Chapter 235 - Frustrated

"Boom" a deafening explosion sounded, and the hill with a height of tens of meters and a stretch of hundreds of meters was immediately smashed into powder and disappeared without a trace.

"Ah!" Nexus raised his drooping head suddenly, grabbed Chaos Gauss who was still standing still, then raised his right knee and slammed into Chaos Gauss' chest hard. His chest was bent into a bow shape, and then he raised his arms and elbows and hammered on Chaos Gauss' spine fiercely, knocking him to the ground.

King Hayes aimed at Chaos's head again and fired the Suago beam. The Suago beam hit Chaos Gauss' chest again and sent him flying. Chaos Gauss' body became unstable again.

"Great, with King Hayes, we don't have to be afraid of Chaos' head." Military officer Saijo looked enthusiastically at the invincible King Hayes.

Chaos Gauss quickly turned into a colorful streamer and disappeared. Under the vigilant eyes of Nexus and the youth elite team, King Hayes turned around, his legs spewed out strong airflow and flew high into the sky, while the defense Five fighter planes from the army also followed, flying on both sides of King Hayes like escorts.

"King Hayes belongs to the Defense Army?!" Feng Fei couldn't believe it, but everything in front of him was telling this fact.

Nexus' huge body swayed twice and hit the ground with a bang. Huge potholes were everywhere around him, and the messy ground told the tragic battle just now.

Nexus quickly blurred the figures of the starry night gathered on the ground.

Mizuki Shinobu ran to the crash site of Tek Thunder 4, and the black smoke from Tek Thunder 4 shot straight into the sky, twisted cracks could be seen everywhere on the fuselage, and many places could no longer see the original appearance.

In the cockpit, Captain Hiura has fallen into a coma, his head is covered with blood, and the uniform on his body is already covered with burn marks.

Mizuki Shinobi carefully helped Captain Hiura out of the extremely dangerous Tek Thunder 4, which was about to explode at any time, supported his head and let him lie down on the ground.

"Has the Ayano ambulance arrived yet?" Mizuki Shinobu anxiously urged.

"Already set off, we'll be there soon!" Ayano replied with tears.

"Hold on, Musashi!" Kazeki limped and ate, with Musashi still unconscious and sweaty on his back, even though he was separated by two layers of uniforms, he could still feel Musashi's scorching body temperature and warmth. Shortness of breath, worse than the last time.

"Never give up!" Feng Chui gritted his teeth and moved forward step by step, and finally saw the starry night lying on the ground not far away.

Feng Chui carefully placed Musashi on the ground, limped to Xing Ye's side and shouted: "Hey, Xing Ye wake up! Hey!"

But just like Musashi, it had no effect. Xingye closed her eyes tightly and remained motionless. When the wind blew, she found that Xingye's body temperature was hotter than Musashi's, and even the air she breathed was a bit hot.

"Where's the ambulance? Where's the ambulance?" Feng Chui yelled at Hesteri, "Hurry up!"

"Why haven't you arrived yet?" Morimoto Ayano was already crying bitterly in the command room of one person, constantly typing on the keyboard to coordinate the arrangement of the ambulance and the subsequent rescue, tears dripping on the busy fingers , almost blurred her vision but didn't care to wipe it.

After the First World War, the youth elite team was almost completely annihilated and almost lost its combat effectiveness. Doi Heng has been studying the enzymes that destroy Chaos without a break for four days. Injured, while Xingye and Musashi are still lying in the intensive care unit. Only two female players, Morimoto Ayano and Mizuki Shinobi, remained in combat.

"How are the two of them?" Mizuki Shinobu and Ayano hurriedly surrounded Dr. Yuanye when they saw him come out, and Kazaki walked over with difficulty on crutches.

Doctor Yuan Ye turned his head and looked at the two people in the life support device and couldn't help but sighed: "Musashi team member is still the same as last time. There is no injury on his body but his body has reached the limit. Starry night team member's injury is very serious. But..."

"But what? Since the injury is serious, go in and treat him quickly, why did you come out?" Feng Chui interrupted Doctor Yuanye's loud shout.

"Kazebuki!" Mizuki Shinobu immediately stopped Fengfuki, who was about to beat up, and turned to look at Dr. Yuanye: "Is there any problem?"

"If I can treat him, I will definitely do my best. The problem is that I can't treat him at all." Doctor Yuan Ye said with a wry smile.

"What do you mean?" Feng asked puzzled.

"Look at this!" Doctor Yuan Ye handed over a piece of paper full of various things.

"Ah!" Ayano just looked at it and covered her mouth in surprise.

"That's right! Although Starry Night's appearance is exactly the same as that of a human being, everything else is completely different. His body is basically not composed of our human cells, but a completely unknown substance, which is very similar in nature to light." Dr. Yuan Ye He raised his head and looked at the three of Mizuki Shinobi: "If I'm not mistaken, the two of them are Gauss and Ultraman Nexus!"

The three of them didn't speak but looked at the two silent people inside in pain. Doctor Yuan Ye sighed again: "Actually, when the Musashi team came last time, I discovered that there is a powerful energy in his body cells that constantly Repairing his body, otherwise he would have died with that kind of injury. This time I can really be sure, what a surprise!"

"I hope you can keep it secret, please!" Mizuki Shinobu said solemnly.

"The data on the bodies of the two of them is only in your hands." Dr. Yuanye smiled: "The Musashi team members have been destroyed by me last time, don't worry, although I can't do much, I will do my best to I did. It's the only thing I can do for these heroes who protect the planet."

After receiving a message from Ayano and informing him of the current situation of the youth elite team, Doi Heng was silent for a while and then devoted himself to the research again. In the past, Doi Heng would rest for an hour or two every day, but this time Doi Heng did not rest at all. When he was sleepy and tired, he pinched himself hard, if Dr. Feather Horn hadn't stopped him, he would have given himself a stimulant injection.

But bad things still came, and at noon the next day, the alarm sounded again.

Ayano hastily turned on the satellite images, and saw a colorful mask covering the sky, and then a golden wave of light hit the ground. After a few seconds, the ground shook, and then a big hole collapsed. A monster roared and came out of the ground.

"It's Eligar!" Ayano exclaimed, "Ten kilometers ahead of his route is the SRC's scientific analysis center."

"Kaos's head wants to destroy it!" Mizuki couldn't help but say.

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