Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 15: Hub Fort II

The shopkeeper finished his lunch break, hurried up to greet the guests, and added an extra room by the way. The group went to wash first, and after washing away the exhaustion of traveling, they sat comfortably in the dining area on the first floor, enjoying a large glass of ice-cold fruit wine. With Jeff, a local, guiding them, they set up a nice dinner for a fraction of the cost. Hot soup, fruit salad and apple pie were on the table, roasted quail and roasted rabbit were coming soon, and a few hot loaves of fresh bread.

Since they lived here very well, and it was still a long time before they left for Longshiya, the group decided to stay for a few more days. Sir Bill and Leah plan to go around the surrounding villages and towns, maybe they will find the trail of the trolls. Jeff has been granted asylum by the Jazz, but he has some debts to wrap up. Siegel is still meticulously practicing martial arts.

Despite his high savvy, Siegel still did not relax, and he did not want to be reprimanded by Sir Bill. Jazz is a picky man, he has a very keen eye and the ability to spot problems, even the smallest oversights and mistakes can be found by him. So Siegel sang elf poetry and practiced the knife dance over and over.

Until evening, the jazz and the elves still did not come back, and Jeff also went out with some old goods. Siegel finished his dinner alone and took care of his ponies in the stable. Groom it and prepare to take it out for a spin.

There are all kinds of people on both sides of the road. After a busy day, they are enjoying their leisure time here. There were whispering humans, several dwarves chatting and laughing, and dwarfs breathing clouds. There were a few vague figures sitting quietly in the corner of the alley.

Siegel is a strong young man with a machete on his body, and he looks like he is not easy to deal with. Although the foal he is holding looks healthy and beautiful, and is a Trekner breed that can be bred into a warhorse, those with bad intentions will also weigh the risks and will not take it lightly.

He led the horse out of the town and came to the open space beside the river valley. There is a river bank built in the time of Earl of State, and there is a smooth post road next to it. Siegel rolled over and let the foal walk slowly. Now you can't ride hard, but you can gradually exercise the negative gravity of this mount. The horse is still small, and there is no way to equip it with a saddle now, so while Leah taught him the elf war dance, she also let him learn the elf saddleless riding.

The cool summer evening wind was blowing head on, and the air was mixed with the fragrance of earth and firewood, which made Siegel feel very calm. He liked the feeling, closed his eyes and let the horse carry him forward. They paced the road to the countryside.

Suddenly, the foal gave a terrified cry and jumped up. Siegel hugged the horse's neck tightly and quickly opened his eyes. He saw a high-speed carriage galloping away from him, and the coachman was still drawing a whip in the air. The foal, startled, left the road and ran wild in the fields.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm with you, it's nothing!" Siegel tried his best to soothe the foal's emotions, and directed it to avoid dangerous places where it could easily fall and break legs. As he turned a corner of a building, Siegel suddenly saw a figure squatting in the corner, like a child. He turned his horse's head vigorously to avoid the figure, but he was also thrown out.

He saw a large black circle rushing towards him before realizing it was a well. Siegel used the training the elves had given him during this period of time, bending and twisting in the air, trying to gain balance. With a loud noise, Siegel fell to the bottom of the well. Fortunately, he was on his head and feet, and he didn't choke on the water or get hurt.

The wellhead is about 10 meters deep from the bottom. At this time, a figure sticks out from above and shouts down. The voice rumbled in the well, barely discernible: "Are you all right? Are you all right?"

Siegel wiped the water from his face and replied, "It's okay!"

The above replied: "Do you want me to pull you up?"


"But I don't have a rope! When I think of a way..."

Siegel looked at it. The well was not wide. With open hands, he could touch both walls at the same time. Maybe he could try to climb up by himself. Although the wall of the well was wet and slippery, it was fortunately not flat, and there were some bumps that could be picked up with fingers. Siegel moved up cautiously, his muscles exerting force to fix his body.

Suddenly, the wall on his left side dented, revealing a passage that was as high as one person. Siegel didn't pay attention, and fell again with a plop. The voice above shouted anxiously: "Are you all right? What happened?"

"I'm fine! There's a secret door here!" Siegel replied, "I'll be there in a while."

"Secret door! Wait for me to find the rope!" The figure disappeared from the well, presumably looking for something.

Siegel climbed up again, he bypassed the narrow passage of the secret door, and only wanted to go up. With the help of the light from the wellhead, he reluctantly observed the secret door. Behind the open gap is a sloping passage, and the steep steps point diagonally downward, and it is not known where it leads. Siegel's eyesight was barely able to see, and at the end of the steps was a stone door with the symbols of the bow and arrow carved into it.

Siegel climbed out of the well and saw his horse standing quietly aside, looking at its owner embarrassedly. Beside the horse, a ragged, emaciated teenager was trying to tug at the ropes used to tie the fence. At first glance, this kid looked fifteen or sixteen years old. He didn't usually have enough to eat, and his slender body was flickered in a slightly wide ragged robe. He wore a rag turban on his head, and his face was mud and ashes. No wonder I only saw a black shadow just now, but I couldn't see the appearance.

"Wow! You can climb up on your own, it's amazing." The boy said, revealing a set of snow-white and crystal teeth. "Quick, help me pull a rope, I'm going down to find the baby!"

Siegel looked at him as a homeless man and had doubts in his heart: "You can't be a thief, can you?"

"You are so unreasonable!" the boy said angrily: "Before he died, my father said that there are treasures hidden under the house, and flowers can be taken out after he dies. I was looking for the entrance when I was almost hit by you. Don't say it, and frame me as a thief!"

"I'm sorry I almost ran into you. My horse was frightened and ran wild. I managed to control it." Siegel scratched his head embarrassedly: "As long as you are not a thief. But you have thin arms and thin legs. , how can you climb down?"

"Hey! I'm about to get angry! It's just that you framed me, but you're still talking nonsense!" The man picked up a small stone on the ground and smashed it over: "Let's go! Go!"

How could this stone hit Siegel? He easily avoided it.

Seeing that the owner was beaten, the foal was a little unhappy, and staggered the boy from behind. The boy shouted, "Even horses bully me!"

Siegel was even more embarrassed, whistled, called the pony to his side, and said, "I'll help you, okay?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and said angrily, "You must be trying to steal our family's treasure! Don't pretend to be a good person."

Siegel had a clear conscience and naturally wouldn't be angry. He explained: "It's dangerous to go down the well. You are so skinny and you may have an accident. Besides, you also need someone to help you bring your things up. I don't care about your things. I will take it, I only think that after I help you, I can offset the debt of bullying you."

The boy thought for a while, and seeing the sincerity of what Siegel said, he smiled and said, "Okay!"

Siegel tied the horse in the corner, the fence was ripped apart, and the rope was taken off. The boy took out an oil lamp, a hatchet and a large bag from the house. They fixed the rope and climbed down one by one.

The small oil lamp emits a faint light, and the two of them can only see a short distance between their feet and in front of them. The sloping down passage was wet and slippery, overgrown with moss and tiny mushrooms. Siegel held the boy by the hand and walked forward with ease.

"By the way, what's your name, I can't call you hello." The young man said, "I'm Malt, but you can call me Little Thumb."

"My name is Siegel-Squid. Do you know what a squid is?"

"I don't know, is it a very powerful creature?" Little Thumb asked curiously with shining eyes.

"Uh... yes to a certain extent. I've heard from sailors that a squid in the deep sea can be as big as a small hill. But the average squid is as long as an arm."

"Well, then, hello, Mr. Squid," the boy said solemnly.

"How are you, Mr. Malt."

The two stopped in front of the gate, and this time, with the light, they finally saw the engraving and writing on it. A huge statue of a drawn bow and arrow, like a door latch, is surrounded by a circle of graceful lines that faintly emit silver light. This door is not old, all the patterns on it are clearly visible. Siegel reached out and touched it. It was clearly carved from stone, but it felt like wood.

"This is the text of the elf, I can barely understand it." Siegel said. He tried hard to recall the knowledge of Elvish language that he had made up for recently, and tried to distinguish the meaning of the above sentence. He barely understood a few words, but couldn't connect them into sentences.

"Oh, the bow is like the full moon and the arrow is like the stars." Little Thumb said in Elvish language.

The arrows on the door emitted a little light, and then turned into a starlight, illuminating the passage. The full bowstring shrank back, and the door opened.

"How did you know how to open the door?" Siegel asked.

"This is where my house is, how could I not know?"

"Then why are you still looking for the door?"

"I also want to ask someone to ask this question!" Little Thumb became angry again: "He didn't explain Siegel naturally thought that this "he" was referring to Little Thumb's father.

Behind the gate is a courtyard with some luminous plants. The subterranean orchid glows milky white, the firefly moss glows yellow, the lizard grass glows red, and the guide mushroom glows green. The marble ring pavilion is in the center of this courtyard, a small stone table and two small stone benches are placed in the pavilion.

On the ground of the pavilion, there is a set of tea sets scattered. Little Thumb picked up the tea set, wiped off the dust on it, and found that it was actually a set of crystal tea sets with beautiful elf characters engraved on them. Siegel leaned over and read: "To the love of this life, may everything be as long as the moon."

"Hey, don't think about it, this is from my family." Little Thumb rudely put the thing into the sack, and then looked around again.

The courtyard is tall and straight, surrounded by smooth walls that can be swept away at a glance. Siegel scratched his head and said puzzledly: "This is your treasure room? An underground pavilion, just put a tea set for you to take?"

"Idiot, do you think someone would climb down from the well and drink tea here?" Little Thumb groped for the wall and said, "There must be a secret door! There must be!"

Sure enough, he soon discovered that a bunch of screaming grass hidden next to the guide mushroom was fake, it was imitated with superb shaping skills. She pulled hard, only to hear a slight rubbing sound, and a gap slid open in the wall, revealing a curved path.

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