Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1162: On behalf of Lord God, destroy you!

Does Fatty Red General Ross have the strength of Thanos? Look at the direct being in the data, Thanos beats Fat into his younger brother Hulk. General Red Fatty Rose admitted that he was stronger than Hulk, but he was not much stronger. Hulk had no power to fight back against Thanos, and he might face Thanos, and he could have two or three rounds.

After five rounds, if he exploded to the limit and squeezed himself out, this red ‘fat’ would probably be able to fight Thanos for six rounds.

Then you can happily type: GG

So how many rounds can Thanos last in the hands of the Maelstrom God? Although it was said that Thanos had been attacking in the data, even the clothes of Uzumaki God had not been touched, which is very telling.

As for Thanos's tricks, those that could fall on the Uzumaki Goddai's body were all raised by the Uzumaki Goddai and gently resisted. Thanos' attack seemed to have fallen on cotton.

Therefore, if Thanos is used as a measure of the strength of the Uzumaki God, then he is only able to fight against Thanos normally. Will he think about the end of the Uzumaki God for about five rounds?

As for escape?

Why don't you ask Thanos, why don't you run away? Knowing that the Uzumaki God Generation cannot be defeated, is Thanos not wanting to escape? You can't escape, okay~

Thanos couldn't escape from the Uzumaki Goddai, so even if he didn't fight against the Uzumaki Goddai, the Red Fat General Rose in his heart not only didn't have the idea of ​​being an enemy with the Uzumaki Goddai, but also didn't have the same idea of ​​running away.

At this time, the words of the Uzumaki Goddai, it is undoubtedly the ‘gold medal for avoiding death’. It is completely comparable to the existence of the ‘Heaven’s Dao’. In this world, the Vortex God Generation is the ‘Heaven Dao’ above the heads of all beings.

No one is a fool at this point, who would say that he couldn't see it, and Uzumaki Goddai narrowed his eyes. This fat red general Rose, as expected, has a thorough view of power, and has no stubborn fancy to his face, and he is still in front of him.

After this guy saw that his hole cards didn't work with him Uzumaki God, he instantly thought of another solution.

General Red Fatty Ross has unwillingness in his eyes, but there is no trace of hatred, because the person he faces is the Uzumaki God, even if it is a great hatred, it will not help.

Advancing and retreating know how to make choices, no wonder this guy can be in such a ‘bumpy’ situation. Not only can I live so moisturized, even my identity and status in this world have almost reached the top.

Is this guy comprehending the ultimate meaning of survival? Uzumaki Goddai had never thought about taking this guy's old life, this guy's life was worthless here.

But this guy's old life is the heart of his subordinates, but before I say that I want this guy's old life, I can't go back.

Uzumaki Kamdai shook his head, looking helplessly at the red and white General Ross.

"I'm sorry, but I can only say that your attitude is a bit late. Now the subordinates are not easy to take. It is a big taboo to go wrong, and it is still me to deal with you, and the lovely subordinates are very sincere. You have nothing to do with me. , I will not cool down my subordinates' heart for you~"


General Red Fatty Ross, because of his distracted attention, he used to listen and clearly understood what Uzumaki God said. With Uzumaki Kamidai finally speaking, don't miss your only possibility of survival because of distraction.

As long as I heard the Uzumaki Goddai say, let go of his fat red general Ross, and would rather be shot twice by the superstar lady, and absolutely must not hesitate to run behind the Uzumaki Goddai.



Who knows, this is not a life-saving straw, and there is no boss who talks like this, is it really good to be so straightforward? General Red Fatty Rose, who was shot by the superstar lady in the heart, staggered.

What does this subordinate do? Isn’t it just hard work and hard work, and the boss breaks his leg under a word? How can there be such a boss who takes care of his subordinates? And in front of everyone and his subordinates, he just said it without any cover.

You are the boss, right? Your Uzumaki Goddai is too human...

General Red Fatty Rose spouted out a mouthful of old blood, the heat was like fire, and the bright colors couldn't hide it. The excited eyes of the superstar lady originally attacked the superstar lady who was sharp and not waterproof at all.

After hearing the Uzumaki Goddai, in front of so many people, she almost affirmed herself, the superstar lady, without tears in her eyes. On the spot, he took out all his heart, liver, and heart, and gave the limit to his own master of Uzumaki God.

‘Master Uzumaki, does this recognize me?嘤嘤嘤~ Is this moved by the approval of Uzumaki Lord Goddai? Why does my body seem to be on fire? It seems that something is about to spew out from the body! ? ’

"Haha!! Fat red don't run, have you heard my Lord Goddai? I will destroy you on behalf of Lord Goddai!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Before, I used my dexterity to move to avoid the Red Fat General Ross's attack. The superstar lady has changed!

The enthusiastic young lady superstar, except for the fatal blow from Fat Red. Facing the Red Fat General Ross, his eyes were anxious, and he no longer showed mercy everywhere, as if it was an attack that reflected the light. In order to ensure that her weapons can be more accurate, she hits the fatal part of General Red Fatty Roth several times, so Miss Superstar didn't even flash.


The superstar lady who was slapped by General Red Fatty Ross and slapped out, forcibly completed the flip in the air. After biting his lip and landing, he didn't retreat in a desperate posture, and he charged again at General Red Rose with his weapon.

Maria Hill was stunned, watching this scene happen, her mouth open, not knowing what to say. She did not intend to turn her head to persuade Uzumaki Goddai, letting go of General Red Fatty Ross.

It was not to cater to the boss who might be his own future, nor was it because he wanted to behave better in front of Uzumaki Kamiyo and didn't want to contradict his ‘boss’.

Rather, Maria Hill clearly knew that for the decision of Uzumaki Goddai, unless Uzumaki Goddai wanted to change his original intention, otherwise Fatty Red Ross would be dead.

He didn't need a doctor, and Maria Hill could already issue the death notice that General Red Fat General Rose had already made.

Just because there is another characteristic of the Uzumaki Goddai, that is: say one thing!

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