Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 9: , As brilliant as fireworks

In the dark starry sky, an extremely bright, like firework-like light, suddenly bloomed.

Brings rare beauty to this dark starry sky.

However, this blooming firework.

To Zhang Xiang, it was as deadly as poisonous wine.

Because that firework was the light after the explosion of the planet Vegeta behind him.

The jets with speeds as high as tens, hundreds, or even hundreds of kilometers per second were ejected toward the surroundings at the moment the planet exploded.

A steady stream of jets blasted past the spaceship where Zhang Xiang was.

At this speed, as long as Zhang Xiang's spacecraft is hit by any jet, it will definitely end in death.

However, under this kind of mortal situation, Zhang Xiang has exerted all the power of his own body.

His hands suddenly turned into afterimages, and he maneuvered on the console, avoiding the large projectiles that had been observed by the spacecraft's central computer in advance.

At the same time, his mental power spread in a thread-like manner to all sides, catching the small jets that might be sputtered from the large jets at any time ten kilometers away.

Under his control, the spaceship he was on was like the most disturbing roller coaster, going up and down for a while.

Moreover, it is still moving at hundreds or even thousands of meters per second.

If there is no such speed, it would be impossible to avoid jets with speeds of tens, or even hundreds of kilometers per second, even if this is branching.

At such a fast speed, one can imagine how much impact it will have on the people in the spacecraft. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang's body at this time is of Saiyan blood.

Therefore, the rigid resistance to acceleration of up to tens of G is still able to withstand.

It's just that those Saiyans who are in the same spaceship as Zhang Xiang, without self-awareness, are miserable.

It fell so badly that it almost didn't hit a few big holes in this spaceship.

In the end, after Zhang Xiang gave the order, those Saiyan talents could barely adapt to such a fast changing course.

I don’t know if it’s the one that Zhang Xiang escaped from the Dragon Ball world, possessing great fortune, or because Zhang Xiang’s superb driving skills eventually gradually escaped from the endless stream of projectiles behind him, gradually taking those things into account. Unless the body of an Isaiah reaches the level of a super Saiyan, it must be an unstoppable flood of projectiles thrown behind him.

However, Zhang Xiang did not feel any relaxation.

Because, he knows, the next part is the main drama.

In a hurry, he didn't have enough time to tell which side of Frieza's large team was on, so he hurriedly drove the spaceship out.

It would be okay if the direction he was flying the spaceship was not Frieza's direction.

If he set off from the opposite side of them, he would have the opportunity to successfully evade the scanning of the large Frieza spacecraft with the help of the interference of the explosion of the planet.

However, Zhang Xiang knows that this possibility is minimal.

Because, according to his impression, in the original book, Baghdad led most of the Saiyans and fought with Frieza. It was daytime.

In other words, he is facing the direction of the sun.

As for the place where Zhang Xiang had just escaped, the dazzling light also clearly told him that it was also daytime.

Therefore, the direction he flees is likely to be Frieza's direction.

Even if it is not, it will be discovered by Frieza's spacecraft.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but project his gaze out of the window.

At this time, after breaking free of the jet, the outside of the window was originally extremely bright, and after the light carrying a large amount of burning material disappeared, the scene outside the window finally appeared in the dark, occasionally with a little bright starry sky.

"In which direction?" Zhang Xiang's eyes rolled, and he looked out through the windows scattered around.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang discovered the spacecraft of Frieza's group.

"It didn't fly in the direction of Frieza!" Zhang Xiang suddenly discovered the news that made him feel relieved.

According to his observation, the spacecraft flew out half-crossing the surface of the planet.

However, Frieza was out of the outer planet of the place where he just took off.

Therefore, he, Frieza, and the planet Vegeta that had been detonated, formed a right triangle.

Zhang Xiang and the planet Vegeta, and the two lines between Frieza and Vegeta form a perfect right angle.

Moreover, with the acceleration of Zhang Xiang's spacecraft, this right-angled triangle is still being continuously stretched.

It's just that the spaceship that Frieza is riding on is not worthy of being an advanced cargo in the galaxy.

After the spacecraft driven by Zhang Xiang broke free from the jets with complex magnetic fields, Frieza's car also discovered this spacecraft.

"Didi, Didi..."

The continuous sound rang from the combat effectiveness detection meter with the combat effectiveness detection device and the communication transmission device, which attracted the attention of many people.

"It seems that there is another fish that slipped through the net." Frieza, who was sitting in the special suspension device, showed a sneer on his face.

Above the evil face, an arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Lord Frieza, let me help you squeeze this ant to death." Standing next to Frieza, wearing a battle suit, wearing a combat power detection watch, Chambeau, whose skin and hair are all green, Said to Frieza.

At the same time, a qigong cannon began to condense on his right hand.

However, at this moment.

Frieza, who was sitting in the special levitation device, suddenly stretched out his right hand, preventing Shangbo from making any further movements.

"Wait a minute," Frieza said suddenly.

"Lord Frieza, are we going to let this ant go? Haven't we let go of an ant before? If we let go again, then the purpose of destroying Vegeta this time is not..." A look of confusion appeared on Shang Bo's face.

After all, as Frieza’s subordinate, second only to the Genute team, he knew that Frieza destroyed the planet Vegeta and carried out an action to destroy the Saiyans in order to eliminate the Super Saiyans that might appear. At this point.

In the next moment, Frieza quickly explained to Chambau.

"Of course not. However, this ant seems to be a bit stronger. Let me take a look... Five hundred, six hundred, five hundred and fifty, seven hundred... Not bad, the average combat power is close to six hundred. . Such a stronger ant, of course, is more fun to be crushed one by one. If all of them are pinched to death at once, wouldn’t it be a loss of fun? Mr. Chambeau.” Frieza’s face showed cruelty Said with a smile.

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