Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 817: , Little girlfriend

"No, this kind of unpromising man is not worthy of Meiyu at all!" One of the boys, who was wearing three or seven minutes of hair and dressed more handsomely, pointed to Zhang Xiang and shouted. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Boy...what are you talking about?" A "Tic Tac Toe" appeared on Zhang Xiang's forehead.

"Yes, this kind of big tree with children is not worthy of Meiyu..." Another boy with orange hair pointed to Zhang Xiang and shouted.

However, before he finished speaking, he cried out painfully.

Because Zhang Xiang rewarded the three boys in front of him in an instant, each with a thud.

Originally, Zhang Xiang didn't want to care about each other with these young children.

However, looking at these impolite guys who still dared to chase Mei Yu, he couldn't bear it.

"Ah...what do you want to do?" The boy with three or seven cent hairs pointed at Zhang Xiang and shouted.

"Shut up to me, at a young age, isn't it polite to face adults?" Zhang Xiang glared at the other person, slightly squinting at the three boys present.

In an instant, a feeling as if being stared at by a poisonous snake emerged from the hearts of the three boys.

They couldn't help taking a step back, with a timid expression on their faces.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered that this is the school that Meiyu attended.

If you do too much, I am afraid that Miyu is also a little difficult to do.

"Get out of here, don't pester Meiyu anymore." Zhang Xiang gathered his momentum and glanced at the three boys.

And the three boys couldn't help but ran into the school in embarrassment.

Such behavior made the students onlookers burst into laughter.

And then, after seeing that there was nothing left to watch, the students who were watching also gradually dispersed.

However, after everyone was gone, Mei Yu squeezed Zhang Xiang's hand.

"Brother, you did a little too much. They are all scared away by you. If you cooperate with me, we can fool them as long as we act in the next play." Mei Yu wrinkled her nose and said to Zhang Xiang with a bit of annoyance. With.

"It's okay, they don't dare to pester you anymore. Moreover, with such an appearance, even if other people want to chase you, after knowing the news, they will want to pester you, but they will be worried. I don’t dare to take it anymore. But... the next time you have something like this, you have to tell me first. Otherwise, it’s like just now. If it wasn’t for my cleverness, I would still be confused..." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand to touch Touching Meiyu's long and smooth golden hair, he said to her helplessly.

"Hehe...Is your brother angry? It's too much for your brother to be angry with such a cute lover." Mei Yu pretended to be pitiful, and looked at Zhang Xiang with tears in her eyes, as if she had been caught by Zhang Xiang. The chaos finally abandoned the general.

If someone you don't know, I am afraid that Zhang Xiang would really think that Zhang Xiang did something bad to Mei Yu.

"I said..." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, wanting to continue to say some educational words to Mei Yu.

However, it is at this time.

Miyu let go of Zhang Xiang's arm and turned around lightly, returning to the previous distance.

"Hehe...In short, thanks to my uncle, I did a lot of help." Mei Yu turned around gracefully, and naturally took a shopping bag in her left hand from Zhang Xiang's hand, causing Zhang Xiang to miss the opening. opportunity.

And at this moment, the little chick who was looking at him with a puzzled face also spoke.

"Sister Miyu, what is a boyfriend? And why did Sister Miyu become Uncle's girlfriend?" Xiao Chi blinked big eyes that didn't understand, and asked while looking at Miyu.

Meiyu smiled slightly, and took Xiao Chi's little hand.

"Well, I have to wait until Xiao Chi grows up before telling Xiao Chi," Mei Yu said to Xiao Chi in a gentle voice.

And the next way is full of joy and laughter.

However, in the middle of the road, there was a little accident.

That is, when Xiao Chi walked halfway, because he was tired, he wanted Zhang Xiang to walk with her on his back.

"Uncle, Xiao Chu is tired and doesn't want to go anymore." When he was halfway, Xiao Chu suddenly pulled Zhang Xiang's sleeve and said to Zhang Xiang.

At this time, Zhang Xiang remembered.

Xiao Chi really walked a lot more today, especially after walking to the supermarket, and then turned around to Miyu's school, which was a lot longer than usual.

"Is it really impossible to walk?" Listening to Xiao Chi's words, Miyu squatted down.

"Well, I can't walk anymore, my legs are sore," Xiao Chi said in a tender voice, but her **** eyes looked at Zhang Xiang with hope.

Looking at Xiao Chi's appearance, Zhang Xiang suddenly understood what was going on.

After Zhang Xiang went back with her on his back last time, the young girl liked the feeling of Zhang Xiang walking with her on his back.

"Then, uncle, let you go back." Zhang Xiang's face showed a helpless smile, and he couldn't help but squat down.

"Long live my uncle" after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi could not help but let out a cheer.

Then, she would crawl on Zhang Xiang's back.

However, at this moment, she seemed to think of something and pulled Zhang Xiang's clothes.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xiang turned his head and asked.

"Uncle, can Xiao Chi sit on your shoulders and go back? It's like an uncle on TV." Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang with her **** and bright eyes, with a pleading expression in her eyes.

After Zhang Xiang was taken aback, he also understood what Xiao Chi said about the uncle in the TV.

It was the TV series they watched together last night, and there was a scene in it: a little girl sitting on her father's shoulders, happily looking for her mother together.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a faint heartache.

"Xiao Chi, I think of my brother-in-law..." Zhang Xiang followed Mei Yu and glanced at each other, also understanding their own thoughts.

"Okay, come on, just sit on the shoulders of your uncle and go back." Zhang Xiang squatted down, put the bag in his hands on the ground, and hugged the chick on his shoulders.

Then, he stood up with the remaining bags.

"Sit down, little chick" Zhang Xiang turned his head and said to the little chick who was on his shoulder.

"Yes" Xiao Hina's face was full of joy.

"Then...the little Hina is set off..."

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