Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Chapter 21 Run! (Please read it! It’s really important!)

In the uppermost cabin of the Hex pressure transport aircraft, Jace, who had been silent all the way, finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you really going to recruit that kid as a student worker?"

Li Lin met his eyes and raised his eyebrows, "Do you think I'm joking?"

"But... why?"

"You will know it later, but even if I tell you now, you won't understand it."

"How can there be something I don't understand about a joke?!" Jace's eyes widened, "I found out why you always like to half-talk what you say?"

"Instead of worrying about this, you might as well save enough energy to study the Hex Crystal tonight."

Li Lin forcibly changed the topic.

"Uh... ok, speaking of this, you said this afternoon that you could stabilize the Hex Crystal. What is the principle?"

That is of course...the principle of the "system panel".

Li Lin turned his face away, thought for a moment and gave a rough explanation based on the knowledge in his mind:

"The Hex Crystal is very unstable. At first I thought of using a resonance device to reduce its oscillation, but I found that this didn't work.

"Then I had an idea. If reducing the resonant frequency doesn't work, then why not..."

"Increase the energy!" Jace's eyes suddenly lit up, "Try to make the crystal stable in a high-frequency environment!"

Good guys, you have learned to answer questions quickly.

Li Lin nodded and confirmed his statement, "I tried it with crystal shards and it's completely feasible."

"Damn it! Why didn't I think of that..."

Finally figuring out what was wrong with him, Jace made a fist with his right hand and hammered the palm of his left hand.

"You are really a genius, Li Lin!"

You can’t become a genius even if you have a golden finger, so how can I, a time traveler, still be around...

Li Lin smiled helplessly and looked out the window.

Lifts generally stay in large areas for about 10 minutes and small areas for only two or three minutes.

It was almost time now, and he could hear the bottom iron hatch closing.

Not long after, the administrator's rough and hoarse voice came from the loudspeaker: "The elevator is going up! Arrive at the station ahead, Border Market, Thaumaturgy Magic Academy, Plant Cultivation Center."

With the scream making a roaring and harsh noise, three thick longitudinal rails supported its fat body as it slowly rose, and the exhaust hole at the top spewed out steam in circles.

About 20 minutes later, the Screech poked its body out of the dark tunnel, slowly slowed down and finally stopped at Piltover's Drop Street.

Li Lin and Jace followed the few other passengers out of the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, more migrant workers waiting outside the diamond-shaped iron fence to take the elevator home poured in.

The two walked on the winding cobblestone path.

Before taking a few steps, Li Lin suddenly stopped and looked back.

But all that came into view was a group of shouting and noisy citizens.

"What's wrong?"

Jess noticed something strange about Li Lin and turned to follow his gaze.

Everything looks fine.

"It's nothing, I must have seen it wrong." Li Lin shook his head, "It's getting late, let's go back quickly."

Meanwhile, behind a wall at the corner of the street.

"Look, I said don't bring Bakuba here, and they almost discovered it." Slender Milo complained to Wei.

"I'm obviously so far away from him, and I'm still hiding in the crowd, why do you think he almost found me?" Biaobao retorted not to be outdone.

"Because of your conspicuous blue hair! It's easy to see you even if you blend in with the crowd..."

"But he doesn't know me! What if he sees me?"

The quarrel between Bangbao and Milo became more and more fierce.

"Okay, okay, please stop saying a few words, and Milo, this is indeed not Bao Bao's fault."

Wei pointed at two figures in the distance who were about to disappear into the crowd, "We still have a mission, so don't lose them."

"Forget it, it's still business that matters, and I won't be as knowledgeable as you."

"Huh!" Babao snorted, turning his face away and ignoring Milo.

After resolving the minor friction between the members of her team, Wei continued to lead the three of them to avoid the law enforcement officers, hiding in the east and secretly following behind Li Lin and Jace.

Finally, they arrived at Piltover's Grand Canyon.

From here, the whole city seemed to have a gaping hole, and the Grand Canyon, covered in haze and unable to see the bottom, divided the whole city into two parts, the north and the south.

The four of them ran to the edge of the bridge, looked down, and couldn't help but gasp.

The tall tower of the Academy of Technology and Magic built in Zaun poked its head out from the thick haze. The thick rope used for fixation at the top was fixed to the upper section of the canyon, swaying with the roaring sea breeze.

This is a unique scene that is completely unseen in Zaun.

Since the law enforcement officers on the bridge had noticed them, they did not dare to stay on the bridge too long and quickly came to the north.

In a small alley that almost no one passed by, Wei, Bangbao and Milo quickly climbed onto the roof along the drainage pipes and metal frames.

Clegg was on the ground as a support, helping them on the roof to point the direction.

Wei squatted on the edge of the eaves and looked down at the crowded street below, "Milo, have you seen where Craig is?"

"Let me take a look..."

"There!" Bao Bao's excited shout attracted their attention, "at the end of this street."

"Very good, let's go there quickly."

Before Wei finished speaking, she jumped forward and landed easily on the opposite roof.

Bao Bao and Milo followed closely behind her.

Three thin figures shuttled in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Not long after, they met up with Craig who had just climbed onto the roof from the other side.

"Why did you come up here? Where are they?" Milo asked hurriedly, "Did you lose them?"

Craig glanced at him helplessly, "How could we lose him? They are already home."

As he spoke, Clegg pointed to a very luxuriously decorated house at the end of the road, "They entered that house."

"As expected, you are extremely rich to live in such a house!" Wei curled her lips with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

She pointed to the top floor of the mansion, "There, we enter from the balcony."

"Vi, are you sure you want to do this? There are many law enforcement officers outside this family's house..." Clegg was still hesitant.

"We've come this far and you still want to back out?" Wei glared at him, "I'm going to go anyway, will you follow me?"

Craig and Milo looked at each other.

Seeing Milo raising his eyebrows and looking indifferent, he sighed and said, "Okay, okay, but we have to move quickly."

A slightly satisfied smile appeared on Wei's face, "That's natural. We have to go back before the sun completely sets, otherwise Fandel will be anxious if he can't find us."

The four of them spent a lot of effort climbing along the eaves at the top edge of the mansion, and finally jumped to the balcony on the top floor.

"The lights are not on in the house. No one is inside. Come quickly."

Vi tried to twist the balcony door handle.

The bronze grille and glass door was unlocked and opened easily.

The first thing in the room that caught the attention of the four people was a metal arm made entirely of mechanical parts placed on a shelf.

"Wow! I know this!"

Bao Bao trotted up to the metal arm, stretched out his hand and stroked it gently, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"It's the same as those installed on the people in the bottom city. It's called... yes, it's called enhanced prosthetic body. That's right! This one is particularly valuable!"

"Well, I think it's better not to think about it. Such a big thing doesn't look easy, and we can't take it away."

Milo scratched his head and opened the drawer closest to him. He was suddenly startled, "Hey! Guys, look at this!"


Wei and Clegg also changed their expressions, but Bao Bao looked very excited.

"Show me quickly!"

"This is a real thing! It's not for kids like you to play with."

Milo raised the pistol high above his head, not intending to explode his "trophy".

"Hey, I've grown up! What's more, it's just for a look, why are you so stingy..."

"Shh! Don't make any noise in this place!" Wei gave them an angry look, "Don't worry about the pistol, hurry up and find something valuable. The owner of the house can..."

Before she could finish her words, a sound of mechanical gears rotating and colliding came from the door.

Although the sound was small, it was like a roaring wave in their ears.

The four of them instantly stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the source of the sound in unison.

That was the sound of a key unlocking.

Wei's mind went blank for a second or two.

Then, a trace of panic flashed across her eyes, "Run!"

I beg you, my family, it’s really important to pursue your studies. Let’s test the waters and recommend them all to pursue their studies (*)

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