Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 28: Mora's Top Ten

The barbarians in the mouth of the elves finally arrived here two days before the celebration, which made everyone very happy, and Siegel finally saw the last member of the team. It was an unusually tall and burly man with a very strong body. He actually climbed the entire snow-capped mountain topless, against the wind and snow, and was not afraid of the severe cold outside. The man had a tattoo on his chest, a black mark of the **** of the gods - thorns decorated with skeletons and blood. The barbarian had short tawny hair and a very determined face. He had deep eye sockets, bushy eyebrows, and a high nose—a mature charm in human terms. This is completely different from the image of the barbarians in Siegel's mind. He has always thought that the barbarians are a very primitive tribe. The people there may live like half-orcs. They are hunters or fishermen. How can it be possible to produce such a handsome and unrestrained appearance when it is windy and rainy in the wild?

The barbarian carried a large bag of various animal skins, which was a gift for the dwarves, their specialty. The dwarf threw a feast again, welcomed his friend, and introduced Sigal to him at the banquet.

"This is the apprentice of the Jazz. Bill recommended him to join our team. What do you think of him?"

"The young man is very strong! But why are your hair and eyes black and dyed? Aragami, I have never seen such a strange appearance."

"I was born like this. They said I was dyed black by squid." Siegel told about his life experience, which was the first time for several people to hear it. Everyone listened to the whole story attentively.

"Your extraordinary appearance must be an instruction from God, asking you to do something extraordinary—just like me." The barbarian expressed his blessing to him. At this time, he looked at the two companions next to him, and read some meanings from their eyes. He said, "Oh! I guess I get it, you all seem to have agreed with him, am I the only one left? That's absolutely fine!" He stood up, clapped his hands, and wiped the oil stain on his leather pants. Shit, it seemed like he was about to fight. Siegel was ready for a fight, but he didn't expect that the barbarian was just thirsty. He ran to the other end of the table and drank a bowl of vegetable soup.

After he wiped his mouth dry and let out a long breath, he said, "Everything has to wait until you are full. Do you know that climbing a mountain is really exhausting! And I haven't eaten for three days in order to empty my stomach. Don't worry. By the way, boy, come down and eat with me, let me see your appetite first."

The dwarf was afraid that things wouldn't be too big, so he shouted loudly: "He not only eats a lot, but also drinks a lot!"

"Don't drink too much wine, there's still business after dinner. I've already thought of a good idea!" said the barbarian.

Everyone was very curious about what the savage had thought of this time. He always ignored this topic during dinner, and after killing two whole roast sheep, he said mysteriously: "How can you measure a man's reputation? Not a real man? Only on the battlefield! I believe that the dwarves' vision is not wrong. Your martial arts must be up to the standard, so you won't have to struggle. But there is still a battlefield waiting for you to conquer, come with me!"

After speaking, the barbarian pulled the protagonist away, and winked Erint to follow. Leah was very curious and wanted to go see it together, but was stopped by the savage, saying that it is not suitable for you to go there, it is a matter between men. Leah immediately understood what they were thinking, and said angrily, "You never had any serious ideas!"

As the elf thought, the group was going to Jiyuan. Unlike elsewhere, this facility in dwarven cities was not built to serve dwarves. A male dwarf with a stable life is very loyal to his wife, values ​​his family, and will not go to that kind of place for "cheap entertainment"; while a female dwarf's bearded appearance is not popular with foreigners, and naturally he cannot work here. So you rarely see dwarves going to brothels, they prefer to drink or fight. Only those wandering dwarves who have no family or clan - regarded as the lowest and worthless part of the dwarves - come here. Therefore, on the top of Mora, the main customers of this occasion are still local foreigners, plus merchants, mercenaries, and travelers of other races who come to trade. For them, looking at all kinds of bearded and chubby people all day is a painful torture for the eyes. They need to seek spiritual solace, especially to see graceful curves and appreciate beauty again. Therefore, with the permission of the dwarf clan, some human residents in the city opened taverns to provide men-only services. Most of these places are expensive, which is why the barbarians call Erint out.

"If my clansmen knew that I came to such a place, I might as well die!" After the dwarf understood the truth, he threw a bag of coins to the plateau people: "You two should go by yourself!"

"It's his loss that he doesn't come, we two can have a good time." The savage said: "Just in time to do some exercise after dinner!"

Siegel isn't a little boy who doesn't know anything, after all, he was born as a seaman - another of the largest customer groups for this kind of service. He had heard many rumours, jokes, and even jokes about such places from his fellow shipmates, but he had never experienced it himself. With a mixture of nervousness, embarrassment and excitement, he was dragged by Deo to the door of a three-story building. The bottom floor of the house is a masonry structure, the middle floor is wooden, the top is a small roof platform, and a small pavilion is actually built, with the artistic style of the starry country. The windows here are strangely reflective, and you can't see the inside of the room. Siegel knows that it is made of lead wire glass. It is very strong and can also seal the sound. It is an expensive material. Building a house like this in a dwarven cave is no easy feat, and the builders' luxury and wealth are everywhere. Siegel noticed that the wood of the house was the unique silver wire wood of the Old World, which could reflect a dark silver-white halo under candlelight, and was popular among wealthy businessmen and nobles, but it was very rare to use it in brothels.

The entire building was kept clean, and there were no signboards. There was only a large red round lantern hanging at the door, silently attracting customers. Siegel was pulled into the door by the plateau man, and suddenly felt dry, because a tall and beautiful woman turned around the corner and was standing in front of him smiling and looking at him. The woman was wearing a loose and transparent flesh-colored silk clothes, revealing fair milk-like skin and beautiful and breathtaking ravines. She has wavy black, cape-length hair.

"I'm Elsa," she bowed deeply, her clothes swaying like a willow branch, and the scent of perfume filled the air. Her voice had a singing rhythm, and she said slowly, "Welcome, may I ask you two?"

"My name is Zhuangshi, I'm a rookie!" Gaoyuan Manzi laughed and pushed Siegel over: "Don't talk nonsense, your task is to get him down and support the wall!"

The lady covered her mouth and chuckled, and gently supported the "rookie". A soft, delicate touch wrapped around Siegel's arm, followed by the tickling of hair brushing. She said in a delicate and soft voice: "What we pursue here is to satisfy the guests, and I hope you can linger."

Although the force from the arm was very small, Siegel felt that he was following the force inward uncontrollably. Turning around the screen, he came to a room with a pool in the center. Various flower patterns were combined around the pool with mosaics, and cushions and pillows were randomly placed on the floor. Some girls are here, or lying on the cushions, or playing in the pool, or puffing on a hookah, or playing chess for their own amusement. They didn't mean to come up eagerly, but just enjoy life lazily and create a comfortable atmosphere. Pictures of various women hang on the walls, outlining the hazy appearance and moving curves. The room was lit with incense unique to the Old World, and the smoke was lingering, accompanied by beautiful and soothing music, but Siegel couldn't see where the performer was.

"The girls here are well trained and proficient in various techniques." Elsa put her face against Siegel's shoulder and said seductively: "They are all gentle and beautiful, obedient and sensible. I don't know what you like. Type of?"

I haven't really considered this issue. Siegel's mind was stagnant, not knowing what to say. He saw Elsa's blue eyes on one side, like the reflection of the moon rippling in the sea, which made him even more nervous, and finally managed to hold back a sentence: "Your hair is black... …”

"Dye, do you think it's beautiful too?" Elsa fiddled with the ends of her hair, put a strand of hair to her lips, and said, "How about starting with me? I can give you a brief introduction."

"Also...or..." Siegel nodded At this moment, he saw the plateau barbarian from the other side of the screen, hugging from left to right, with two long hair, one gold and one red The beauty went upstairs, not forgetting to tilt the corner of her mouth at Siegel, and gave her a thumbs up to express her blessings.

The next day, Siegel sat lazily on the breakfast table with dark circles under his eyes. He didn't want to lift his finger despite the delicious mushroom meatball bisque and jambread in front of him. Opposite him, the highland barbarian Dio is happily chewing a whole ham.

"You're an adult now, Siegel." Dio said: "Now you know what true passion is. Knowing this is how you know life." answer.

Tomorrow is the big celebration on the top of Mora, so Erint went out early in the morning and won't come back at night. It is estimated that he won't appear during the entire 6-day celebration. Most of the servants in his family also went out, taking numerous orders beside the dwarves, busy with various things. Siegel's training was entrusted to Leah. The elf was uncharacteristically today, and did not understand Siegel's state of fatigue, but increased his pace and movement training. When the squid was about to be exhausted, she let the plateau barbarian as a sparring trainer - just because this strong man had been giggling at the training ground. Siegel fought hard, but his movements were deformed so badly that he took a few good punches and lay on the ground with only the strength to breathe.

"This time is to let you learn restraint, which is the quality you humans lack most." The elf said: "This is the end of today's training."

Dio walked over with a smile, picked up Siegel, and strode towards the restaurant. The powerless young man rolled around like a bag of potatoes on the barbarian's strong shoulders.

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