General Rose has never been so angry with him today. He sits at home and never goes out into the waves, hiding behind him as a hidden boss.

Looking at the live broadcast on his computer screen in special interest. There happened to be a food critic in the picture, who seemed to hand Maria Hill, this **** and stupid woman, something.

To be honest, General Rose almost couldn't help seeing the files in Maria Hill's hand and wanted to call. In a small town, lying on the ground where the subordinates do not know the life or death.

Ask your incompetent subordinates: Are you dead? If you haven't died yet, then you can quickly get Maria Hill, the file in this woman's hand, to your father and I will bring it.

Nothing else, just because I saw Maria Hill, the file in her hand. At first glance, General Rose's heart began to beat.

He had a hunch that the document in Maria Hill's hand must hide something terribly important. What is it, General Rose doesn't know yet, but in this world, there are things that General Rose doesn't know?

This is simply unforgivable. All things that are not known to him by General Ross and beyond his expectations, are not allowed to happen and exist beyond his control.

In particular, seeing Maria Hill behind, with a discolored and shocked expression, the premonition in General Rose's heart became even stronger.

A mysterious voice was born in General Rose's heart. The voice seemed to be a hoarse voice with a seductive and devilish voice, Mephisto, the demon of Satan.

‘Go grab that document, he must know what is written in that document for the first time. ’

Unknowingly, food critics have been regarded by General Ross as a ‘harmor’ at Thanos’ level. The harmfulness of Thanos is his powerful and straightforward destructiveness. The harmfulness of food critics lies in the hidden but not negligible, powerful illusion control ability.

Looking at one after another, in front of the food critics, the fallen Spider-Man, Hawkeye Button, and the fat green son Bruce Banner that he valued.

Especially for myself, the fat green son Bruce Banner, who has high expectations for it, is even more controlled by food critics.

This made General Ross's hair horrified, and at the same time he was afraid, madly breeding a kind of active factor called anticipation.

But at this moment, he has not waited for General Ross to implement a new plan for food critics. But something happened that caused General Rose to frighten him.

An unfamiliar, icy and ironic voice appeared in his mind.

"Is this your ridiculous thought? It's really ignorant and small~"

"who is it!?"

At that time, the first time this voice appeared, General Rose really shuddered and jumped up from his chair.

No one can sneak into their own villa so easily. General Ross' first thought was: the enemy, the assassin, the inner ghost!

As soon as you hear the voice, you can tell with a bad tone that the opponent is an enemy or not a friend. The second thought is that although his villa does not have the strong defense system in the army.

But the monitoring of the whole villa by myself is not someone who can come in if he wants to. According to the status of General Ross, it should be strictly protected by the army.

But because he believes in his own strength and the ‘technology’ he has, General Ross has strong self-confidence.

But he didn't arrange an army's protective force around his villa.

Ordinary people can’t get past the ‘security’ personnel around the villa, and the more capable people can’t beat the monitoring system in their villa.

The person who has the ability to get past his own villa and the monitoring system cannot escape him, with his own ‘sense’ ability of the surrounding environment.

The superhuman'hearing', senses and smell of danger, as long as they don't belong to this villa, they exist by themselves. They will be ‘smelted’ by him for the first time.

But before this sound appeared, General Rose did not receive notifications from the security guards around his villa, nor did he hear the alarm from the monitoring system of his villa.

And the other party was obviously close to him, but there was no movement in his sense of smell or hearing, just when the other party approached him and the voice rang.

General Ross, relying on his body's sense of danger, found that something was wrong. Someone seems to be close to him, don't find the other person, the approximate location of the hidden.

Although General Rose admitted that he, whether he was young or, now he has entered an elderly career.

He has never been a ‘good man’ who ‘securely guards himself’, but General Ross is a ‘great man’ who can devote his life to beauty.

Therefore, General Rose's life can be used to describe it in one sentence: not dedicating one's post, that is, moving forward on the road of burning oneself.

General Rose admitted that he wanted to make his beauty strong, and become as strong as he imagined, no matter what he did.

Even with seven doctoral certificates, the physicist genius Bruce Banner, and possibly his own future, the prospective son-in-law, General Rose, can'sacrifice' without emotion.

Everyone has his own path, so for General Ross, his path is beautiful and strong. Even though it was on this road, his precious daughter died, which was a big blow to General Ross, but this was for General Ross, who had already been on this road and had become conscious.

Such a blow is obviously impossible, knocking down his true warrior, the brave. As long as the people who can't kill him will eventually make him stronger.

Because of this path of preaching, it was destined to be rugged and rough, and he was even alone, enjoying the ‘unique’ scenery.

Of course, General Rose has also learned a lot, but when he got to this point, what General Rose didn't expect was that someone would break in in broad daylight and ‘assassinate’ him in his villa?

why? It was the enemy who felt that he was terrible, so he sent a terrible killer, wanting to kill him silently?

For the assassin, apart from being frightened, General Rose didn't have the slightest fear. On the contrary, General Rose felt the blood in his body faintly boiling.

This is from his body, the blood of the'giant' roaring.

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