Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Four hundred and eighty Zhang Fan, invincible

"You want to take care of it? Bitch!"

Tana glanced at Sneku, cursed bitterly, flicked her sleeves, and left quickly.

Sneku could only smile bitterly.

If he had known this, he would never cooperate with Zhang Fan.

It's better now, since neither end is human, so why bother.

In the office, Zhang Xiaoming saw through the three-dimensional image that Zhang Fan passed directly through, and the wall showed no signs of damage. His eyes were full of shock.

What is the principle behind this?

As the Corpse King, he has experienced so much, and he deeply understands that any skill that seems weird or magical can be explained rationally through science.

But how to explain this direct penetration of the wall?

Moreover, the wall also has its own energy barrier, and ordinary energy cannot pass through it at all.

How did he wear it?

It seems that if this kid can come back, he must study it carefully.

At the same time, Zhang Fan quickly broke through the sound barrier after flying out of the wall.


There was a loud bang, and a sonic boom rippled behind him.

Then, his speed soared rapidly, reaching more than 400 meters per second, and he flew towards the safety zone.

Although he was eager to resurrect Ling Xiao, it was logically faster to use teleportation.

But in that case, the consumption of energy stones would be too great.

Flying from here to the safe zone will probably consume hundreds of energy stones.

If the energy stones in the safe zone are not available by then, Zhang Fan is still counting on getting some energy stones in other territories. Add in these energy stones of your own and see if you can make up 10,000 high-quality energy stones.

If too much is wasted now, it will only become more troublesome.

And if he was flying at supersonic speed, it would only take a little more than four and a half hours to reach Leshan in the safe zone.

So don’t be too anxious.

Just over fifty minutes later, he had already seen the energy shield in the safe zone.

This is the former city of Shanghai.

Because the light mask of the safe zone is a perfect sphere, part of the sea surface is also covered in it.

When Zhang Fan arrived 20 kilometers outside the energy mask, the unmanned patrol aircraft deployed in the safety zone had already discovered Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan's image once again appeared on the big screen in the entire safe area.

I saw Zhang Fan's blood wings flapping slowly, floating above the sea, looking like a killing god.

Suddenly, the piercing siren sounded again throughout the 9.6 million square kilometers safety zone.

This siren had not sounded for nearly a hundred years before.

But recently, in just two months, it has sounded twice.

The first time was when Zhang Fan returned to the safe zone;

The second time, Zhang Fan returned to the safe zone.

The entire army in the safe zone immediately entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

All the quasi-warriors and warriors in the entire safe zone have been nervously preparing.

Since the last time Zhang Fan left the safety zone, the entire safety zone has strengthened guidance and drills for when a crisis strikes.

The focus of the exercise is that Zhang Fan returns to the safe zone again.

The last time Zhang Fan relied on his clones and tricks to enter the energy shield.

But now they have learned wisely, and they know not to believe any of Zhang Fan's lies.

And when Zhang Fan comes near the safe zone, he must not open the door to the safe zone, let alone the energy door on the energy mask.

At the same time, all the quantum laser cannons within range on the city wall of the safe zone were aimed at Zhang Fan.

This kind of quantum laser bubble was equipped in large quantities nearly a month ago.

Its range can reach hundreds of kilometers.

And it is more powerful than before.

A quantum laser cannon shell can easily kill a spiritual warrior.

As for Zhang Fan's students, when they saw Zhang Fan coming back, they were all secretly worried for Zhang Fan.

They know that teachers are powerful.

But the safe zone made many arrangements for him,

No matter how strong he is, if he has to force his way into the safe zone, he may not feel comfortable.

If not, you might be injured or even killed.

At the same time, the spiritual warriors in the safe zone have also begun to take action.

Yes, there are now a large number of spiritual warriors in the safe zone.

The Shadow Moon Group's method of quickly improving their strength has been discovered and extended to the entire safe zone.

Therefore, those warriors who have little potential to tap have chosen this method, allowing them to be promoted to spiritual warriors.

So now there are a terrifying three hundred spiritual warriors in the entire safe zone.

There are more than 100,000 warriors.

Compared with the previous number, this is really a bit abnormal.

Of course, in terms of strength, it is impossible for these warriors and spiritual warriors to compare with the previous warriors and spiritual warriors.

But with their numerical advantage, these warriors and spiritual warriors are an extremely terrifying force when combined.

When Zhang Fan arrived 20 kilometers away from the safety zone, the safety zone had already shouted to Zhang Fan.

"Zhang Fan, our safety zone has made many arrangements for you. I advise you not to come to the safety zone again. Otherwise, our new quantum laser cannon will not be polite. Also, our one hundred thousand warriors and three hundred spirit warriors, It’s not someone to be trifled with either.”

When Zhang Fan heard these words, he ignored them.

He flapped his wings and flew directly towards the energy shield in the safe area.


A voice gave the order.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

On the city wall, the hundreds of quantum laser cannons suddenly sprayed out beams of light, attacking Zhang Fan.

When Zhang Fan's students saw this scene on the big screen, their hearts tightened secretly.

When others saw this scene, they were secretly happy.

This new type of quantum laser cannon is extremely powerful and extremely fast.

Even someone as strong as Zhang Fan may not be able to dodge.

As long as he cannot avoid it, he will be broken down into molecules instantly.

Soon, all the lasers had hit Zhang Fan.

This made the people in the safe zone even happier.

It seems that after increasing the speed, even Zhang Fan can no longer dodge these quantum laser cannons.

Next, just wait and see Zhang Fan be decomposed.

By the way, they have never seen a spiritual warrior being decomposed.

However, at the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

I saw that after those lasers hit Zhang Fan, they did not explode on him, nor did they form any black holes.

Instead, it passed directly through Zhang Fan's body.

It's like being shot on a holographic projection.

"what happened?"

"Is this a holographic projection?"

"No, there is a life detector on the patrol plane. It clearly shows that this is a living body and cannot be a projection."

"Then how come it goes right through?"

"Nima, what a ghost!"

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