Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Eight hundred and twenty-eight Poison World

"God of War?"

Zhang Fan frowned slightly.

This was the first time he heard this word in the fairy world.

Wu Yue explained: "Everyone knows that martial saints are divided into ten levels. But what about growing into the strongest tenth-level martial saint?"

"No one has ever achieved the tenth level of Martial Saint, so no one knows what it will be like after the tenth level of Martial Saint."

Zhang Fan replied.


Wu Yue said: "Our Ten Thousand Poison Valley actually appeared not long after the appearance of the Immortal Realm. Therefore, the history of our Ten Thousand Poison Valley is longer than any other sect in the Immortal Realm. In these hundreds of thousands of years of history, Countless strong men appeared."

"Then why have I never heard of any strong people in the Ten Thousand Poison Valley?"

Zhang Fan questioned.

"That's because the strongest person that has ever emerged from our Ten Thousand Poison Valley is an existence beyond the tenth level of Martial Saint: Martial God! This senior Martial God, and he left a set of methods to become a Martial God, and that is to start from Ten Thousand Poisons Poison Valley, enter the Poison Realm. After training, you will become a tenth-level Martial Saint. Then you can swallow other tenth-level Martial Saints and become a true Martial God. A Martial God is an existence that can destroy the entire fairy world with the power of one person. So I I believe that only by becoming a Martial God can I uncover the secrets in the mist of the sea. Only by becoming a Martial God can I rescue my Ling'er."

Zhang Fan did not respond and waited for Wu Yue to continue.

Wu Yue continued: "It's just that every time you want to become a Martial God, two Martial Saints must enter the poison world. After growing into a tenth-level Martial Saint, one will devour the other, and then you can become a Martial God."

Zhang Fan secretly thought in his heart that it was indeed a perverted Ten Thousand Poison Valley, and the method he left behind to become a Martial God was also very perverted.

"Then if you and I both go in, will I devour you, or will you devour me?"

Zhang Fan asked with a hint of joking.

"Anything is fine."

"Whatever you call it is fine?"

"Whoever is stronger between the two of us will devour the other."

Zhang Fan couldn't help but be speechless,

This Wu Yue is really perverted.

Wu Yue continued: "But we both have to promise each other that if I swallow you, I will refine the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill for you in the future and resurrect Ling Xiao; if you swallow me, you will have to go to the fog for me in the future. Among them, rescue Ling'er."

Zhang Fan listened and looked at Wu Yue.

I used to think that Wu Yue had endless ambitions, and the only thing he wanted was to rule the entire fairy world.

I didn't expect that I would even die for a woman now.

This is also a passionate species.

Wu Yue seemed to have guessed Zhang Fan's thoughts and said: "I just didn't meet Ling'er before. After meeting Ling'er, I realized that I can never leave him in this life."

Zhang Fan felt a little incredible when he heard this.

But looking at Wu Yue's appearance, it was obvious that he was serious.

"What are your thoughts?"

Wu Yue asked.

"I'm wondering, is your legend of Ten Thousand Poison Valley true? Is it reliable?"

Zhang Fan said.

Wu Yue replied: "I don't know, but as long as two Martial Saints appear, we, the disciples of Ten Thousand Poison Valley, will enter the poison world together."

"Has anyone come back?"

"not yet."

Wu Yue said.

"Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

"For Ling'er, I'm willing to take this risk. Aren't you willing?"

Zhang Fan fell silent.

Ling Xiao was willing to sacrifice his life for him, so why wouldn't he?

After a moment, he raised his head and looked at Wu Yue: "I do."

"Then head to the Ten Thousand Poison Valley immediately."

"You lead the way."

Wu Yue nodded, and the poison-eating beast swam toward the sea.

Zhang Fan's Thunder Dragon also followed behind him.

Over the past few years, the poison-eating beast has grown a lot, and its teleportation speed can already reach more than 200 kilometers per second.

The flying speed of the Thunder Dragon can already reach 500 kilometers per second.

Therefore, Zhang Fan kept up with Wu Yue without any pressure.

Soon, Wu Yue was flying forward with Zhang Fan.

Five days later, they had arrived at the Ten Thousand Poison Valley.

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, it was still filled with poisonous mist just like when Zhang Fan came here seven years ago.

Apart from some poisonous creatures, there are almost no other normal creatures here.

It's just that seven years ago, when Zhang Fan came here, there were still many disciples of Wandu Valley here.

But at this time, it was deathly silent, without any trace of human beings.

Wu Yue's expression turned cold again.

He didn't stop anywhere, and took Zhang Fan directly to a mountain in the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Poison Valley.

The poisonous fog is even denser here, and visibility is barely two meters.

Wu Yue took Zhang Fan and walked through the mountains for half an hour before arriving at a cave.

The cave is not big, but there are thousands of poisonous insects around it: poisonous snakes, poisonous centipedes, and poisonous scorpions.

And these poisonous creatures are very big.

For example, poisonous snakes - they can no longer be called poisonous snakes, they can be called poisonous pythons. Its body length has reached more than thirty meters.

The largest poisonous centipede is more than twenty meters tall.

Each poisonous scorpion is as big as a cow, and there are many of them.

If a timid person comes here, he will be scared to death.

However, after seeing Wu Yue, those poisonous insects retreated to both sides, leaving a path in the middle.

Wu Yue followed this road and came to the center of the cave.

Zhang Fan also followed Wu Yue to the center of the cave.

Here, there is a pool.

The water is so clear that you can clearly see the rocks at the bottom.

Wu Yue pointed to the water pool and said to Zhang Fan: "This is the entrance to the poison world. Have you thought about it?"

Zhang Fan glanced at Wu Yue: "You know you're going to be devoured by me, but you still want to go?"

"How do you know it's not me who devours you?" Wu Yue said, "And I've made it clear enough. In order to save Ling'er, let alone let me go to the poison world. Even if I die immediately, what's the harm?"

"Okay, I've got you covered."

Zhang Fan said.

Wu Yue seemed to remember something at this time. He returned to the outside of the cave and put the huge poison-eating beast into the sub-biological space.

Then he returned to the cave.

Zhang Fan also came to the outside of the cave and asked Thunder Dragon: "It's not going to be good to go here. If you don't want to go, you can leave now."

After the past few years, Brontosaurus has become a bit bloated.

After these few years, Zhang Fan discovered that this guy was actually a lazy dragon.

On weekdays, he didn't want to go hunting or anything, he just thought that after Zhang Fan killed those underwater creatures, he could eat the corpses of these creatures for free. I am really too lazy.

At this time, the lazy dragon yawned and said, "To be honest, I'm really too lazy to go."

Then he yawned again: "But the more dangerous the place, the easier it is to evolve. You have to protect me then."

Zhang Fan was a little confused when he heard the word "evolution" spoken by Thunder Dragon for the first time.

Thunder Dragon continued: "To tell you the truth, I used to be a human, but for some reasons that I don't want to say, I slowly evolved into a dragon. And what the hell, I have to continue to evolve and become a dominant dragon. You also have to dominate the Dragon Realm. It’s so fucking annoying.”

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