On the other side, in the dense forest on a hill, there was also a man wearing a priest's uniform, who was also observing the situation here with a telescope.

After the 'priest' put down his telescope, he also used the magic link to say to his followers, "Follow him."

Chapter 34 What’s the news?!

At this time, Bai Song was quite eye-catching. Basically, all passers-by immediately looked in his direction, and then looked away again.

If they are parents with children, they will cover their children's eyes with their hands and say, "Don't look, there is a weirdo" while leading their children out of here quickly.

If you want to ask why this is the case, you can understand just by looking at Bai Song's current clothes.

First of all, the lower body is very normal, standard black jeans and a pair of white sneakers, nothing special.

As for the upper body, it started to look weird. There was a mouse-like doll stuffed into the mouth of the pure white long-sleeved T-shirt, and then furry gloves were put on the hands, wrapping the arms tightly. To be honest, showing some flesh will not make people feel so rich.

The perspective continued to move upwards to the neck, where a cat-like blue-gray cat-shaped scarf was tied there. Finally, a black hood with only the eyes and mouth exposed was added, and the atmosphere was instantly heightened. Something is wrong.

Combined with the plastic bag in his hand, it is difficult not to doubt where the banknotes were robbed from.

If you don't go for a robbery, you won't be able to afford this new criminal outfit.

But at this time, Bai Song obviously wouldn't, and at the same time, it was impossible for him to actually run out to rob. As a good family girl...man, Bai Song would naturally not do such a thing.

What's more, he was still being chased by the police. It was much more practical to quickly find a place to change his clothes and escape from the police's pursuit.

"No...what on earth did I do? Chase me to death like this?" As he walked through the alleys and saw the police appearing behind him again, Bai Song felt physically and mentally exhausted. To describe it simply, he felt numb.

Not to mention that I didn't wake up naturally early in the morning, but I was woken up by my own servants with a bomb. After finally calming down my two servants, the police came to the door again, so that I didn't open my eyes from today. From that moment on, Bai Song was on the road to being tortured.

"Tom, let's be quiet!" After checking before and after, it seemed that no other police officers were coming, so Bai Song immediately decided to prevent him from contacting his teammates first.

Upon hearing Bai Song's request, Tom, who was about to throw a bomb to blow up someone, was stunned for a moment. Can you be quieter? The word quiet has never been in its dictionary.

However, this does not hinder anything, it is the world rat-catching champion! This requirement is just a small problem for it!

I saw that only Tom's lower body was wrapped around Bai Song's neck, and his upper body was facing behind him. Then he crossed his left arm across his chest, put his right elbow on his left arm and pinched his chin, and began to think deeply.

Soon, it seemed to have thought of something, and a bright light bulb suddenly appeared on its forehead, symbolizing inspiration. It was the kind that could really be seen with the naked eye.

The policeman behind was about to press the intercom to report to his colleagues that the suspect was here when he saw a floating light bulb appear above Tom's head. It was so bright that he was stunned for a moment. Then he started to press his hand towards the walkie-talkie to "report..."

Seeing that the policeman had already started to report, Tom had no choice but to give up the idea that came to his mind.

He directly grabbed the light bulb that appeared above his head, symbolizing the idea, and threw it in the direction of the policeman.

Seeing this, the policeman ignored the shock and quickly lowered his head to try to avoid the blow. It turned out that his dodging skills were quite good. Although he was in a dazed state, he still easily dodged the blow thrown by Tom. That light bulb.

But before he could even breathe a sigh of relief when he raised his head, the lightbulb he had dodged seemed to realize that it had missed its target. It stopped flying one meter behind it and floated in the air.

After the light bulb turned on the spot, its speed instantly changed from 0 to 100. Without any acceleration, it shot directly into the back of the policeman's head at the highest speed.


With a crisp sound, the light bulb hit the back of the policeman's head perfectly, and the policeman fell to the ground with an unusually crisp response.

If you look closer, you can see that a large hemispherical bag with a diameter of 5 cm gradually rises from the spot where the light bulb hit the policeman's head.

"Well done, Tom." Bai Song finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Tom had dealt with the police so easily.

After running far away for a while, he found a relatively remote corner. Regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not, Bai Song sat down directly. He felt that he had completed his year's exercise today.

If he kept running, he would probably die of exhaustion on the road. He had forgotten how many policemen he had killed along the way.


Just when Bai Song was sitting on the ground to take a breath, suddenly, there was a sound not far away, which scared Bai Song's heart that had just relaxed and immediately became tense again.

Bai Song swallowed and quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from. There was a corner there, which was very dark. Anyone looking from this side would definitely not find anything, "What's the noise?!"

"Tom, how about... you go over and take a look?" Bai Song said, looking at Tom.

Hearing this, Tom's head suddenly shook like a bell, and he chose to refuse extremely firmly. As a cat who is afraid of ghosts, hearing such a sound in such an alley, it is more afraid than Bai Songdu. Don't panic, let it go over and see if it will scare you out of your body.

After Tom shook his head, without waiting for Bai Song to say another word, he reached directly into Bai Song's pocket and took out Jerry.

Then, regardless of whether Jerry was happy or not, he threw Jerry towards the corner where the sound came from.

Jerry was so frightened that he almost shouted, ‘Are you okay? ’.

The moment Jerry landed, he rushed back as fast as possible. He pulled Bai Song's trouser legs and climbed back into Bai Song's trouser pocket. His movements were extremely fast, so fast that he didn't even look like a bird. It's a rat.

And just deep in the corner, there was a servant who looked very similar to Saber, leaning against the wall with a frightened look on his face, trying his best to hide his figure.

She was Kirei's follower, and she was following Bai Song all the way following Kirei's order. As a result, she lost her footing on the roof of the building and fell directly into the garbage pile downstairs.

At that moment, she panicked. She saw how the cat easily defeated two powerful servants.

If you are discovered, you will die instantly!

Chapter 35 There really is a Souji in the Souji cake

In fact, even if you run away with all your strength the moment you are discovered, there will definitely be no chance!

In this regard, she... Okita J. Souji is very confident in her speed. She dares to pat her chest very proudly and say that even if her agility level assassin is as high as A+, she will still be 100% There is no escape from the clutches of the terrifying cat.

If you want to ask why, it can only be said that she does not have the confidence to outrun the cavalry chariot with both hands. The speed of the big blue and white cat really scared her.

At that time, she was almost frightened to the point where the aura blocking state was lifted. If it was really lifted, she had no doubt that her fate would be the same as that of the other two servants present, and she would be killed directly by that... The cat easily got it done with one stick.

She is very confident in her swordsmanship. After all, she is a genius swordsman of the Shinsengumi!

But... Souji thought about Tom's calm expression when facing Hephaestion's Noble Phantasm. Even if he was knocked to dust, he could still recover in just a few seconds. .

So much so that when she was explaining the battle situation to Kirei in real time, her voice was stuck for a long time because she was stunned, and then she told Kirei what happened at the scene with a confused look, and even always Si rubbed his eyes several times at that time, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

Even if someone is crushed to ashes by a Noble Phantasm, he can instantly recover from his strong recovery power. No matter how strong his swordsmanship is, he can't cut him into ashes.

Thinking of this, Souji, who was trying to hide himself against the wall, suddenly had sweat pouring down his face, and the sound of his heartbeat could even make people think it was someone's motorcycle.

At this time, she seemed to be a woman hiding at the door, and there was a person outside the door hacking at the door with an axe.

But fortunately, she had a life support system when she was an assassin, otherwise she would be vomiting blood now.

Now she just wants to escape from here... No, this is not an escape, this is just an attack in the opposite direction!

Besides, the order given by her master, Kotomine Kirei, was to track this person and cat as much as possible, and avoid fighting as much as possible.

Here, seeing Jerry crawling with a face on his face, he sprinted back into his pocket at a speed of 100 meters, so Bai Song asked what was there, "...Did you find anything?" Is it? Are they the pursuers?"

Hearing Bai Song's question to himself, Jerry stretched out his hands from his pockets, then placed them on the edge of the pockets, and then poked his head out of Bai Song's trouser pockets.

Jerry first stuck out his tongue at Tom with an angry look on his face, then turned back to Bai Song and shook his head, meaning that he was running too fast and didn't even see what was around the corner.

"Are you sure? Forget it..." Bai Song saw Jerry shaking his head, thinking that it wanted to express that there was nothing abnormal there. Although he was a little curious about why it ran so fast without him, that was not the point. The point was that he Guy is ready to leave here, he must get rid of the police pursuit as soon as possible and completely.

Thinking of this, Bai Song felt a burst of sadness and anger. This week, no... today, he no longer knew how many police officers he had knocked out. The most important thing was that they were forced to attack the police.

However, just when Bai Song turned around and was about to walk further away, he suddenly noticed a subtle thumping sound, which came from the same direction where the loud noise had been made before.

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!!!"

"Huh? Jerry, are you sure there's nothing there?" As he spoke, Bai Song looked at Jerry, who was lying next to his trouser pocket, with doubts in his eyes.

After hearing this, Jerry shook his head decisively again.

The corners of Bai Song's eyes suddenly twitched. Is there something there or nothing?

In desperation, Bai Song had no choice but to go to Kangkang's place to see what was going on. Don't let some ghost follow him. Even if he found a new stronghold, he would still find a place of loneliness. He could directly tell the enemy about his hometown. Where does it belong?

Bai Song took a deep breath and then walked towards the corner.

Although Bai Song felt a little panicked at this time, there was no need to be afraid. There were two great comedians, Tom and Jerry, beside him, so it was okay to chat.

Tom, who was wrapped around Bai Song's neck, and Jerry, who was staying in his trouser pocket at this time, suddenly became brave. No one else, just because there was a human next to him. If the sky fell, there would be a tall man. With both of them together, Bai Song must be able to protect them both very well.

Souji, who was located at the corner, was leaning against the wall with his back to the wall, covering his ears and shivering with a look of sorrow on his face, hoping that he would not be discovered by the cat.

Such a short distance of a few meters became extremely long at this moment.

"Huh~... are you leaving?" After covering his ears and hiding behind the wall and shivering for a while, Souji finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he hadn't been attacked yet and put his hands away from his ears. Came down and looked towards the corner.

Then, I happened to see Bai Song who had just walked here.

At the end of the day, the air suddenly solidified.

The moment he saw Bai Song, Souji froze with a dull expression on his face, and from the corner of his eye, he just happened to notice Tom tied around his neck.

"Pfft?!!!" Suddenly, Souji changed from a dull state to a look of horror. At the same time, he was frightened and screamed loudly. He waved his hands in front of Xia Jiba out of fear. , and even afterimages appeared.

With the last scream, the jets behind Souji were immediately activated, and he turned into a Splatoon, fleeing into the sky in a panic, "Uggah, ugh giao?!"

At this moment, she didn't think about anything, she just wanted to escape from this dangerous place!


However, before Souji could fly high enough, he crashed into someone's balcony above. Normally, the balcony would be smashed by Souji, but at this time, he stopped Souji perfectly. Si's pupils even disappeared due to the impact, but there was not a single crack on the balcony.

Souji's hands and feet also swung upward due to inertia.

So from Bai Song's perspective, looking up from the ground, the Souji's movements at this time were like a toad.

This situation did not last long. Unlike Tom, Souji had the ability to levitate in the air without realizing that he was in the air. After maintaining this position for just one second, he fell from above very cleanly. Come down.

"Crack~~~." With a small sound, Souji fell to the ground in an extremely unsightly breaststroke position.

Chapter 36 Tata opens!

"Assassin, assassin?"

On the way down the mountain, Kirei began to pay special attention to the situation at the scene after learning that his assassin was accidentally discovered by the target he was following.

To be honest, there is no surprise at all about my servant being an assassin being discovered so casually. Should I say he is used to it?

But if possible, try to avoid fighting.

After all, he wasn't very confident in his assassin. Even the two seemingly strong servants last night were defeated by the cat at once. If it were his own assassin, it would probably not be much better.

So, he just asked Souji to stay away from Bai Song as much as possible, but...not even ten seconds later, Kirei heard the screams from his servants on the magic link communication. At this point, no matter how Kirei called the Souji, he never got any response.

Kirei stopped, thinking of the worst possibility in his mind, "No way, Assassin was defeated like this...?"


Looking at the girl who fell to the ground hard, Bai Song fell silent.

The moment he entered the corner, he saw a girl wearing a bikini standing there, with what seemed to be a rocket launcher-like device behind her butt. Looking at this strange outfit, it must be that the Servant had not escaped.

Just now, Bai Song went into cardiopulmonary pause as soon as he saw her. He was so frightened that Bai Song opened his mouth and immediately called Tom to escort her.

However, before he could shout out, the servant on the opposite side, Xia Jiba, waved his hands and stepped back. At the same time, he screamed strangely. Finally, accompanied by a light blue flame, this very well-dressed servant The cool servant flew straight into the sky and hit the balcony above perfectly.

Then...then he just lay down in front of Bai Song.

"Ah this." Bai Song looked at the girl lying on the ground in a breaststroke position and still twitching. He stretched out his hand towards the girl, thought about it carefully and then retracted it. He was about to shout out to Tom in fear, As a result, before he could shout out, the servant on the opposite side shouted first instead.

And then... it's over?

To be honest, it made him a little overwhelmed.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Just when Bai Song was considering whether to run away quickly, the girl lying on the ground finally made some movement.

I saw her holding the ground with both hands, tremblingly getting up from the ground, and finally managed to stand up. As a result, due to her unstable center of gravity, her figure immediately fell backwards, and she sat down before she could stand firmly. On the ground in the alley.

After seeing the Chief Si get up, Bai Song hesitated for a moment, then asked a little, "Are you okay?"

This "Are you okay?" was not only aimed at the consequences of the behavior just now, that is, hitting her head and falling to the ground, but more importantly, that she would actually do this action itself. I can only say how much Bai Songduo did. She was a little stunned, and it was hard to imagine the mental state of the light-haired girl in front of her.

"It's okay, thank...thank you?" Rubbing his unconscious head, Souji heard someone asking him if he was okay, and subconsciously responded politely.

However, as soon as the director finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something seemed not quite right?

When he raised his head, he realized that a man with a black hood on his head and a blue and white cat around his neck was looking down at him. The cat around his neck was not another cat. , it was the one that easily defeated the two servants before!

At this moment, Souji's expression immediately changed 360 degrees, and she was so frightened that she immediately pulled out her weapon and swung it forward!

Fortunately, Bai Song was not very close. The blade of the blade swept across Bai Song's front dangerously. Bai Song could even hear the sound of the sword breaking through the air!


After finally getting out of the dizzy state just now, Souji didn't even bother to stand up. He sat on the ground with one hand and two feet and backed up as fast as possible. He quickly retreated to the deepest part of the alley. There is no way back!

"Don't come near me!!!"

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