Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 35: Dragon Lion Cliff Seven

Siegel didn't dare to move, he just took advantage of this moment to take a few breaths. Quietly waiting for the results of the battle above, he didn't wait too long when he saw a mage with a **** face running downstairs, his robe torn and a shoe missing. However, he tightly hugged a book with a golden cover, which was "Research on Magical Constructs" that Siegel casually threw aside.

The man was seriously injured, his nose was gone, and he was bleeding continuously. But he didn't seem to care, he just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. Siegel watched him leave the Rubik's Cube room, and then summoned a gray-white ghostly warhorse, which quickly disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, a man came down with two long sticks in his hands. The man was blind in one eye, pale and sluggish. He stood at the gate, looking in vain into the darkness, there was nothing there. Then he shouted: "Go and please the Archmage! This folding fortress is mine!"

Then he also walked out, the door of the Rubik's Cube closed behind him. Standing outside the square building, he put his staff aside, reached out and stroked the door, chanting spells that parsed magic items. A silver-white luminous pattern appeared on the door, and it gradually climbed up the entire Rubik's Cube like a spreading crystal. Sweat dripped from the tip of the magician's nose, his whole body trembled, and he spent his energy to maintain the effect of this magic. Finally, the light of the incantation covered the entire cube, and the method of operating this folding fortress appeared in his mind.

Then the magician recited the secret words. The three-storey building trembled twice and quickly shrank, turning into a metal block square in the palm of your hand.

"Haha! The space folding fortress has a huge amount of treasure. This mission is really worth it." He put the folding fortress in his pocket and threw away all the coins that were originally in it. Although he has a small space pocket, the folding fortress uses the power of space spells when it shrinks, and such spells are very exclusive and cannot be opened or continued to be folded in the folded space, otherwise there will be an explosion of magical energy. He moved his **** pack back, trying to keep it out of anyone's attention as much as possible. Then he rounded the huge skeleton, illuminated by the light of his staff, and returned the same way.

Siegel in the Rubik's Cube doesn't know what's going on, and from his point of view, nothing has changed around him. So he waited for a while, and after making sure there was no sound, he came out of the hiding place. Siegel cautiously climbed up to the top floor and found that the third magician was dead - torn into four pieces, naturally. His staff was next to him, frozen by ice, and the staff could not stand the cold and had already cracked. Books were knocked off the shelves, and all furniture, including sofas and beds, were smashed and turned into pieces lying in the corners. Following Sir Bill's instructions, Siegel carefully searched for the man's body. He found an identity plate: "Frank - Junior Sorcerer".

"Rest in peace, poor fellow." Siegel put the sign on the man, and closed his deadly eyes. "How about I go outside and dig a hole for you and bury you with that huge skeleton?"

So Siegel went to the bottom, ready to leave. Only then did he realize that the door was tightly closed and could not be opened at all.

Although the building has four entrances from the outside, there is only one door from the inside to go out. After trying various methods of pushing, pulling, and tapping, Siegel was sure he was trapped inside.

"How can this be done?" He scratched his head. Sir Bill had taught him to use all the resources around him when he was in trouble. He patted his head and scolded himself for being so stupid. The third floor of the building is clearly a living area, and there is something there.

Thinking of this, he was in a much better mood, humming a little tune and stepping up the stairs again. Before the lighting rod burns out, he finds and lights candles, examines food and water, and stacks things that can be used to start a fire and cook.

"Frugal food can last for several years. I don't know what the original owner here is doing with so many things. The next moonless night will be three years later. Martial arts, but also careful planning of food intake." The more activities, the more consumption, Siegel understands these simple truths. "If those Knox Commons guys can successfully destroy the statue, maybe they will reopen the door soon. What will they do with me, they won't be kind enough to keep me alive? Well, it's better not to happen. things."

Siegel would rather be trapped here than let the Knox organization win, because that means Erint and the others may have suffered a defeat and a great danger. He thought for a while, then glanced at the books on the bookshelf, and suddenly had an epiphany. "Maybe there will be a way to open the door in these books?"

So he moved all the books to the bed frame, leaned on the mattress devastated by lightning and ice, and began to read them one by one.

Outside the cave, the harassment of Erinte, Leah, and Dio had been forced to end, and the three of them were suppressed and unable to approach the camp. Of course, the Knox Commons also paid a heavy price. Taking advantage of the night, a few people raided the camp, the cremation pile was leveled by Erinte, and the magic that maintained the skull was completely dissipated; only one tent was left in the camp, and the rest had been set on fire by the barbarians. Fifteen corpses were lined up at the scene of the fire, many of which were shot through their eye sockets by elf feather arrows.

But several people underestimated the ability of the caster. The four Knox sorcerers survived the attack, standing in the camp, guarding the only remaining tent. Because of this tent, they still have a vortex flag left to use. With the help of this magical item, sorcerers can, one by one, turn corpses on the ground into shaman puppets - undead creatures that are somewhere between a zombie and a ghoul. Moreover, the caster is very cunning, not letting the shaman golems move at all, hiding them among the fallen corpses and turning them into traps for detecting living things. Dio was ambushed in the second harassment, attacked by a puppet, and lost his left ear.

Erinte was also injured, and a bolt of lightning struck his knee, causing a severe fracture, while declaring their harassment plan a complete failure. Dio carried the dwarf and forced the stubborn warrior away from the battlefield. The dwarves were very angry, claiming that even if they had one leg, they would continue to attack and kill those "despicable cowards who use magic". Leah was so angry that she pulled the dwarf's beard and deliberately said, "If you dare to charge up, we will follow you and die together on the road of charge."

This pulled the dwarf back to cover.

Leah checked Erint's wound, and after contaminating it, performed a magical healing technique. The dwarf's knee was no longer bleeding, and the bruises had subsided a lot, but it was still completely unbearable. "You're probably going to be lame, Erinte, and Dio will only have one ear in this life." The elf said apologetically, "Unless you can find the high priest, it will be possible to return to the original state. There is nothing I can do now."

"Actually, one ear doesn't affect listening." Dio didn't care at all, and was still shaking his head: "And my woman doesn't care how many ears I have - she can't count!"

The dwarf snorted twice, to cheer the barbarian's joke.

At present, only Leah can still cause harassment. Her bow and arrow are the biggest threat to spellcasters in the camp. But the elves didn't carry too many arrows, and there were only about twenty left. When the few people set off, they never thought that they would encounter an entire camp of enemies.

Now that the dwarves basically lose their ability to move, and the elves are constantly harassing them, only the plateau people can leave the battlefield and move all the crossbows and ammunition in the watchtower before the arrows run out. He didn't dare to ignite the torch, so he could only run down the mountain in the dark, using his strong body to endure the impact of the fall and the scratches from the rolling.

"Siegel's safety depends on you, Leah." The dwarf instructed, "Hold them as much as possible."

The situation was stalemate like this, and he turned into an archer, fighting four sorcerers and more than twenty puppets. Before Dio rushes back, Leah's shooting frequency can only be suppressed to a minimum, which is why three sorcerers enter the cave, find the Rubik's Cube, and trap Siegel inside.

After some battle, except for the sorcerer who died in the Rubik's Cube, the sorcerer with the golden book flew away on the phantom horse, but the two remaining spellcasters could not use this spell and were still trapped in the camp. The blind guy was exhausted, hid in the tent and tried to heal his wounds, trying to regain his fighting ability as soon as possible. The poor **** who didn't get a little benefit was reluctant to be a target, so he surrounded himself with six puppets to prevent sneak attack by bows and arrows in the dark.

Time is passing, and the moonless night will soon pass. The dwarf was very anxious, but he didn't dare to let the elves go to check in the cave-because he didn't have special eyesight, he didn't know whether the skull described by Siegel was still there, so he naturally didn't dare to take the risk. He thought for a while, then shouted loudly: "Listen to the people inside, surrender quickly! This is the territory of the dwarves of the Gem Clan on the Top of Your actions have violated the rights and interests of the dwarf kingdom!"

The two spellcasters looked at each other, and the one-eyed sorcerer replied, "We don't see any signs of dwarven territory, this is an unclaimed area for exploration!"

"Fart!" the dwarf shouted: "If you want to get here, you must pass the dwarf's watchtower, which clearly marks the scope of the territory!"

"The dwarves in the tower didn't say that, they agreed with us to pass." The one-eyed sorcerer defended.

"Obviously..." The dwarf stopped suddenly, his teeth rattled, his clenched fists trembled with anger. These spellcasters have a clear meaning, pushing everything to exile dwarves - they know that any exile dwarves who enter dwarven territory will be executed immediately, so there must be no proof, and when foreigners pass by, a dwarf can come forward to dissuade passers-by's curiosity Heart - they must have deliberately found this exile dwarf, and they don't know how to make him die. Erint was furious, but he had to calm down. He had to find a way to let these people leave before he could enter the cave to search for Siegel. Time is running out, so they can't entangle with them who is the murderer of the Mora family warrior. Erint underestimated how intractable these spellcasters could be, paying the price for a failed raid on the camp, forced to choose between avenging blood and saving lives.

"Leave here, caster, otherwise the dwarf army will continue to arrive and wipe you out. In the name of the third spokesman of the gem clan, I guarantee that you can leave this place safely and will not be held accountable for related matters."

"Let's think about it, Dwarf," replied the one-eyed sorcerer.

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