Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 380: Rectifying the Xu of the Imperial City!

Do not believe to try?

Try your sister, I’m afraid I won’t go back!

The golden emperor is full of face, and naturally he will not take care of Xu’s words.

Just along the way, his mind was echoing the whole sentence of Xu’s sentence, “Send the Queen or send the princess!”

Although the final lack of Xu also said that he will not accept it, but the Golden Emperor is still very scared, that must be vigilant!

Otherwise, one is careless, the boy in front of him will become his son-in-law and stepfather in minutes!

After all the way, Xu Xiao and Jin Huang finally entered the palace.

Jin Huang did not dare to delay, and immediately sent people to prepare Tianbao Dibao and a large number of Lingshi, and began to build a transmission array that could span a country.

At the same time, he did not dare to stay in the palace to hang out, immediately wrote a decree, gave Xu the highest power of two days, and rectified the Imperial City!

Xu lacked the roots and did not want to go to the Queen Mother to play, took the imperial edict and ran out of the palace, ready to go to the two dogs to do a big cause!

However, since entering the Imperial City, the two dogs ran away and disappeared without a trace.

Xu lacked the urging of the law several times, so he could not bring the two dogs back.

Obviously the guy is ironic and no longer comes back to sin.

Xu could not help but shake his head, decided to read the law after nothing, try to strangle the two dogs before the endurance of the Golden Dog collar is exhausted, lest it go out to harm the world!

However, in the past two days, in addition to waiting for the Golden Emperor to build a formation, he really has nothing to do.

Simply, he really took the imperial edict and helped the Golden Emperor do something big!

There is a holy aim, and that is equivalent to the Golden Emperor’s personal command, which is very easy to use.

On the first day, he led all the moats up and down the imperial city, patrolling the streets in the imperial city, understanding the people's feelings, and earning a worth of work!

Later, he alone wrapped up the most famous "Yi-Red House" in the Imperial City, and let the Mancheng City Generals and guards wait outside the hospital.

Many generals and guards were angry, but they dared not speak.

As a result, Xu Xiaojin went out and didn't come out for a while. He shook his head again and again: "You have done a good job in this industry. The girl is very general. Who, you quickly write down, let the emperor build a casino, do you understand the entertainment city?" It is a building, downstairs is a gambling bar, and upstairs is a hotel that opens a room for guests!"

After that, Xu lacked a step and left.

Several generals were kneeling in the same place, full of brains and paste.

Entertainment city? What are you doing?

"Hey, guest officer, how are you doing this?"

At this time, Yi-Hong Yuan ran out of a half-old Xu Niang, it is the old man, chasing Xu Xiaosheng shouted: "You have not given money to the guest officer!"

When Xu missed a meal, he turned and shook: "You are a black shop, I have not done it, I have money?"

"You didn't do anything, but you drove so many guests and called all the girls into the room. This has to give money! Our rules are like this. Isn't it good to give money?" The screaming screaming, did not realize that he was full of generals and guards.

Xu lacked a smile and said: "I don't give money when I finish, then it's not awkward! And I haven't even seen it!"

After that, Xu lacked a big hand and shook his voice:

"Come on, I will seal this Yi-Red House, how can such an unhealthy industry exist in such a civilized city as the Imperial City? Sealed!"

A few generals and all the guards, suddenly dumbfounded!

Nima, how did the emperor send such a shameless guy to rectify the imperial city?

I also said that I want to build a casino in the past moment. Now I want to seal the Yi-Red House, and I still don’t give money, it’s shameless!

However, Xu lacked the purpose of the Holy Spirit. These people did not dare not listen. They really sent people to seal the Yi-Red House.

The old man cried and cried for help, but Xu lacked it very firmly. The shock said: "Under the civilized city, there is no such thing as a smoky place. You want to be a entertainment industry. I don't object, but I have to sell art and not sell. I am a fried god, Xu is missing, my wish is world peace, not convinced to fight!"

After he finished, he was upright and went away.

After reading the people on the street, they shouted.

"Okay, seal it!"

"This Yi-Red House has long been sealed."

"Before they squatted behind the big guys, all sorts of random charges, eating a meal have to receive thousands of dollars, it is completely black shop!"

"Xu Daren is really wise!"

"Great, let's see where the dead ghosts in our family are going to fool around!"

The people have clapped their hands and said that the value of Xu’s lack of equipment has risen a lot.

Then he really did something big.

Overnight, he ordered the city to guard, hanging a variety of banners in the Imperial City to promote the slogan of civilization!

The next day, he also deliberately started early, taught the people to sing folk songs in the city, and spread a few square dance divine songs to teach square dance.

This is undoubtedly for the aunts and grandfathers in the imperial city, to find a new life of life, to keep fit, and to relax.

Just one day and one night, the people’s voices about Xu’s lack suddenly rose. Everyone knows that the emperor sent a young young man to reform the imperial city!

This is really for the people, no matter how well done, at least everyone feels that the royal family attaches importance to them.

Therefore, Xu deficiency became a star in the imperial city, deeply loved by the people, wherever he went, there are people who say hello to him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ respectful!

But with the generals and guards behind Xu's lack of body, the look on his face is getting bitter.

One general couldn't stand it, ran quietly back to the palace and sent a letter to the emperor.

"The emperor, you really have to be the master, then Xu Shaoxia is in the imperial city, it is a mess."

"Oh? Why is it a mess? It’s been said that the people are very happy these two days."

"This...this is really making the people happy, but his practices are too strange!"

"How strange? I have been busy building a formation recently, and I don't know what happened outside. What do you say about Xu Shaoxia?"

"He... He sealed the Yi-Red House on the first day, and then asked the guards to affix a civilized slogan everywhere, saying that it is to build a civilized thought for the people!"

"Oh? Civilization slogan? This is interesting, what have you written?"

"Spit, sorrowful!"

“The amount? It’s really bad to spit, what else?”

“The robbery is a good time, the whole family crematorium!”


"Either civilization, or death!"


"You are driving someone else's brain outside, others are opening your chrysanthemums in prison!"


After the Golden Emperor finished listening, his face was almost frozen.

After being silent for a while, I asked: "This... is this written by Xu Shaoxia?"

"Yes, the emperor, you said that this is not a mess! It is even more awful that he also taught the people to sing and dance. Today, some people went to the government to complain, saying that many aunts are disturbing the people."

"sing and dance?"

"Yeah, and it's extremely ugly. You can know when you sing one, and one of them sings!"

The generals touched the throat and sang with a scorpion: "The big sister grabbed a few... grabbed a few to grab a few... grab a few melons..."

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