Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 311 Total War and the

Shortly after.

solar system.

Within the gravitational range of the sun-facing side of the earth, at an orbit 400 kilometers above the Pacific Ocean, the Dark Angel Fleet with the Anthem of Courage sitting there is moored.

On the bridge of the Anthem of Courage, Sui Bian stood next to the center console, using the holographic star map to browse the activity track of the Supervision Department.

Looking at the densely packed red dots representing signs of demons, Sui Bian couldn't help frowning.

The current trend is developing in the direction predicted by the "Elf Queen" Irene Mir.

Because before Pallas Athena tried to corrupt John, the low- and middle-level demons who stepped into the physical universe had already been "raised" by the Ministry of Supervision and the Gray Knight.

And he also took the opportunity to consume points and secretly plundered the psionic energy of those hunted demons.

The peace was maintained for quite a long time, until the arrival of Pallas, and the "elf"-like Mar people came into view, and willingly joined their human society. After that, the number of times demons harassed the real universe became more and more frequent.


At this moment, Bai Houhui, who was standing on Sui Bian's right hand side, reported: "Ji Ruslin has already known the fact of Lin Shunsheng's sacrifice, and signed relevant contracts and agreements. Primarch Ruth also bestowed the Pentagram on Lin Shunsheng two children."

"Really." Sui Bian ordered after the dialogue: "Notify the local branch of the company, don't take care of them deliberately, especially don't disturb the two children."

"Okay." The Queen Bai agreed.

The contract and agreement signed by Ji Ruslin were specially prepared by the company for the family members of the sacrificed intelligence officers, which is equivalent to "pensions" and "welfare guarantees.

Sometimes, the company will also provide part of the files to the family members, so that the family members can better understand the choices made by the intelligence agents, indicating that social stability is inseparable from the intelligence agents.

As for Ji Lusi, Sui Bian believed that as a C-level employee, she would slowly tell the story of Lin Shunsheng to the two children.

This way, children will learn that the real "heroes" are actually around.

The Pentagram Medal bestowed by Ruth was created by Sui Bian at the request of Hephaestus to commemorate the employees who had sacrificed and made great contributions.

‘I hope those two children can understand the meaning of the medal later. '

Finally, Sui Bian secretly sighed in his heart.

After soothing his emotions, he looked at Leon standing on the left side of the center console, and said meaningfully to Leon who was always silent: "Leon, get ready."


Leon, who was watching the holographic star map, was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what his father meant by "preparation", and then he said in a daze:

"Father, preparation means...?"

Sui Bian did not explain in a hurry, but walked to the front of the bridge, came to the giant porthole, and overlooked the blue mother planet "at the foot".

Immediately afterwards, Sui Bian turned slightly sideways, and said in a deep voice to Leon who also came here:

"If what the ancestor of Mar said is correct, then mankind is about to usher in the first trial of a different dimension. At that time, you, my father and son, and your brothers, must be ready to go to the battlefield together."

heard the words.

Leon's demeanor was also much more dignified, he nodded and said: "I understand, father, but..."

Leon hesitated to speak.

Sui Bian couldn't help but chuckled and said, "If there's anything you can tangle with, tell me."

"Yes." Leon said bluntly: "Father, is the incident really serious enough to require you to do it yourself? It should be enough with me, Robert, and John."

"If that's the case, I'm too happy." Sui Bian smiled again, then watched the beautiful scene outside the porthole again, and said, "No matter what, human beings cannot avoid the outbreak of all-out war, Leon."


Dark, damp, obviously in the sewage channel of a certain colonial city.

"Step! Step!"

There are a few people in black robes, fleeing in a hurry on the metal corridor above the water level, sometimes turning their heads to look backward, as if they were afraid of being overtaken by something.

Take a closer look at these men in black robes.

The skin exposed outside the robes was sickly fair, and everyone had shaved their hair and eyebrows, and their eyes were bloodshot.

They ran to the end of the channel, turned right, and when they wanted to move on, they found a group of heavily armed "soldiers" who had been waiting here for a long time.

Soldiers wear more advanced power armor than the TPS series, and the laser rifle they hold is also connected to the power backpack, eliminating the cumbersome process of changing magazines.

The black-painted power armor, without obvious badges or imprints, seems to be a hidden force of a certain organization.

The moment these men in black robes rushed into the sight of the soldiers...


Intensive gunshots of the laser series instantly sounded throughout the channel, and strips of high-energy beams of flashing red light also illuminated this place, making the channel no longer as dark as before.

"Poof! Poof!"

The two men in black robes running in the front couldn't dodge in time, they were melted and burned by the beam of light.

Immediately afterwards, the beam of light was like a bamboo skewer for skewers. After "skewering" the two men in black robes at the front, they were still not satisfied, and continued to "skewer" without any loss of power.

Immediately, more than half of these black-robed men were killed or injured.

However, someone with quick eyes and quick hands, or in other words, followed his companions around the corner and came to this channel, seemed to sense the ambush, so he quickly raised his hands and released a spiritual energy barrier emitting lavender light.

The unfavorable light beam was successfully blocked, and when it hit the barrier, it could only cause ripples in the shape of water waves, as well as a muffled sound of "嗡~! 嗡~!".

As for the two surviving companions, one chose to help strengthen the barrier, and the other's eyes were completely occupied by purple light, and he waved his hands, releasing a spiritual impact on the soldiers.


This impact disrupted the formation of the soldiers, and several soldiers were even knocked several meters away, and then fell into the sewage with a few "plop!"

However, the fact that the energy shield generated by the power armor was not shattered meant that the soldiers did not suffer serious injuries.

See here.

The black-robed man had no intention of stopping, and wanted to consume a lot of psionic energy to completely knock the soldiers into a coma.

As for the kill?

If he can get more "blessings" and absorb more spiritual power, maybe he can do it.

But before the man in black took any real action, the "guy" who was chasing and persecuting them had already arrived here.

"Wow! Wow!" accompanied by the sound of splashing water.



Two huge and strong "soldiers" uttered their unique voices, one on the left and one on the right, and rushed forward.

! ! !

Sensing an attack from behind, the three men in black robes turned around quickly.

But it's a pity that the speed of the two "soldiers" is far beyond ordinary people, only in the blink of an eye...

"Pfft!" The abdomen of a man in black was pierced by the double-edged energy sword that elites used to.

There was also a man in black robe who had an even worse fate. With a sound of "呵啦!", his head and spine were torn off by brute force, and blood spurted and splashed everywhere.


Of course, it also splashed on the face of the last man in black.

! ! !

Seeing the tragic death process of the two companions, the "only seedling"'s legs went limp, and he sat slumped on the metal corridor, shaking his head and retreating, and yelled in a complete collapse:

"No! can't kill me! My lord will not let you go! No!"

However, the two "soldiers" who are both over two meters tall may stop because of verbal threats.

Then, the sound of "呵啦!" sounded again in the entire channel, which meant that the head and spine of the last black-robed man were violently taken out.

In fact, the real faces of these two "soldiers" are elites and veterans of the iron-blooded clan.

Both of them wear black paint and have their own racial characteristics, but they are "human-made" power armor.

At this time, the group of soldiers who suffered from the spiritual impact also reorganized their formation and divided into groups to guard and replenish their guns.

One of the officers came in front of the elite and Iron Blood, nodded his thanks to the two comrades of different races, then looked at the black-robed corpse at his feet, and opened the newsletter to report:

"Colonel, this is the Mace Squad. It has already eliminated all believers in the area under its jurisdiction."

"You are doing very well, Second Lieutenant." The communication was sent back to the colonel immediately, and he replied with a strong Russian accent: "The mace team will continue to stay, and technicians will rush to your place to clean up the garbage, and then escort The technicians will return to the team together."

"Yes, Colonel."

End communication.

Leaving the sewage channel and coming to the surface, I found that the outside world is in the early morning, and the sky is clear and cloudless, the stars are twinkling, and there are two satellites acting as the "moon".

Under the "moonlight", there are large warehouses arranged neatly.

On the outskirts of this area, there are many security officers who are in charge of blocking it, ensuring that no one else will enter by mistake and hinder the "special military department" from performing its mission.

And in a brightly lit warehouse.

I saw an unknown symbol graffitied with blood donation in the central position, and there were also old-fashioned candles placed around the symbol according to certain rules.

But the candle has been extinguished, and the diagram has been destroyed, preventing a certain ceremony from proceeding smoothly.

In addition, there are a large number of black-robed believers who were killed here, as well as the soldiers responsible for killing believers.

Soldiers in twos or fours and fours were scattered inside and outside the warehouse to be vigilant about the surrounding movement, but the technicians were cleaning the scene and confining the corpses according to the process of dealing with pollution in different spaces.

And the edge of the array.

Standing was an officer who unfolded his power armor helmet and was "old and strong".

The officer's full name was Andrei Aleksevich Ivanovsky, Colonel.

Sixty years ago, in 2042, Andre was forced to be involved in the demonic events in Arcadia.

He was recruited again by Umbrella because he gathered many retired UNSC veterans, as well as killing traitors and expelling demons physically.

Currently affiliated to the Supervision Department, it is responsible for commanding more than a thousand combat troops that specialize in dealing with demons and believers in different spaces.

Guard inside and outside the warehouse, plus the soldiers who killed the black-robed believers in the sewage channel before, including the two elites and iron-blooded, their identities are combat troops of the Supervision Department, also known as "demon hunters" or "hunters" .

Emergency response teams respond when intelligence agents locate anomalies and alien forces far beyond what individuals can resolve.

As for the agents of the Supervision Department, if they discover a demonic incident that is far beyond what they can solve personally, then the hunter unit will take over.

The fighting forces of the two departments are similar in nature, but the hunter force is obviously stronger than the emergency team. After all, it is a force that faces believers and demons, and all members are "veterans."


The 130-year-old "senior" Andre was waiting patiently for the technicians to complete the work, and was lost in thought while looking at the graphic symbols.

Not long ago, two agents discovered that this group of believers who claimed to be the "God of Pleasure" stopped hiding and covering up, and they were almost blatantly carrying out activities.

In view of the large number of believers, two agents applied for the support of the hunters. Finally, when the believers gathered in the warehouse, Andre ordered a surprise attack, blocking some kind of summoning ceremony held by the gang of "traitors".

"People rape"...

It is relatively rare for human beings assisted by vaccines to become voluntary. Most of them will be corroded and corrupted only after close or long-term contact with some kind of items parasitized by demons.

Between 2090 and 2100, this type of erosion and corrosion has gradually intensified.

Today, May 30, 2102, from entering 2102 to the present, in just half a year, they have dealt with three incidents of believers, including this group of "meeting the god of joy".

This made Andre, who was much older than before, always have a bad feeling.

Thirty minutes later.

Seeing the technicians erasing the graphic symbols and all the traces left in the different space, Andre turned around and walked out of the warehouse, turned on the communication, and gave the order to withdraw the team.

Leave the warehouse.

All personnel entered the transport boat and transport plane, and then the transport formation carried Andre and the others to low-Earth orbit, leaving the already "empty" warehouse area to the local sheriff to take over.


There are about sixty kilometers of orbit above the surface.

A warship that looks like the Steadfast class, but is a bit larger than the ordinary Steadfast class. It is also painted in black, and has no obvious marks or logos. The optical camouflage effect has been removed, allowing the transport formation to enter the hangar smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, the battleship entered the hidden state again, as if it had disappeared.

And the corridor passage inside the battleship.

Andre, who hadn't taken off his power armor, was walking to the bridge with two adjutants.

But at this moment...

The lights became flickering, and the whole battleship could still be clearly felt shaking, as if it had suffered some kind of shock.

? !

Noticing something strange, Andre and the others quickened their pace and rushed to the bridge.

The moment the hatch opened, Andre saw the universe outside the window through the porthole opposite the hatch, showing a strange "dazzling" light.


The captain standing by the center console saw Andre walking into the bridge, and quickly reported:

"At present, all star regions except the solar system have erupted galaxy-scale psionic shocks, especially the border fortress and the Oslo star region where we are, and even the quantum communication has suffered a considerable degree of interference!"

Psionic impact?

Andre walked quickly to the edge of the center console, and saw that the flat star map representing the human territory was all over red.

At the same time, the border fortress at the "upper" side and Oslo at the "lower" side respectively have "vortexes" that are large enough to cover half a star sector.

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