Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 916: , The inexplicable temple...

The sound of rain rang out from outside the main hall, and countless raindrops fell from the sky, making diagonal movements under the blow of gravity and wind.

However, due to the dense raindrops.

At the end, the entire sky outside was completely covered by rain.

Most of the falling raindrops directly fall straight from the sky.

In the main hall, the wooden planks that were originally used by Zhang Xiang and others to shelter from the rain had already been taken down by Zhang Xiang and used as wood to be lit.

Due to the special treatment by Zhang Xiang, the shortcomings that the newly cut trees could not serve as timber are gone.

The sounds of ‘Zila La’ and ‘Cracking’ sounded constantly, dispelling the darkness in the hall, and also warming the surroundings slightly.

After all, it's late autumn now.

And Kozakura was wearing the shorts and shorts she used for the sports meeting, and she wore a slightly generous witch costume outside.

Therefore, it is inevitable to feel a bit of chill in this kind of rainy weather.

At this time, Zhang Xiang had time to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a very large hall, which is unexpectedly large. The hall in front alone occupies more than two hundred square meters. If you count the ones you haven’t seen yet The nave and the back hall, as well as the rest of the monks should exist behind.

The overall area is definitely close to one square meter.

Moreover, it is not only this that surprised Zhang Xiang.

The materials used to build this hall are definitely not simple.

Not to mention the tiles at the foot, although many parts are already broken, but the whole is still flat blue bricks, that is to say, the pillars that support this hall are good, which is incredible. Things. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because the pillars of that hall were actually made from the trunk of a whole tree.

The pillars are all uniform in size, about one meter in diameter, which is the kind of trunk that can be hugged by five people.

No matter what tree it is, it will take at least four to five hundred years to grow to this level.

Most of the other windows and walls are carved from a single piece of wood.

In addition, after many years of decay, it is still in good condition.

You know, deep in this kind of environment similar to a rain forest, withstands all kinds of rain, humidity, and insects, it is really not easy to be able to maintain this step.

If the ordinary wooden house does not last for ten or twenty years, I am afraid that the beams will be riddled with termites.

However, these wooden doors, windows and pillars still remain intact.

From this, you can see how good these woods are.

If it is to say that these trees are obviously made of the best trees, they can still be used here as a rain forest, and they are still in the Warring States Period. If you want to find it, you can only find this excuse that you can definitely find it.

Well, there is one thing that is absolutely inexplicable.

That is, it is impossible to explain how those believers brought so many construction materials and erected supporting pillars weighing at least tens or hundreds of tons in the middle of this forest full of various dangers.

It is not Zhang Xiang who underestimated the Neon and Warring States Period. It was because of the construction of these tall houses, even in the contemporary celestial dynasty, it could only exist in the imperial palace. How could it appear in this deserted place?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help becoming more vigilant.

After all, the rain is very strange, and the actual appearance of this temple is even stranger.

At this moment, Sakura's voice also rang.

"Look, big brother, the statue of your Buddha!" ​​Sakura's voice with a hint of surprise and surprise rang in the empty hall.

"Buddha statue?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly and turned his head.

But as Sakura stretched out his right hand to look around, he saw an incredible scene.

That is, after he came in, he had already carefully observed and determined that there was no place where any gods should be enshrined, but a dilapidated Buddha image suddenly appeared.

It was about six meters tall, full of cracks, and looked like a Buddha statue cast from clay.

Looking from the bottom up, the first thing Zhang Xiang noticed were the hands of the Buddha statue.

Because its two hands are printed differently.

Its left hand is naturally stretched down, the fingertips are drooping, and the palms face outwards, indicating that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can give all beings the satisfaction of their wishes, so that the wishes of all beings can be realized.

Zhang Xiang recognized that it was one of the "Five Seals of Sakyamuni" in Buddhism, called the "Yuyuan Seal".

And its right hand is covered with the right knee, the finger touches the ground, in order to subdue the demons.

Zhang Xiang also knows that it is another type of the "five seals of Sakyamuni", called the seal of descending demons.

According to legend, when Shakya was practicing and enlightening, the demon king kept coming to disturb him, hoping to prevent Shakya from pursuing cultivation.

Later, Sakyamuni touched the ground with his right finger and made the earth as evidence.

Therefore, the earth gods came out to prove that Sakyamuni had cultivated into the Buddha's way, and eventually made the demon king fearful, so it was called the "devil's seal".

Because it touches the ground with a finger, it is also called "touching the ground".

If you continue to look up, you will come to the head of the Buddha statue.

Its head is peaceful, with a smile of compassion for all beings, and a pair of ears hang down close to the shoulders.

But at the next moment.

As the thunder sounded again, Kozakura suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Eyes...Eyes, the eyes of the Buddha statue..." There was a trace of panic in Sakura's voice, and her body leaned toward Zhang Xiang.

Suddenly, the soft fragrance was full, and the girl's warm body roasting by the fire fell into Zhang Xiang's arms, her hands were holding Zhang Xiang, with a scared face on her face.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't have the mind to think about it.

Because, at the moment that thunder light flashed past.

Although Zhang Xiang was psychologically prepared, he was still taken aback.

Because, in the two eyes of the Buddha statue, they were not the kind eyebrows and benevolence he imagined, but a void.

Yes, empty.

The place where the eyes should have existed is now a void, like a pair of weird voids that can swallow people's hearts completely, with darkness inside.

It's like talking about silent horror.

Such a horrible scene suddenly appeared in the flash of thunder, how could it not make Zhang Xiang also startled.

Moreover, this is far more than...

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