Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 50 - Three pairs of writing round eyes (two)

Following Kaguya Shinichi's order, the seventeen Kaguya people rushed to the tent in the wounded area before Konoha ninjas formed an encirclement.

Uchiha's brows frowned tightly, and the most feared thing happened.

The uneasy emotions that have been pressed down in my heart can no longer be held down...

Forcing himself to calm down, Uchiha Fengji immediately chose a Kaguya member and followed him closely.

After Qimu Kakashi confessed to Nohara Lin, he immediately selected a Huiye clan to follow.

The enemy's purpose has been exposed, to slaughter the medical ninja and the wounded.

Fortunately, there are not many enemies, so as long as they drag their footsteps and entangle them all, then they can't continue to behave.

If you can kill an enemy, you can save the lives of many Konoha ninjas.

The mistake has happened and they were not besieged before they entered the wounded area.

Now we can only stop the loss in time.

After seeing the ninjas of the Kaguya clan disperse, Haaki Kakashi and Uchiha Fengji had already figured out how to deal with them at the same time.

Among the other Konoha ninjas, a ninja of the Uchiha clan who seemed to be the leader ordered: "Those with superior ninja powers chase these misty ninjas separately.

Be sure to evacuate everyone in the wounded area quickly and give priority to medical ninjas.

The others hurriedly separated to assist in the evacuation, forming a new encirclement outside, and notifying the other Shangren to come to support. "

After leaving this sentence, he also chose a Kaguya Ninja and quickly followed.In the Konoha camp now, there is a shortage of ninjas with the strength of Shinobu.

There were screams and fighting sounds from the tent in front of me, and the flying blood had smudged the cloth on the tent into large erythema.

Two Uchiha wind burst into the tent one after another.

Seeing Konoha Ninja coming in, the Kaguya Clan killed the last person in the tent with a bone knife, cut the tent cloth beside him, and got out.

The clone immediately chased after him, and Uchiha Fuze himself quickly scanned the tent with his eyes.

No, no, no!

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief without seeing his mother's figure.

I didn't want to determine if there were any other survivors. I simply recognized the direction that the person was escaping from, used the instantaneous technique under his feet, and continued to chase.

After getting out of the tent and not chasing two steps, he saw a large group of people running out of a camp next to him.

Most of this group of people have bandages on their bodies, and the injured people have their backs, or two of them lifted them to bring out the other seriously injured people.

A memory suddenly appeared in his mind, and the shadow clone was broken.

While running, his hands quickly formed three seals in front of him.

Ugly-Mao-Shen, Lei Dun·Qiaodiao.

Under the sound of chidori chirping, the electric light that was originally only in the palm of the hand quickly extended, piercing towards the location in the memory of the shadow clone.

One of the morphological changes of Chidori-Chidori sharp gun.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)A five-meter-long blue light blade pierced the tent into a large black hole.

Through this hole, you can see that the Chidori Sharp Spear has penetrated the heart of the Huiye Clan person, and multiple lightning spears have been deployed from his body, killing him in one shot.

Waved away the Chakra in his hand, Uchiha Fengxi shot a kunai at the neck of this Kaguya clan.

There was a muffled sound, and Kumo at such a short distance was directly nailed to his spine.

Confirming that the person in front of him is dead, Feng Xi bent down and pulled out his own kunai.

The tip of the diamond-shaped knife at the top of Kuwu has been bent more than half.

Uchiha Kazeki glanced inside the tent again, and the only few corpses were not his mother, so he ran out again.

In the process of running, the body surface flickered arcs from time to time, and he had used Lei Dun Chakra to strengthen the cell activity of his body.

Uchiha Fengji knew that his chakra attributes were a year ago, and he asked for a chakra attribute test paper from Kushina.

After entering the chakra, an area of ​​the test paper caught fire, an area was split, and an area became crumpled.

Three attributes of fire, wind and thunder.

I originally wanted to use the Thunder attribute as a hole card, but now I can't use it.

If I had a system, it would be considered an achievement.

Use the signature skills of the two protagonists at the same time, the True Son of Destiny.

He laughed at himself and relieved his tense mood by the way. There was a fighting sound from another tent not far away.He opened the curtain and took a look inside the tent.

A ninja of the Uchiha clan who he did not know was struggling with the Kaguya clan ninja.

In close combat, the ninjas of the Huiye clan have the advantage.

However, this Uchiha Ninja is dealing with him by virtue of his excellent dynamic vision.

It looks like it can be played for a long time.


You hit you, what do you mean to stop and see me?

After confirming that he did not have his mother in the tent, Uchiha Fengxi stopped his hands, and the two who were looking at him smiled, "I'm sorry to disturb you. Continue."

Simply recognizing the direction, Feng Xi continued to search for the tent with fighting movement.

Halfway through, he stopped outside a tent. The blood in the tent had already flowed out, and it was full of broken limbs and corpses.

Feng Xi also saw a familiar face. This person was still besieging the invaders before, but he has now died here.

After reconfirming that he did not, he found someone fighting in a tent on the right.

Kieyin separated a shadow clone with both hands, and the shadow clone rushed over. Uchiha waited for a second before rushing into the camp.

As soon as I entered, I saw Hagi Kakashi playing against the leader who ordered the ninja of the Kaguya clan just now.

His own shadow avatar is behind the cover to help Hamu Kakashi.Behind Hagi Kakashi, his mother Uchiha Yumi stood in the forefront, holding Kunai and staring at the fighting three.

Behind Uchiha Yumi are the wounded who are retreating slowly but orderly.

Fifty-five open NB!

Feng Xi now felt that Haaki Kakashi looked pleasing to the eye, and the white hair seemed to be shining.

"Hurry up and help, what are you doing there!"

Under Kakashi's shocked gaze, an electric light flashed on Uzhi Fengxi's hand, and the familiar birdsong appeared at the same time.

The newly formed Chidori stretched out on Uchiha's hand, turning into a blade, and it was still stretching.

? ? ?

Isn't this my chidori? It's only a year since I researched it out, so how can Uchiha's spirit be alive.

Even if it will, it seems to be playing more slippery than me...

Kaguya Shinichi had already noticed the attack behind him.

But what he didn't expect was that the attack speed was so fast that he managed to avoid his heart, and a blue electric light pierced from his right rib.

Forcibly enduring the numbness of his body, he moved a step to the left, paying the price of his left rib being cut, he got rid of this Thunder Ninjutsu.

The muscles and skin of the body heal quickly under the action of Chakra, which is also one of their bones and bloodstain capabilities to quickly repair their muscles and skin.

Otherwise, if you take bones from your body every day, there will be no good meat in your whole body.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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