Twilight Boundary

Chapter 490 Meeting of Reincarnators

After giving the head of the Meng family master to this man who did not eat cattle, Hu Ma did not immediately discuss anything with them, although both sides did have many doubts to discuss.

But, really tired.

So he let these people go back first, while he went to take back General Yin. By the way, he walked around the mountain ridge and found the depressed Mr. Ma, who was standing hesitating in front of a cliff that was neither high nor short. Wen Yan advised:

"You can't fall to death..."


Hearing this, Mr. Ma suddenly opened his big eyes and looked at Hu Ma complainingly.

What could Hu Ma do? He could only persuade it gently and promised it that he would never save it the next time it was in danger. Then he coaxed it back and circled the town again, hiding himself around it. , the items used to build the altar were recycled or burned in a fire.

No evidence can be retained.

After forcing himself to do this, Hu Ma returned to the town and asked General Yin to go to the Yiqian Jiao Zongtan mansion and put it under the old elm tree to shade, and then declined all requests from Miao Shanxiangu and the disciples who did not eat cows. Wait for something, go back to the inn and rest first.

Sitting on the bed, he took two blood food pills to make up for his lack of energy and blood this night, but he still felt dizzy and extremely weak.

I know that there are still many things to deal with, and I still have a lot of doubts in my heart, and I want to figure them out, but now, I can't care about them at all and I just feel tired.

If things are dangerous and unexpected, this is the most dangerous thing since I left Dayangzhai. Of course, nothing I have done in the past has made me feel more happy than this time.

So he briefly reviewed the incident, and finally heaved a long sigh and asked Xiao Hongtang to guard the door for him and not let anyone in. Then he fell down on the bed with his clothes on and fell into a deep sleep. .

During this sleep, he slept from midnight to dawn, and then slept from dawn to dusk.

At first it was just to rest and regain energy, but after sleeping for a long day, I even started to have many weird dreams.

There were verbal disputes in the court, bloody battles on the battlefield, and even in tall mansions, people dressed in well-dressed people were filled with indignation and quarreling endlessly.

Sometimes I dreamed of rolling heads falling to the ground, sometimes I dreamed of bloated Tai Sui flesh and blood crawling all over the earth, sometimes I dreamed of countless lonely souls crying endlessly, and their bodies huddled together.

The heavy pressure made Hu Ma feel uneasy in his sleep, and his hands and feet were trembling slightly. Until when his mind was dim and confused, he suddenly heard a clear voice, sighing lowly in his ear. :

"Brother Lao Baigan, how much trouble have you caused..."



Hu Ma suddenly woke up. The sense of crisis and depression caused by her sleep was still there, but when she opened her eyes, she found that she was in the natal temple.

Three rays of life fragrance floated in from outside the dark red mist, and were tied to his own life fragrance. This familiar environment and familiar voice gave him a strong sense of security, and then he slowly exhaled. , feel relieved.

After calming down, he also came to the incense burner and said with a smile: "The disaster is indeed not small. It's a blessing that you arrived in time."

This is not a lie. If Erguotou and Miss Baijiu hadn't arrived, and if there hadn't been helpers like Houerjiu outside, it would have been impossible for him to deal with the second son of the Meng family with his current abilities.

Of course, it doesn't help because I haven't obtained the Hu family's token yet. As an ordinary person, it is easy to defeat the second son of the Meng family, but it is really difficult to kill him.

"Can't we arrive in time?"

Erguotou also waited for the whole day before he contacted Lao Baigan. When he heard this, his voice was angry and complained: "I heard that you had something important to save your life, so I borrowed a passage from the underworld and came here specially. Yes..."

"But you really don't miss the old feelings. I was so good to you, but you finally tricked me in this way. Won't your conscience hurt?"


‘How do you say you were tricked by me? ’

Hu Ma didn't react for a moment, but she thought that he was summoned from Mingzhou by her without any problems, and when he came over, he encountered such a big thing, so it was reasonable to complain.

While thinking in my heart, I smiled and said: "We are all our own people. Of course I will think of you when something happens. Where is Miss White Wine?"


Erguotou was a little speechless: 'This guy is really secretive. It would be better if you don't think about me for this kind of thing...'

At this time, Miss Baijiu's voice also sounded: "I can't compare to Erguotou's ability. I can borrow a way from the underworld, but I once bought two talismans at a high price in Shangjing. In an emergency, I You can travel thousands of miles at night by doing the Dharma on the horse's legs."

"However, if what you said is not important and you waste my two talismans, you will have to compensate me afterwards. I will also need to compensate you for helping you solve the Meng family's affairs."

"Inside and out, you owe me two favors..."


"……All right!"

When I think about the fact that the Meng family is indeed difficult to deal with, and they have used their real skills to help, I don't mind this anymore.

I was just excited, and said hurriedly: "Where is the sweet potato roasting? Is she here too?"

Miss White Wine said: "She set out the earliest, but her abilities are poor. She is probably still on the road now..."

"Oh well……"

Hu Ma shook his head, thinking that it didn't matter. Anyway, the three most capable people had already rushed over, so he took a deep breath and said, "I have no choice this time. The situation is too serious. I can only let Hou Erjiu..."

"...Not bad."

Hou Erjiu's voice sounded at this time: "Earlier, you only asked me to pass on three sentences to them, which were not clear. Now that you have time, you should say it, right?"

"Yes, I'll trouble Brother Hou Erjiu."

Hu Ma heard Hou Erjiu's words, but he was also full of gratitude.

Just now, I was curious why Erguotou and Miss White Wine, who were usually so timid, decided to help without hesitation when facing the Meng family. It turned out that Hou Erjiu delivered those words for me.

It seems that although they are usually timid, they are still very responsible when they really encounter something...

However, I am grateful in my heart and am a little surprised by Monkey Wine's current attitude: "You are also eager to understand? I didn't expect that you would be interested in these things..."

Monkey Wine did not comment and said lightly: "I was not interested at first, and I have never wanted to contact other reincarnated people. After all, you will only increase my doubts about this world."

"It's just that after seeing that person...that is, the negative spirit...after inviting down the power, I began to be interested in some things in this world. That thing is similar to the witch god, but it seems to be essentially different, and has a charming temperament."

"Hu, it's my fault. I shouldn't have stayed in the mountains all the time. I don't know how many interesting things I have missed in so many years..."


"That's great."

Hu Ma was excited by Monkey Wine's reaction. When this guy gets crazy, it's quite scary, but you have to admit that when it comes to things, he is still very reliable.

So he took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then slowly said: "Everyone, you are all the reincarnations I trust most in this world. I won't hide it from you. Just three days ago, I got some secrets about reincarnations."

Erguotou was a little anxious after hearing this and said, "What?"

Miss White Wine and Monkey Wine also clearly remained silent, but from their silence, it can be found that they have also become curious.

Hu Ma was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "It is about the death of the first generation of reincarnations, and a big secret about our survival..."

"How much do you know about the Great Sage Master, or a previous reincarnation codenamed Lao Junmei?"


This question was asked out of the blue, and Er Guotou and Miss White Wine were also stunned for a moment, and then they said in unison: "The initiator of the disaster in Shangjing?"

"Lao Junmei?"



Before Hu Ma officially spoke, he was also silent for a moment, but he quickly sorted out his thoughts, and slowly told about how he came to Yiqian Sect to seek Dharma, accidentally saw Da Hongpao, and what Da Hongpao told him.

Reincarnations have always been accustomed to using human relationships as bargaining chips. Not only can treasures be counted as bargaining chips, but even information can be exchanged for bargaining chips, and the information he just got is probably the most valuable bargaining chip.

But Hu Ma also knew that the matter was of great importance, so he did not dare to delay at all. He told all the information, except for some details related to himself, to the reincarnated people he trusted the most.

"There is a gap in the information between the reincarnated people. According to Da Hong Pao, we should now prepare to kill Tai Sui and fight for the destiny."

"He said that they peeled off the emperor's skin to prevent this transaction that would weigh the world."

"He said that they fought for these twenty years to give us..."


When Hu Ma heard this information from Da Hong Pao, he was also surprised, and even his mind was numb for a while.

Now, when passing this information to other reincarnated people, he was still emotional, fearing that something might be missed, so he racked his brains to tell them the whole story, and even included the information he got from chatting with the white-bearded old man and the old abacus:

"The world is becoming lighter and lighter..."


As he spoke, he could clearly feel that the three reincarnated people who listened to his message were unexpectedly silent, and his mood became more and more silent, and he slowly said:

"It's the above part, and, and the words he said, I don't understand the meaning, but it makes people terrified:"

"Our hometown has been stolen..."

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