Ultimate Intelligence

Vol 3 Chapter 374: change of weather

ratio! Everyone in the book is treated as a parallel space. Please do it.

Taiyuan is one. Taiyuan as the capital of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan is definitely the center of the underground forces in Shanxi.

The underground forces of Taiyuan can be said to be three cents before they arrive.

The three different areas under the command of three underground forces are the Whales in the Southern District, the Black Rock Church in the North District, and the Great Justice Club in the Western District.

These three forces are very, very powerful, both in terms of manpower and strength. It is much stronger than the Lake Gang and the remaining Eastern District is divided by more than a dozen weak forces.

On the overall strength of the words. The strength of the underground forces in Taiyuan is probably more than a few times stronger than the entire Xiamen city. It is not a simple matter to win the Taiyuan.

After they arrived, they did not support the three forces, but they quickly supported the one of the more than a dozen small forces in the Eastern District. The name of the small force was called the thunder. With their help, the control of the Eastern District has been completed in a short period of time with lightning speed.

Waiting for the three major forces such as the whales to respond, the thundering gang has already stabilized the Eastern District, and the test of the three major forces is also easily blocked.

Of course, Ah San can be so smooth and thanks to the Taiyuan government. The Taiyuan government has strict management of firearms. After a few sweeps, I am afraid that there are not a few guns in the hands of the three major forces.

These Du Cheng are all aware of it. Because A3 has talked with Du Cheng on the phone. It’s also very simple to add the strength of the two hundred members of the elite group.

It’s just a little curious about Ah San’s plan for Du Cheng.

At the time, Ah San did not say that Du Cheng did not ask for it, but Du Cheng knew that the mystery would soon be revealed.

From the airport, Dagang directly carried Du Cheng and Cheng Wei. The 200 members of the elite group of the 12-storey building they purchased now live in the building, so the building naturally became an elite group. Headquarters.

Passat slowly entered the current living quarter where the building is located and stopped under the building.

This is a very large living quarter and it was built soon after the network was built and the location was remote. So even if the entire Xuantang elite group of more than 200 people lived in, it did not attract anyone's attention.

When Passat stopped at the downstairs of the building, Ah San and the Queen. And several members of the elite group have been waiting for a long time under the building.


Seeing Du Cheng A San, they suddenly greeted Du Cheng and A San and Du Cheng greeted him and then suddenly said to Cheng Hao whispered: "The scorpion is good.

Cheng Hao obviously has not been screamed by A San, and the face is just a slight smile, but it is very elegant. Of course, the heart is also very sweet.

After everyone said hello. Just under the lead of Ah San, he walked directly into the building.

go with.

Before the request of Ah San. The building was not guarded by the security guard of the community. Instead, the elite members who have just become members of the elite group and have just come out to meet Du Cheng are the lobby of the shift guard building.

Sitting on the elevator and directly on the eighth floor of the building, it is the place where A3, Dagang and the Queen live. It is also the place where the conference room and office are located.

The remaining tenth and seventh floors were opened up and a small battle field and a scraping room were built inside. The remaining 90% was filled by the 200 elites of the elite group.

Sitting in the conference room, Du Cheng’s gaze fell on the map on the top of the table.

This is a picture of Taiyuan City. On the other hand, the color pens of different colors are used to portray the situation of Taiyuan’s current power division and the general situation of each force. The details of this are very obvious.

"Ah, can you uncover the mystery now?"

After waiting to sit down, Du Cheng asked this to the mysterious A San.

What Du Cheng asked is naturally that Ah San’s plan for this time is small.

Ah San did not say it first. Instead, I’m asking for Du Cheng’s merits: “You can reward me with a sports car after Du Ge’s success this time. I’m fancy an Aston Martin waiting for you to agree.”

"Oh no problem, as long as you can succeed, I will give you a prize."

For the requirements of Ah San, Du Cheng is naturally not polite.

Now Ah San, Dagang and the Queen, but he is the most effective general of Du Duong, especially after the three people have learned the simple version of the physical training. The strength can be said to be extremely fast. The strength is already all over. Ahu and the Iron Army they.

If the three people join hands, plus Du Chengkai’s small skill to teach the old and exquisite fighting skills, the department may defeat Peng Yuhua.

Of course, Du Cheng refers to the Zhang Huan flower that had not been studied by Gu Chunchun at the beginning instead of the present one. "Because now the strength of Peng Yuhua is so strong, Du Cheng is somewhat unpredictable.

When I heard that Du Cheng promised Ah San, they were naturally very happy, so Ah San no longer hides anything but directly said: "Du Ge, I have let some brothers mix into the three major forces and have achieved a reusable night."


Ah San did not say that Du Cheng basically guessed Ah San’s plan and praised it very directly.

This is a very simple one. The strength of any one of the elite group members is extremely strong. Among them, the strongest ones can even catch up with Shang Asan, who was in the strength of the Guard Bureau.

Such strength in any of the next forces is an absolute strongman plus A3 their precision plan "mixing into the three underground forces and fighting each other's trust is simply a matter of ease.

And in this case. As long as A San they shot, the internal and external pinch effect is naturally very amazing. The thief first smashed the king, as long as the brothers who mixed in first shot the other side of the boss can easily solve the three major forces.

"How come Duo is interested in seeing it at night?"

A Sanjian Du Cheng guessed it, but he did not say it, but he was very excited to go to Du Chengwen.


"You don't have to go shopping at night with me. You are busy with you. I just need to know the result." Du Cheng didn't want Cheng Hao to see too many violent scenes and this kind of thing that already knew the result was not too More interest.

When they talked with Du San, they left alone, but when they left, they drove the Mercedes-Benz ant.

Compared with the three-family version of Lamborghini and the Queen’s Audi tire version, Dagang’s Mercedes-Benz is really low-key and too much. In the next few days, Du Cheng and Cheng Hao will play between the cities of Shanxi. Also need to find a car to travel and this close to perfect administrative car is undoubtedly the best choice for Du Cheng.

When Du Cheng drove the car and opened the plot, the sky was gradually darkened.

Du Chengxian was looking for a five-star hotel to rent a luxury single room to throw him and Cheng Hao's trip to the inside. This is driving the car and Cheng Hao together to open the city center of Taiyuan.


Enjoy the specialties of Taiyuan while enjoying the night view of Taiyuan.

In the middle of the night, the action of the underground forces of Taiyuan began.

Ah San's actions are very precise. All the progress is very smooth and complete.

The action starts at 8pm. By the end of the day, it will only be nine o'clock at night.

Ah San did not choose to attack the three forces at the same time but concentrated all the strengths. The three forces were too late to receive the wind and they could not stop the nearly two hundred elite members. Inside and outside the pinch is only less than an hour. The three forces have all been broken by the elite group and the big forces are all in the hands of the thunder.

Then A3, they led two hundred elite members to help the thunder help to carry out the cleaning work and to help the thunder help to keep the strong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in this change of action elite Only two members of the regiment’s minor injuries can be said to be excellent to terror.

In this hurricane and **** rain, Du Cheng is very comfortable with Cheng Hao. While walking around the street and feeling the unique cultural atmosphere of Taiyuan, it is only a simple call between the various sizes of stores. After a few praises, I continued to go shopping with Cheng Hao.

The underground forces of Taiyuan in the night have already shown great changes. With the help of the 200 brothers of the Xuantang elite, the thunderbolt has cleared most of the three major forces.

Wait until the next day when it is dawn. Taiyuan’s underground forces are already thundering and helping a group of big ones.

It’s just that the thundering gang wants to really stabilize and it will take some days to do well. There are no problems with the existence of two hundred members of the elite group.

The fifth chapter is about to update a little bit. Oh, it seems that it is not good to not work overtime. After this chapter, the number of words in the book is officially broken, and the number of words on the 190,000 words is just one million. An average of 500,000 a month is definitely a feat.

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