Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 31: Nineteen. Partners (1)

"Uh, I said... Li Lin, can I change to a cleaner magic next time?"

  Tor's tone is more than just complaining, looking at the dried bacon in his hand (Note). The brows are almost the same as those of the dried strips. Finally, with a long sigh, the dried jelly that could have been used for padding was put back into the dry food bag.

   Finally, a little hunger that was accumulated was dispelled by the bacon. Although Thor used to feel embarrassed and embarrassed about the empty stomach that pops up from time to time, now, Tor begins to miss the kind of thing that can entice him to eat almost anything edible-even the whole head of unsalted roast cattle (Note 2) -The feeling of sweeping away.

   At this moment, the smell of any meat products is the existence of destroying Thor’s appetite. Not to mention the dried meat made by my mother, the high-end cuisine prepared by the royal palace chef is now in front of you.

   "I have to say, that magic is really disgusting."

  Following the words of Thor, Tyre joined the complaining team, and the elves who also had no appetite came together.

   Anyway, everyone's appetite is considered to be finished, as for the transaction... Because of such a fierce emergency and Li Lin's overly exciting live-action explosion show. Everyone in the market avoided them like the plague. When they saw this group of stunned people, they closed the windows and closed the windows. The counterfeit money merchants also delayed the transaction for some reason. There is nothing to do, and you can't walk around. Now you complain that venting at least kills time, and by the way, let the abdominal cavity regain hunger.

   "I've seen corpses after being attacked by magic. Like you... uh... I haven't even heard the body burst."

  Bren Hill's complexion was very bad. When he said [body burst], it turned into a pale state that was about to spit out. No other word could be used to describe the elf girl who had seen the strange situation that he had seen, and had to suppress the sour taste of his throat and spit out the nasty paragraph from his mouth, just like spitting out a disgusting saliva.

  Like other elves, she did not want to recall the terrible scene at that time, even if it was only a few words that could cause association.

  The broken corpses that were cut by the wind blade, the coke-like bodies burned by thunder or flames, or the flying ash flying in the wind are also cruel and terrifying, and they are also magical masterpieces. But Li Lin’s magic, which fully displays its unnamed taste-[Scorching Crucible] is completely above the ordinary attack magic.

  A living person swelled like a pig's bladder with too much gas or too much water under his eyes, and finally [呯] burst everywhere.

  Not only the housekeeper and beaters who had jumped before were scared and fled and fled quickly, but many of the onlookers vomited on the spot.

   People who have never seen that kind of scene will produce some uncomfortable reactions after witnessing the whole process. This is a natural phenomenon and unavoidable. But if they know the joke that [body bomb], [the paradise of flowing milk and honey], [72 virgins] are connected, everyone will feel better, maybe even more uncomfortably.

  【Scorching Crucible】The attainments of blood, cruelty and nausea have raised the attainments and standards of attack magic in this area to a whole new level, enough to make many competitors feel ashamed. For a long time to come, I am afraid that there will be no magic that can challenge that dreadful champion.

  Li Lin doesn't care about his outstanding contributions and achievements for the development of the cruel culture of wisdom. Many people and governments are obsessed with creating similar "feats", constantly going to set new records or establish new standards. But Li Lin is not a special person who can’t extricate himself from the evil culture. These honors and titles are not destined to attract his attention, nor will he foolishly advertise how fierce he is in this kind of thing.

   He will only cleverly justify his actions so that others will not oppose him.

   "I was dazed, sorry."

   Some masks of frustration and remorse did not see any signs of lying casually, and then mixed with a little bit of angry color in it.

"But let me do it again, and I will still do it. If anyone accuses this approach of being cruel, or sympathizes with that scumbag. Also trouble him to divide sympathy for the innocent to be killed, the body tortured, dead The children who could not rest in peace afterwards and the parents weeping with a skinless body. At least it is fair."

The heavy rhetoric made the elves quietly swallow their complaints. Although they didn't feel obliged and necessary to sympathize with humans who didn't know each other, it was undoubtedly a blasphemy to the dead, and the innocent elves who issued sympathy to the scumbag It is not even because of the hostile relationship with human beings that they have made random statements that confuse and reverse the most basic moral right and wrong.

   "I am not interested in disputes in the human world, just want to know what your magic is?"

Inquiries of lack of physical strength and appetite jumped over the embarrassing elf, Freya's slightly flushed face was exhaling a little anger at Li Lin, experiencing vomiting and the unpleasantness of unable to swallow food turned into a real anger radiating around, Together with my companions, I find it difficult to get close.

  Li Lin shook his head and raised his index finger at the unhappy little wild cat.

"We are now within the sphere of human influence. We must open our eyes and raise our ears to collect all information while walking in the beast of the beast. Be careful of any anomalies. This is an important matter related to everyone's life, and it is by no means trivial. In the future, we will continue to deal with various human forces and orc forces, so it is best to get used to paying attention to human intelligence as early as possible. At a specific time, some unobtrusive information can determine the outcome. "

  'S playful smile re-raised on his face, his **** also erected.

   "As for that magic, I didn't intend to keep it secret, and I really wanted to explain it in detail. But I really don't know where to start. After thinking it over and over, I decided to—"

  The elves were holding their breaths with a prolonged tail, like the moment when a group of gamblers who took the last bronze to buy a fraud lottery ticket waited for the draw, everyone stared at the slightly curved lips.

   "After going back to class every night, you have too much to learn."

   Li Lin's tone is more than just teasing, nor is it like a joke. After looking at the face that was absolutely serious and with no room for compromise, the elves realized that their brains were beginning to hurt.

  According to certain self-righteous and discriminatory criteria for dividing urban and rural residents, the elves—especially the younger generation of elves and the wild country children—have no difference. Vulgar, savage, speak loudly, don't understand rules and etiquette, no sense of order...

   Leaving aside the toxic urban and rural regional discrimination, the rural teenagers are just more active, their thinking patterns are relatively direct, and occasionally they prefer to use fists instead of brains and mouths to solve problems.

   Let this group of active guys put their **** on the seat and listen to the teacher on the podium for most of the night? With the exception of very few, kids who are busy with farming, hunting, and village defense during the day will definitely lie on the table and automatically enter sleep mode. The snoring is probably louder than the sound on the podium.

   is very humorous and ironic. Scenes with a probability of more than 80% can be almost affixed to Li Lin’s seemingly good and powerful lesson plan, becoming a highly relevant label.

   "This is not my personal subjective opinion or question."

  Li Lin's expression was very serious, and a frustrated voice was inserted from one side.

   "Yes, this is our problem."

   Amber eyes slanted towards the big-headed elf boy, and Thor, who usually always caressedly, lowered his head, as if he had not escaped from self-blame and depression.

   is definitely not because of interrupting Li Lin's speech. Li Lin has not established a subordinate relationship with [authority] with this group of strong self-esteem young men. The elf boys and girls admire his profound knowledge, appreciate his ability and wrist, and hope that he can bring a good transformation to the village that has been forced to the corner. But the little guys who have become accustomed to it are far from the point of putting Li Lin's words in the first place, at most temporary obedience.

The childcare would fall into a state of loss. I am afraid that he didn’t think he could clean up the scum beaters. Li Lin not only used his own appetite to clean up the mess, but also believed that the elves needed to be educated and supplemented with knowledge. Determined to implement the [Completion Plan of Knowledge for Night School].

   [Subtle deviation. 】

   is not an amorous feeling for Thor, it is purely a sense of responsibility that is too strong and connects other people's established matters to his failure. Li Lin made appropriate and objective comments.

  The match between Thor and Jolly was not planned, and there was no victory or defeat. But the match itself can be said to be successful. Regardless of whether it wins or loses, the young Thor and the fortified magician fight without falling down, and even once prevailed-enough to be classified as a heroic act in the ranks of [Legend]. There is also a lot less bad looking at them at the fair. In addition to the factors of Li Lin's cruel performance, Thor's courage also contributed.

  It's not a good idea to let such a thankless Thor down, Li Lin changed her voice in a softer tone and said:

   "I want to say that the class is not for you, but also for the village, or even the whole elf family."

  The sounding of the discourse is still a secondary matter, [for planning] is the real core. Li Lin's deep expression and tone of voice successfully concealed the core of the impossible to speak out, and at the same time set out the reasons that the teenagers were most concerned about and most likely to refute him.

"Everyone can see what happened today. The problem of not knowing the rules, customs, and combat power of human society has been fully exposed, and [the country wild child] is a blessing for the cover of the name, and even the most basic knowledge of magic is also a loophole. I was fooled by success, but gentlemen and ladies—"

   The tone became more serious and heavier, glancing at the amber eyes of the elves who were sitting on the line or Hao Yan's elves, the severity of the warning was lit.

"We can't be lucky, find that the problem is not handled, let the problem accumulate and breed, and sooner or later all the problems will erupt together. When the enemy is still strong, but we have not yet established the minimum self-protection ability, this It is definitely not a good thing. Because the situation is so sinister, I propose to discover, discuss, and correct mistakes through evening study, so that we can at least make the construction of the village more smoothly."

  Every elf—including the youngest Freya, nodded extremely solemnly, lowering the voice of “Yes (Ja).” echoed within the range that only small circles could hear.


  Explanation of small theater time

   Niederhog: Master Li Lin, why is the dried food carried by the elves dried cured meat? No bread?

  Li Lin: Of course there is bread. The problem with UU reading www.uukanshu.com is whether it is broken and cooked with soup. Only the sharp teeth of sharks with their own teeth can bite the thing.

   Niederhogg: Although I am a dragon, there is no problem in this respect, but I still have to ask, is the bread so terrible? What about the taste of cured meat? Tasty?

Li Lin: The bread eaten by Europeans in the Middle Ages is not the same as the fluffy bread that our modern people have fermented and added with white sugar cream, but a kind of unleavened cake similar to compressed biscuits, which is dry, hard and knocky. tooth. Numerous stupid thieves in the Middle Ages of Europe sneaked into the houses of poor peasants, but unfortunately they were killed under housewife’s black bread. For example, when family conflicts in the Middle Ages occurred, more men died. The woman's black bread attack... You can imagine how hard it is. The dried cured meat should actually be called air-dried meat. The method of making it is to put the meat in a north wind to dry it into mummy. Air-dried meat can be preserved for a long time, and can be eaten for decades (if it doesn’t die). Before eating aged air-dried meat, use a knife to hang off the grease and oxide layer on the surface. Then soak in river water for a day or two, and then cook and eat. The taste can only be said to eat undead.

   Niederhogg: What a terrible dark dish this is! And Thor said that roasted whole beef is unsalted, what's the matter?

  Li Lin: Although it is next to the sea, the salt price in Europe is very high, and a certain place is even higher than the salt price under the monopoly of the Chinese government in the same period. For example, the famous product in Northern Europe: the appearance of canned herring is because of the saving of salt. At that time, some families in Europe could not even eat salt.

   Niederhogg: Thank you Master Li Lin for your explanation.


   PS: A formal signing, thank you for your support! !


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