Although Spike was very confused, it was obvious that he was not more confused than Bai Song. After eating, he realized that his dog seemed to have eaten a person alive.

Seeing that Spike didn't speak, Bai Song thought that Spike had acquiesced to what he had just said, so he immediately seized the opportunity. His expression was very 'sad' and he shouted with excitement that he had always been very happy. Something I want to say.

"Cú Chulainn is dead!"

Hearing Bai Song's speech again, the confused Spike began to panic. He always felt that he had been wronged, so he quickly shook his head.

Seeing Spike shaking his head, Bai Song, who was a little excited just now, immediately asked, "What? Didn't you eat Cu Chulainn alive?"

Spike didn't know who Cu Chulainn was, but judging from the situation, it was obvious that he was the man who came to stir up trouble before and called himself a stupid dog. After thinking for a moment, Spike nodded again.

"Are you sure?" After saying this, Bai Song looked at the messy ground again, obviously not believing it.

As if realizing that his master did not trust him, Spike, as a licking dog, immediately became anxious. He quickly got up and opened his bloody mouth, and then pointed at his mouth.

"...You mean, let me put my head in your mouth and have a look?"

Hearing this, Spike nodded decisively.

After nodding, Spike opened his dog's mouth wider.

Bai Song knew very well that Spike, as a funny character, would definitely not be able to kill anyone. If he ate a Cuchulain alive, he would definitely be able to find Cuchulain trapped in his stomach. Lin's.

But I know I know, but Bai Song thinks this method is quite inappropriate and asks him to put his head into the dog's mouth? Isn't this nonsense? !

Bai Song decisively rejected Spike's bad idea without even thinking about it.

"But, I refuse!"

As soon as Bai Song refused, Spike immediately became disappointed again, but it didn't last long before he thought of how to prove that he really didn't eat Spike alive.

The method of proof is very simple. Since the owner is not willing to put his head into the dog's mouth, he only needs to find someone who is willing. In Spike's opinion, the Tom hanging around Bai Song's neck is very good. It doesn't You have to be willing if you are willing!

At this time, Tom was still eating melon and watching the show in a special seat on Bai Song's neck with a happy face, and bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time.

Spike pointed decisively at Bai Song's neck, and then pointed at his mouth.

Bai Song easily realized what Spike meant, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Put Tom in your mouth? What a good idea."

"Tom, I'll leave this to you. I'll treat you to fried chicken later!"

Spike nodded and opened his mouth wider.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho..." At this time, Tom was still holding Bai Song's neck and covering his mouth, snickering and watching Spike's fun. After realizing that he seemed to be having fun, Suddenly the whole cat became mute.

Tom immediately tried desperately to get away, but the only response was Spike's choke.

Spike grabbed Tom's neck with one hand and stuffed Tom into his mouth without caring about Tom's feelings.

In just a moment, Tom entered Spike's mouth, with only his lower body still fluttering outside.

After staying in Spike's belly for several seconds, Spike pulled Tom out of his belly again.

"Goo~~~~~~" After being pulled out, Tom's entire face turned green, and his neck tilted to the side, as if he was about to be smoked to the west at any time. The smell in Spike's stomach was obviously not good. Very good.

"Tom, is there anyone in there?"

Hearing this, Tom trembled with his hands and crossed them on his chest to make an x ​​motion.

After seeing Tom clarifying for himself, Spike immediately wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He was really afraid that Bai Song would think that he had really eaten someone and then abandon him.

"It's okay if you don't eat. It's okay if you don't eat." As he said that, Bai Song wrapped Tom around his neck.

Then, Bai Song untied the end of Spike's rope from the dog leash, held Spike's hand, and prepared to wet it first.

After all, he came to this paradise to eat for free, not to fight. If possible, try not to fight.

Now that it is confirmed that there are followers nearby, Bai Song is naturally not willing to stay here for a long time.

Bai Song planned to go and see how the battery car was being charged. If it had been charged a lot, he would ride the battery car and leave the area first.

It's free, this paradise is so big, it doesn't mean you have to do it nearby.


"Master, are you okay?" Hong A stepped forward and tried to care about Gudazi.

Since he had never been on the front line in Chaldea, he didn't know what Gudazi had experienced at the 'last' singularity.

He only knew that since the past few days, the pressure of cooking in Cali had gradually begun to decrease. Even just preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for the Cali people could make him so tired that he might turn black at any time.

And last night, the food he needed to prepare was only enough for a few Chaldean employees and a very few servants.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

All of this undoubtedly exposed the crisis Chaldea was experiencing to him, a cook.

It is obvious that Chaldea has fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

"It's strange that it's okay." Gudazi squatted on the ground in an Asian squatting posture, and while drawing circles on the ground with his fingers sadly, he said to Hong A helplessly.

"Senior, please cheer up, maybe we can survive?" Mashu on the side also tried to comfort Gudazi again.

But it is obvious that the 'Schrödinger' version of post-war trauma syndrome suffered by Gudazi cannot be cured so easily, unless...unless she can combine 'Schrödinger' and all the cats, mice and dogs. Give it a beating, otherwise it will be difficult to cure.

Ma Xiu didn't say it was okay, but when he said it was just 'maybe' he could survive, Gu Dazi became even more panicked, "This world is so scary..."

Now Gudazi just wants to escape reality silently.

"That 'Schrödinger' you are talking about, is he very strong?" Looking at Gudazi with a look of fear on his face, Hong A raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask with some doubts.

Hearing this, Ma Xiu turned around and explained to Hong A.

"It's not a question of whether he's strong or not, he's just that...rare kind. In short, he's not a Servant that two Servants can handle."

Chapter 137 The Anti-Schrödinger Alliance is established!

"...What is this all about?"

Listening to Matthew's description of the 'Schrödinger' group, a question mark almost appeared on Hong A's forehead.

As long as there is a word about the strength of 'Schrödinger' in Ma Xiu's description, there will be no words about the strength of 'Schrödinger' in one sentence.

He didn't understand why his master was so afraid of a mere mounted servant.

Moreover, this follower is only a modern follower. If his memory when he was studying is not wrong, Schrödinger was born in 1887, so he is definitely a follower of the modern era.

Generally speaking, the older the followers are, the more powerful they become, but modern followers obviously do not have this bonus.

In addition, Schrödinger is just a scientist, and his body definitely does not have any combat effectiveness. Even if it does, it must be forcibly raised by the heroic spirit system. This false combat effectiveness is just an illusion after all.

And Matthew's previous speech also confirmed this. There is no way to accurately describe the strength of 'Schrödinger'.

This convinced Red A that 'Schrödinger' just had some abilities that were not easy to deal with.

It can be seen from this that it is obvious that Schrödinger only knows some strange tricks at most.

With just a few tricks, he was able to overwhelm Chaldea's followers? To be honest, Hong A can't believe it.

"No matter how strong 'Schrödinger' is, he is still just a servant on horseback. As long as several of our servants launch sneak attacks at the same time, we will definitely be able to kill him in one wave."

Listening to Red A's violent remarks, Cu Chulainn did not choose to refute, but instead began to arouse Red A, "So, you are brave?"

"Of course, I'm super brave." Hong A responded directly without thinking.

After Red A answered like this, the corners of Cu Chulainn's mouth actually raised a bit, because he knew that this guy would also be beaten.

If possible, Cu Chulainn hopes that Red A, a guy who can stand and talk without pain, will face Schrödinger once in person. When he is killed by an explosion, he hopes that he can still be so confident and say that no matter how strong Schrödinger is, he After all, he's just a servant on horseback."

In Cu Chulainn's eyes, Red A at this time was undoubtedly a female brat who didn't understand the sufferings of the world... Oh no, she was a male devil.

"Well, since you are so brave, you will be the first to go to the battlefield when you meet 'Schrödinger' and his familiars." After Red A was trapped, Cu Chulainn continued decisively.

Facing Cu Chulainn's provocation, Red A responded decisively, "What's the matter? I will be the first to fight when the time comes."

Although he always felt that he had agreed to something he shouldn't have agreed to, but... now that he was by Gudazi's side, he couldn't be timid!

If you are timid, won't your master look down on you?

This is his first time fighting for Chaldea. If he gets timid before fighting, Gudazi will definitely lose trust in him.

Thinking of this, Hong A turned to look at his master Gudazi with a confident expression. However, Gudazi's reaction made his hair stand on end.

I saw Gudazi looking at me with a horrified expression, and even gave a trembling thumbs up.

Arriving in front of Hong A, Gudazi held Hong A's right hand tightly with his trembling hands. At the same time, he praised Hong A's act of self-sacrifice. In fact, Gudazi was ready to When he returned to Jia, he built a tomb for Hong Ya.

"I thought Chen Gong was already invincible, but I didn't expect there to be an archer who is more brave than him!"

Hearing Gudazi's words, Ma Xiu leaned close to Gudazi's ear, put his hand on his mouth and quietly reminded Gudazi, "Senior, Mr. Chen Gong is a caster."

"Is this important? It's not important!"

Gudazi waved his hand and said resolutely, "The important thing is that we have a hero who is a great robber!"

"Thank you very much, Master, for your trust." Although for some reason, he always felt that something was wrong with Gudazi's state, Hong A did not delve too deeply into it.

"Now that we have such powerful generals, it no longer seems impossible to defeat 'Schrödinger'. Then, now is the time to discuss how to defeat 'Schrödinger' to save the world."

Gudazi didn't say the words, but read the words in his heart, 'Even if we lose anyway, it doesn't matter if we have a red a for the deceased.'

"My suggestion is that you must gather enough followers, and the number must be at least higher than that of Schrödinger's familiars." Halfway through the words, Cu Chulainn continued after thinking for a moment.

"All the servants in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War are basically the mortal enemies of 'Schrödinger'. If an alliance is established specifically to target 'Schrödinger', then there is a high probability that they will join it."

"In this way, we will have sufficient numerical advantage. We can pile up 'Schrödinger' and his cats, mice and dogs to death!"

Gudazi nodded and said, "One thing to say, it's true."

"It just so happens that my master counts me as having two followers. In this way, the 'Anti-Schrödinger Alliance' has four followers in its initial stage. They are already with 'Schrödinger' and his cats, dogs and rats. The quantities are equal.”

"And there are other participants in the Holy Grail War. Their combined number is enough to kill 'Schrödinger'! At least I don't think it's a big problem."

"Very good, very energetic!" After listening to Cu Chulainn's speech, Gudazi applauded decisively, "Pah~pah~pah~."

Gudazi really likes letting others work for themselves. This is free prostitution!

"Pa~pa~pa~." Seeing this, Ma Xiu also clapped.

After the applause ended, Gudazi immediately started to ask about something that she was very concerned about, "Then the question is, who is 'my master' in your mouth? Why do you have another master?"

Other minor problems can be ignored, such as Cu Chulainn's death, Cu Chulainn's death again, why Cuchulainn is still dead, etc. Gudazi doesn't care.

However, Gudazi is very concerned about being poached!

"Ah... well, master, please listen to my quibbles... ah, no, I mean an explanation." Upon hearing Gudazi's question, Cu Chulainn immediately tightened his anus and felt a sense of difficulty. The sense of crisis of speech came to mind.

"I don't know for sure. Anyway, when I was eating hot dogs in Cali, I was suddenly summoned by a magician here. It was definitely not my subjective intention to leave Chaldea!"

After hearing Cu Chulainn's description, Gudazi was shocked.

"It's broken, I've built the Hall of Heroes!"

Chapter 138 Send it. Who stole my battery?!

After listening to Cu Chulainn's speech, Gudazi immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

Originally, when she heard Cu Chulainn's so-called gathering of an alliance to deal with 'Schrödinger', she was actually thinking more that this would provide more consumables.

With more consumables, even if you can't beat 'Schrödinger', you can still use it for a while.

With this extra time, she would have more opportunities to contact Chaldea, and then let the, the doctor was sent to the hospital by her.

Then she asked Da Vinci to take her and Mash back to Chaldea as quickly as possible. She didn't care about this singularity, whoever she loved would fix it.

This was her original plan, but...after learning that a group of Laosu were summoning servants from her to this singularity, she immediately gave up this plan.

No wonder the number of Kali's followers decreases by dozens every day, so that when she set out today, in addition to cold-blooded followers like Jeanne d'Arc, Jack, and the Phantom of the Opera, she only had one red A who was still cooking at the time. You can choose!

It was too much for a Chaldean in Nuoda to have his combat power stolen so that he was left with only one cook.

Gudazi became angry when he thought that there was someone who kept stealing people from his home.

‘Purchase goods from Chaldea, right? ! ’

Thinking of this, Gudazi resolutely put his hands on Cu Chulainn's shoulders, squeezed his shoulder flesh hard and said, "Then, the arduous task of leading us to find other servants will be left to you. .”

"Oh, leave it to me, scold him to death...him...Mrs. Ether (it hurts), let go...let go, your shoulder will be broken!"

He was smiling and breathing a sigh of relief. Just when he thought he was fine, Cu Chulain felt the grip from Chaos Evil, which was so painful that Cu Chulain almost burst into tears.

Letting go of his hand, Gudazi clapped his hands casually.

She can guarantee that the action of squeezing Cu Chulainn's shoulders just now was absolutely not selfish at all. It was just that the determination was too strong and Cu Chulainn couldn't bear it. It was definitely not because he wanted to take revenge on this son of a bitch who rebelled from Cali.

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