Chapter 657 Additional Files

"Well," Mu Zhimei nodded and said nostalgicly: "When I was young, I was often laughed at and teased by other people because I wore glasses. At that time, I was really sad, and sometimes I even didn't want to go to school, so I don't have to be laughed at. .”

"One day, it was Suzaki who chased them away and gave me his most precious Ultraman Zophie toy, and told me that the eyes I wore matched me well, and that the partners of justice are strong , will never cry. It was his words that gave me courage, and since then I have stopped paying attention to those ridicules. But one day I had to move because of my father’s work, but I didn’t see Xu in the crowd who sent me off. Just as I was leaving by car, I saw Suzaki’s figure on the hill outside the town. Although I didn’t hear his voice from a long distance, I knew he must be saying come on.”

"What a touching story!" Mirai was so moved that he was about to cry.

"Very good," Long stood up and said hastily, "Marina, use your aesthetic ability to give Mu Zhimi a big transformation, you can't go on a date wearing GUYS uniform."

"Uh, this..." Marinai said awkwardly: "Dressing up is not my strong point, so I think about this..."

"Okay, I'll let Mayumi take Kizhimi out to dress up, Marina, do you want to go with me?" Xingye asked with her head supported on one hand, "I haven't seen you wearing clothes other than the GUYS uniform yet." , you don’t just have uniforms, do you?”

"This..." Zhennai turned her head and twitched and said, "Anyway, I often don't need other clothes at the base."

"In this case, this afternoon is the girl's shopping time." Said Captain Shizumi, who had already taken out the memory display device: "Misaki, do you have time in the afternoon? Kizhimei needs a costume consultant."

"Then what about us?" Long Yi said, pointing at himself in a daze.

"Of course I stayed in the base and waited for orders." Captain Sui Shui said as a matter of course.


"It seems that I need a dress very much. You can stay here, bye." Shinna stood up with a smile on her face and pulled Mu Zhimei out, leaving behind a room full of mourning boys.

"Okay, stop complaining, we just have time today to catch that ghost together." Xingye clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Catch ghosts?" Long's face was full of surprise: "Are you an Onmyoji? What are you going to use, garlic or talisman paper?"

"Science." Xingye tapped the keyboard in front of him as he spoke, and a 3D model image of the Phoenix Nest appeared on the projector: "I reset the program of the monitoring facilities of the Phoenix Nest, and now not only use the optical imaging model, but also add With infrared rays, energy particles, and quantum models, as long as the ghost dares to appear, it will definitely not be able to escape."

"That...although I don't understand it, but it looks amazing." Sadaharu hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his ignorance.

"Same!" Long nodded.

Xingye watched the captain of the forced water spread his hands, the captain of the forced water smiled, turned around leisurely, and continued to taste the coffee cup.

After three boring hours of waiting, the program set by Xingye was not disturbed, and Marina and Mayumi came back with big bags and small bags in a good mood.

"After the three of us dressed up carefully, Mu Zhimei is full of charm now, and this date will definitely be a complete success." Marinai announced impatiently as soon as she entered the door.

"Then what are you holding?" Long pointed to a large pile of things on the ground.

"The spoils of war, how could you not buy something when you go shopping." Shinna said, took out a paper bag from inside and handed it to Captain Jishui: "Captain, here is a set of coffee cups I bought for you."

"Thank you!" Captain Sui Shui took it over with great satisfaction.

"Hey, what about us?" Zhenzhi got up and said.

"When it's time for the boys to shop, go and buy it yourself." Mani said naturally.

"It's not fair, why only the captain has it?" Long muttered.

"Who knows?"

"Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, the siren sounded, and Zhe Ping and Xingye regained their spirits, and immediately began typing on the keyboard. The 3D model on the projector was spinning rapidly, and a flashing light appeared in a corner of the Phoenix Nest. red light.

"That's it." Zhe Ping immediately entered the monitoring screen with great joy.


"There is a ghost!"

I saw Assistant Toriyama and Secretary Maru wearing strange clothes, fleeing in terror, turning their heads from time to time, as if something terrifying was chasing them.

"Why are these two guys dressed like this?" Long had a new understanding of Assistant Toriyama.

Xingye tapped the keyboard quickly with his ten fingers, and the monitoring screen immediately changed. After the screen was rendered, a red ghost appeared, exactly the same as the ghost he saw last night.

"It's this guy, and it really appeared again."

Zhe Ping and Xing Ye tapped the keyboard quickly, all kinds of detectors were turned on, and line after line of data flashed across the computer screen, making people feel dazzled.

"Finally found the true face of this guy." Zhe Ping raised his head with an excited expression, "This guy is really not a ghost."

"What's that?" Shinna asked curiously.

Zhe Ping asked with a mysterious smile, "Do you still remember the high molecular energy fog leaked from the unrepaired particle accelerator?"

"What does this have to do with ghosts?"

"Of course, the body of this ghost is composed of these high-molecular energy fogs, just like the man-made monsters of the meteor technology. Therefore, this ghost cannot exist for a long time. It will disappear after one minute of the meteor technology. He will act as if he is elusive." Zhe Ping explained confidently.

"But why did the leaked polymer mist turn into a red ghost?" Captain Sui frowned and asked, "The leak has been going on for three weeks, but the rumor of the red ghost only appeared in the last week."

"The image of this guy is very similar to the disc creature Noble that appeared after the destruction of MAC in the extra file, but there is no Noble in the man-made monster plan, how could he show the image of Noble?" Zhe Ping looked depressed and displeased. untie.

"Man-made monsters are entities that use simulated monster particles as the core and polymer energy fog as the monster. What kind of mold determines what kind of model," Xingye said lightly: "The appearance of this red ghost is definitely not a good sign."

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