Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 498: alien visitor

readx(); After two consecutive astral projections, Star Cable and Siegel came to the north of the City Wall Mountains, near the crystal wall passage of the Federation.

With the help of the invisible magic circle, the huge magic spaceship stayed high in the sky, and no one could find it. The Starwire waited for Siegel to recover from his spellcasting, while he observed the world.

Since birth, she (not "it") has only seen the caves and astral worlds where she is, and there is no place full of colorful colors and colorful things like the place where she is now. Soft white clouds slid over the steel body, and icy water vapor condensed into frost on the deck. A bald eagle flying high in the sky could not see the invisible hull, and slammed into it, startling Xing Suo.

She used the hand of the mage to hold the bald eagle and observed it over and over. With the help of 108 sub-brains, Xingsuo has a global vision that is unattainable for ordinary people, and can observe everything around in great detail. This giant eagle obviously aroused her curiosity: a small thing that can also fly, has light feathers, is not fast, and has bad eyesight. What is it doing so high?

"Let's go," the Star Cable moved the Bald Eagle out of the deck's range: "Don't hit it next time!" Then she let go, and the Bald Eagle, still in a coma, swirled and fell toward the ground. .

Seems like I did something wrong! Star Cable looked at the bald eagle that was getting away, and hurriedly called Siegel: "Master, master! I threw away a creature that hit me, but it doesn't seem to be able to fly!"

Siegel broke free from spell concentration, sighed and rubbed her forehead, then placed her hand on the core of the Starwire so she could observe her surroundings through her senses. He saw the falling eagle, which was about to turn into a small black spot.

"Go save it!" Siegel said immediately: "Accelerate the dive!"

The anti-gravity circle immediately reversed, and the Star Cable rushed down at four times the acceleration of its fall. "Thruster, Star Cable." Siegel reminded: "I just ask not to hit anything, just don't damage yourself, you can do the rest yourself!"

"Yeah!" Xing Suo immediately flew with all his strength, spraying a torrent of elements backwards from all around his body. Speed ​​up again. Siegel was prepared to protect himself with feather fall and gasification form. During the trial flight of the Federation's first spaceship, it accelerated too fast, causing most of the mages to be injured. The Star Cable is more powerful than the Federation One spacecraft. It is estimated that even the physique of the giant Kerry will vomit darkly...

A wall of air appeared in front of the Star Cable, and the crackling sound continued to sound. The high temperature made the metal of the bow begin to heat up, and some parts began to deform. Xing Suo immediately cast defensive element damage and repair, and blocked the front with a shield. She is constantly learning and adapting on her own, which is a good sign. This shows that the Djinn core meets Siegel's requirements.

The reason to save the bald eagle is for the same purpose. The Starcord is a battleship, built for goblin strategy, but Siegel doesn't want her to be turned into a mere killing weapon. So now it's important for her to learn kindness and compassion, which belongs to early education.

However, it is really impossible to rely on the Xingsuo to complete the rescue mission. Siegel put his hand on the core and warned Xingsuo: "Can't speed up any more, otherwise the oppressive air will directly smash the bird into pieces. Learn to calculate, see how long you chase and how slow you are. Also Think about how you can protect the bald eagle from the dangers of high winds, heat and speed differences after you have caught it."

This was a daunting task for the newborn Star Cable, and the hull trembled with her nervousness for a while. Siegel helped her calm her mind and taught her the poses and tricks of flying.

Xingsuo stretched out the hand of the mage. Catch the giant eagle. Then she turned in the air, using her huge steel body to forcibly block the wind, creating a calm area from which the giant eagle was put into the cabin. The anti-gravity circle changed direction again, and the elemental torrent pushed the ship forward. So the Star Cable learned to draw an arc to slow down its descent, instead of a straight up and down rampage.

However, her computing power needs to be strengthened, especially for the underestimation of the deceleration time. She was still too close to the ground, and the high-speed wind uprooted all the plants on the top of a mountain, and rolled into the sky together with rocks, gravel, and snow. Fortunately, there are few frozen animals here, and there is no "mass killing".

Starline felt a little frustrated. Siegel tried to comfort her again, until she was reinvigorated. Although a bottle of healing potion is a bit extravagant for treating the giant eagle's injury, Siegel doesn't feel much distressed for the "child".

Such a big movement must have alarmed the cordon set up by the Mage Federation here. Siegel also observes the abilities of those left behind. There is no such stupid mage flying into the sky to investigate. After all, it is more important to hide the existence of the crystal wall passage than to find the enemy. This makes Siegel very satisfied.

The reason for flying here is to borrow the coordinates of the crystal wall channel. Although the astral projection can go directly from the astral to the earth, only Siegel has been to the earth, and the star cable has not been there. The mage is also not sure who will go to the star world with such a huge thing as the Star Cable, and whose will and knowledge will prevail. Asterisk has one core and one hundred and eight accessory brains. What if he was thinking wildly when he was projecting in the astral world and couldn't locate the earth?

There is no problem with the half of the journey to the star realm, and there will be no mistakes from the star realm to the thunder wall world. It is not sure about the part from the star realm to the earth. After all, no one has ever done such a crazy thing... Just to be safe, West Geer decided to use the gate of another world to go to the crystal wall of the earth. Although it took a long detour, it was at least much safer. In order to be able to better cast the gate of another world, the closer you are to the crystal wall channel, the more accurately you can grasp the coordinates of the opposite side.

Siegel was busy recovering, while Xingsuo played with the giant eagle who had recovered. Using the light spell and the hand of the mage, Xingsuo kept the giant eagle from flying out of his control range. The bald eagle chirped loudly, apparently starting to get scared.

The mage watched quietly to see how Xingsuo handled it. The bald eagle's emotions reminded Xingsuo of the feeling of trembling in his body when he dived. Fear is not a comfortable thing. She knew she was making Bald Eagle uncomfortable, and that was wrong! So she let go of the spell and let the eagle fly away on its own.

After that, he secretly flew a distance behind the giant eagle, and then reluctantly rose up into the sky and returned to her original position. This is still a childlike move, and Siegel thinks that he will take him to the world of goblins, and I am afraid there will be a **** storm.

"Xingsuo, the place we are going is full of danger. You have to learn to protect yourself." Siegel said: "Many of the practices over there are wrong, so ask me if you don't understand anything. I hope to be able to communicate with you. The goblins create a balanced dialogue environment, but I don't know if they will accept such an offer."

"Well, if you don't understand, just ask the master!" Xing Suo is very good at grasping the key.

"There's a bottom line to remember: if I'm not around. If a goblin hurts you, don't hold back and hit me back hard," Siegel said.

"What if the master is there?" The lamp god's thinking needs a complete logical loop, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the situation.

"If I'm here, I'll vent your anger!" Siegel patted the Xingsuo core crystal. Then he said: "Are you ready, the teleportation is about to begin. This is a very difficult spell, and you have to trust me completely as you did in the astral projection, so that the power of magic spreads throughout your body."

In this regard, the cooperation between Siegel and Xingsuo is absolutely 100% in harmony. With the power of Myr's core, the gate of another world became a huge crimson vortex in the air. Elemental fluctuations of this scale immediately alerted a large number of spellcasters, and even people from far away in the old continent felt it.

The Star Cable immediately accelerated and quickly passed through the gate of another world, and Siegel also closed the transmission channel. Before those concerned eyes could pass through, they wiped their butts and slipped away, wiping the traces clean.

The same elemental fluctuations also occur on Earth. However, the goblins only detected a huge disturbance and noise of the radio waves, and there was a brief interruption of wireless communication through the north. Their first reaction was that a goblin kingdom was experimenting with electromagnetic interference bombs, and they sent reconnaissance planes and spies one after another. Of course, they won't find anything - it's obviously not a system, and it's a ghost when they find it.

"This is the earth of goblins. It's still a land covered with ice and snow, but there are no mountains." Xingsuo looked around, "There are no creatures here, and there are no bald eagles..."

"Haha, what a kid." Siegel said, "Well, I'll introduce you to a friend when I go back. He can fly, he's smart, and he can breathe fire just like you." Playing with Xing Suo, it's just the size of the two of them... Forget it. The difference in size can't be made up, even if you grab a giant dragon and a star cable together, it's just like a child standing in front of a giant.

The largest creature Siegel has ever seen is the astral whale, which is much longer than Xingsuo's 333-meter body. However, in the astral world, the imagination of the mind and the support ability of consciousness are the key to determining the body shape. When Xing Suo uses all her 108 sub-brains to think, her body size in the astral world will increase exponentially.

"Start now. All in Zentraedi, except for telepathic communication."

"But, Zeniting Xingyu is so difficult..." Xingsuo groaned, and the hull trembled in mid-air. "What if I say something wrong, will the master blame me?"

"It's okay if you say it wrong, let the goblins guess!" Siegel chuckled: "If they can guess the wrong Zenith, then it's a ghost!"

"What is the ghost?"

"An undead is what I'm about to change." Siegel put his hand on the core crystal, and then said to Star Cable: "I use anti-gravity instead of flying, just want to Improve your ability to fly high. Start ascending now and try your best!"

The Star Cable hummed, and flew high into the sky with Siegel, who had transformed into a skeleton. They have been out of the atmosphere, stuck in the icy vacuum environment.

The power from anti-gravity is no longer enough, but the elemental jet Star Cable still maintains enough maneuverability. But this height is enough for Siegel, he has already looked at the "communication satellite" that the goblin launched outside the planet.

"Look at the world, boy," Siegel said. "This is the whole of the earth."

"It's so dirty." Xing Suo looked at the earth covered in gray and yellow, at the "garbage continent" floating on the sea, and at the lingering greenery. "Master, this is not a good place."

"I know, I know." Siegel said, "I hope he can be saved..." (To be continued.)

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