virus and the Veronica virus! "

"." The madness of Birkenstock made Rebecca a little confused.

On the contrary, Sui Bian and the four Zetas had normal expressions, as if they had long been used to Birken.

It is also understandable, after all, creating the G virus is as joyful as creating a new species with a human body but playing the role of a 'god'.

"Cough cough." Sui Bian reminded Birken with a light cough: "Dr. Birken, there are outsiders here, pay attention to the image of the company's top researcher."

Hearing this, Birken found Rebecca standing on Sui Bian's right hand side.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Seeing an outsider, Birken immediately apologized to Rebecca, and perfunctorily fiddled with his bangs a few times with his left hand.

Seeing that Birken returned to normal, Sui Bian introduced to Rebecca: "William Birken is the top researcher of the brood."

Then raised his right hand slightly towards Rebecca, and introduced to Birken: "Rebecca Chambers, Corner's Bachelor of Chemistry, she will assist you in extracting serum from my blood."

"Serum?" Rebecca was a little confused.

"Her?" Birken looked at Rebecca suspiciously.

"I'll let you, Doctor, explain to me about the serum. Now I want to invite you two to come with me. It's time for you to see the 'dark side' of this world." Sui Bian smiled.

"Okay!" Birken replied without hesitation.

"Okay..." Rebecca hadn't recovered from her ignorance.


Sui Bian, Rebecca, Birken and four Zetas came to the temporary meeting room on the third floor.

In the conference room, Sui Bian played files and videos about plague medicine for two geniuses in the fields of chemistry and biology.

"..." (x2)

After reading the files and videos, Birken and Rebecca fell silent.

Birken completely believed in what Sui Bian said to him before, "for human beings", while Rebecca's brain was not functioning enough.

No way, she directly witnessed the huge research facility built under the city within a few hours, then saw the scalp-numbing B.O.W., and finally this even weirder plague doctor...

No matter how high her IQ is, she cannot 'digest' it well in a short period of time.

"Two." At this time, Sui Bian's expression became very serious, and he said to the two sitting in front of him in a deep voice:

"In this world, there must still be unexplainable biological entities like plague doctors, and no matter how strong our elite soldiers are, they can only reach the peak of human beings.

But the pinnacle of human beings is still human beings.

So you two, I need you to use the G virus, T virus and the serum flowing in my blood to create a far beyond the limit of human beings...

super soldier. "

There are too many things to do today, and the schedule is very late. I didn’t start writing the second chapter until nine o’clock in the evening. I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting for a long time.

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