Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 154 The Body of God

If given a choice, Sui Bian would rather humans at this stage avoid being discovered by hostile alien forces.

But no choice.

No matter what kind of life form the opponent is, whether the technology tree is even or crooked, human beings have to face the coming "predators".

As for Sanguinius saying that he saw Chris and saying "there are two objects in the deep space, one of which is clearly hostile", then Sui Bian can only think of one possibility——


Sanguinius couldn't see the shattered prediction picture clearly, so there was some deviation in the expression, not "two objects", but "two forces".

At the beginning, Chris was recognized by Celtic and the clan to which Celtic belonged.

If Sui Bian's guess is correct, then the Celtic iron-blooded clan can be regarded as potential allies of mankind.

It can only be said to be potential, after all, the iron-blooded people have strange personalities.

It's best to help, and you won't complain if you don't help Sui Bian. After all, human beings have to rely on their own strength.

Not long.

The Yuou began to lower its height, lowered its landing gear, and then opened the tail hatch when it came into contact with the ground.

Seeing this, Sui Bian got up and left the cabin, and went to the exclusive apron outside the cabin.

It was originally a desolate Göbekli Hills, but with Umbrella's involvement, it became a large-scale research center.

The hills on the surface were leveled and replaced with an airfield and base facilities leading underground.

If you look down vertically from above, you can also see that there are two rows in the east of the airport, and each row has five metal gates of 35m x 35m next to each other.

Shortly after.

The third basement floor of the research center, the central hall waiting for the elevator.

A group of researchers in white coats stood in the hall and waited patiently for Sui Bian's arrival.

The first two of the researchers were Rebecca, who had short brown female hair, and Alexia, who liked to wear a single ponytail. As for the main person in charge of the god-making project, William Birken, he was not here.


The gate of the elevator opened, and Sui Bian, who was surrounded by several elite security guards, came to the central hall.

Rebecca, Alexia and other researchers also gathered beside Sui Bian, and then walked towards the interior of the third-floor area together.

"Where's the Birkenstock?" Sui Bian asked.

"Doctor, he is checking the Primarchs." Rebecca replied.

"That will be a pain for them." Sui Bian could imagine Birken's madness and excitement, and the appearance of the Primarchs respecting Birken.

"The inspection should be completed soon." Alexia added.

"Well, let's go to the observation room first."


Everyone walked through the corridor passage that can run through the entire three underground floors, and finally came to a large observation room at the end of the third floor.

walk in.

You can see the real main body of the Göbekli Research Center through the observation window facing the automatic door.

I saw that the side of the observation window was the underground space where Lilith and Ares were discovered, and the observation room was located in the rock wall above the blood lake.

The current underground space is no longer as overgrown with weeds and a mess as before, but has been transformed by the engineering department into a "manufacturing workshop" equipped with strong lighting equipment, reinforced concrete and metal.

The blood lake was changed to a square blood pool of 500m X 500m, and this blood pool is the most important part of the manufacturing workshop and even the entire research center, and it is the main facility for cultivating and manufacturing the body of God.

Instead, Lilith, who has no soul, is in the shape of a "ten", hanging directly above the blood pool, with light red blood flowing down continuously.

Standing behind the observation window, you only need to lower your head slightly to see Lilith hanging in mid-air.

If you look to the left and right sides, you can still see two rows of giant biological weapons belonging to the Primarch, the Body of God.

The average height is about ninety meters, but they do not inherit the strong body of the original body, but are thin and thin, and the skin is a layer of black substance similar to the Thor's hammer nanosuit.

The head is also covered by this black skin, the facial features are not obvious, only the eyes are exposed.

But the eyes don't have pupils, but have structures like dark green gemstones, completely lacking in soul.

They stand on their own platforms, and are assisted by six symmetrical giant robotic arms to maintain their standing posture, and there are slide rails on the back of the platform.

With the 35m X 35m metal gates located above each platform, it is not difficult to imagine that this platform can carry out some kind of ejection procedure, and the body of God can be delivered directly to the surface in the east of the airport.

There should have been five bodies in each of the two rows, but there was one god body missing on the platform in the middle on the left.

However, Sui Bian and the others standing behind the observation window only need to look straight ahead to see the body of a god with a pair of huge wings behind them.

The pair of wing-like wings are white and flawless, just like the wings of an angel in people's imagination, but they grow on the black body of a god, which has a strong sense of contrast.

The god body of Sanguinius.

It is reclining on a large metal platform, and the extra wings will not affect its lying position. Dozens of technicians in one-piece protective suits can also be seen holding various instruments on it. I don't know how many times the comprehensive inspection is underway.

Well, very good.

Sui Bian, with his hands behind his back, saw these ten giant weapons that looked like EVA but had essential differences, his face flashed with undisguised pride.

Because this is a "god" that only belongs to their human beings.

"How's the progress?" Sui Bian asked with his back turned.

heard the words.

Rebecca took the initiative to come forward and report: "Actually, all the bodies of gods are in the final stage of debugging. If there is no sudden mutation, all the debugging procedures should be completed on this Saturday, that is, three days later."

"The sixth day of the week?"

After listening to Rebecca's report, Sui Bian couldn't help thinking of the records in "The Bible: Creation".

He is not sure what God has done, and he doesn't care, but Umbrella has completed the creation of God.

"Shua!" At this moment, the metal door behind everyone opened.

"Mr. Sui! Mr. Sui!" Before the door was fully opened, Birken's excited voice was heard by everyone in the observation room.

Sui Bian and the others turned around.

Seeing that his hair had not been washed for a long time and was so oily that it could reflect light under the light, William Birken, wearing a yellow coat, rushed into the room and walked quickly towards Sui Bian who was standing behind the observation window.

Afterwards, those who walked into the room were the ten primarchs who looked like they had vomited, and they seemed to have just passed an unbearable comprehensive examination.

"Mr. Sui!" But Birken passed through the crowd and came to Sui Bian's body and said excitedly:

"I have found the root of the mutation of the body of God! It is definitely affected by the unknown spiritual power in Sanguinius' body. After all, every body of God has their genes, and in a sense it is It is not an exaggeration to regard it as an avatar.

Psychics are really amazing. "Speaking of the last Birken sighed.

"Hmm." Sui Bian was not too surprised by the result, but continued to ask:

"Birken, since the Primarchs are all here, is it possible to carry out an experimental activation?"

"No problem! Of course it's no problem!" Birken became even more excited.

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