Cheng Daodao: Yes, I never thought that I would go through so many wonderful time journeys. But every adventure has made me understand that innovation and persistence are the driving force for us to move forward.

Boss Zhang: You're right. Looking back now, every challenge was worth it. Whether it's changing the past, protecting the future, or assisting Cheng Xiaoguo, we are proud of our actions.

Cheng Daodao: I am also proud of what we have achieved. However, it also reminds us that the power of technology is a double-edged sword, and that we need to be cautious and responsible to ensure that technological developments are used for the benefit of humanity.

Boss Zhang: You're right. Technology is a double-edged sword, depending on how we use it. As pioneers in the field of technology, we must always keep our mission in mind and live up to people's expectations of us.

Cheng Daodao: It is precisely because of this mission that our company will continue to innovate and improve. I firmly believe that our technology will continue to lead the future.

Boss Zhang: I am full of confidence in the future of the company. Cheng Daodao, I want to thank you again. Without your wisdom and courage, we would not be where we are today.

Cheng Daodao: (chuckling modestly) Boss Zhang, this is all our joint effort. I couldn't have done these things without your support and wisdom. We are partners with each other.

(They shake hands in celebration, their eyes filled with hope for the future.) They know that this is just the beginning of a new journey, and that there are more unknown challenges waiting for them. They will continue to move forward hand in hand and write their own legends.

(A few years later, Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang sat at the company's headquarters again, looking back on the past.)

Cheng Daodao: Over the years, our company has made great achievements, not only in the field of communication technology has a significant position, but also actively participated in social welfare undertakings. Our technology is improving people's lives.

Boss Zhang: Yes, we have not only made breakthroughs in communication technology, but also integrated technology into education, medical care and other fields to bring real changes to society. I think that's what we've always been trying to do.

Cheng Daodao: You're right, Boss Zhang. We have always adhered to the tenet of "science and technology for the people". It is our eternal pursuit to let science and technology benefit mankind.

Mr. Zhang: Looking back on your experience in the 60s, I don't think we expected that this would become our today's opportunity. Travel through time and space, in order to stop the communication disaster, and make our lives so colorful.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, I have always believed that the arrangement of fate has a deep meaning. Our experiences have made us better people and made us appreciate everything we have now.

Boss Zhang: That's right. And we're paving the way for the next generation. Cheng Xiaoguo may be a key figure in the future, and his arrival will bring infinite possibilities for the future.

Cheng Daguo: (smiles) Yes, Cheng Xiaoguo is a continuation of our hope. He took the baton and pushed the development of technology further.

(On that day, Cheng Xiaoguo finally stepped into the company's headquarters.) Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang welcomed this new generation of communication wizards.

Cheng Xiaoguo: (excited) I finally met you, Mr. Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang! I am Cheng Xiaoguo, and I heard that you are the founders of our company, and I have great admiration for you.

Cheng Daguo: (laughs gently) Cheng Xiaoguo, you are our successor, and we are full of expectations for you. Your arrival will bring more hope to the future of the company.

Boss Zhang: (Encouragingly) You are the hope of the future, and we believe that you will achieve more brilliant achievements. We will always support you.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Thank you for your trust and support! I will continue to work hard to inherit your spirit and develop the company stronger.

(Three generations of communication wizards communicate at the company's headquarters, their eyes full of determination and confidence.) They know that their mission will continue to be passed on, and they will continue to move forward and write their own legend.

(A few years later, at the company's headquarters, Cheng Daodao, Boss Zhang, and Cheng Xiaoguo got together again.) They sat at a round table, their smiling faces showing the traces of time.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Time flies so fast, I still remember when I first joined the company, everything was so new and exciting.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, looking back now, the time we spent together in those years feels like yesterday. However, I am extremely proud of what we have achieved.

Boss Zhang: Me too. Together, we have created a powerful business that has impacted the lives of countless people. Our technology not only promotes the progress of society, but also benefits all mankind.

Cheng Xiaoguo: It is precisely because of your guidance and support that we have today's achievements. I couldn't be prouder of our team.

Cheng Daguo: Cheng Xiaoguo, you have exceeded our original expectations, and you are the hope of the future. The future of the company is up to you.

Boss Zhang: Yes, we believe that you will lead the company to be more stable and ambitious. We will always have your back.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Thank you for your trust. I will continue to work hard to live up to your expectations.

(They raise their glasses in celebration to express their gratitude and blessings to each other.) The wizards of communication, past and present, are like a family, supporting each other and moving forward together.

Cheng Daodao: On this special day, I have one more thing I would like to announce. I decided to retire from the day-to-day operations of the company and devote more time to exploring uncharted territory.

Boss Zhang: (a little sentimental) Cheng Daodao, this decision... Are you really willing to leave?

Cheng Daodao: Yes, I think I have fulfilled my mission in the company. Now, I hope to devote more energy to scientific research and continue to promote the progress of mankind.

Cheng Xiaoguo: (Thankfully) Mr. Cheng Daodao, your contribution to the company is irreplaceable. I will carry on your spirit and strive to make the company go further.

Cheng Daodao: I'm sure you will. The future of the company is entrusted to you, and I will continue to support you.

(With Cheng Daodao's exit, Cheng Xiaoguo officially took over the leadership of the company, and he will continue to inherit the company's spirit in his own way and open a new chapter.) Cheng Daodao has embarked on a new journey of scientific exploration to contribute more to the future of mankind. Boss

Zhang: (smiles) Our story continues. I believe that we will all continue to write our own legends in our respective fields.

Cheng Daodao: (nodding) Yes, the future is full of infinite possibilities. No matter where we are, we will meet the challenges of the unknown with a positive attitude.

Cheng Xiaoguo: (Firmly) I will continue to strive to make the company a leader in the field of communication technology and create a better future for mankind.

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