Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 466 Chapter 512-514 Sports Meeting (6000 words)

Chapter 512

After walking for a while, Li Teng and Cheng Qian entered a small street with lights on and found a milk tea shop on the side of the road.

The storefronts on this street were all lit up.

This milk tea shop is called Happy Milk Tea Shop, and the decoration style is very warm.

The first floor is a store, and the second floor seems to be residents' homes.

The store door is ajar and can be pushed open.

"How about we rest in this milk tea shop?" Cheng Qian suggested to Li Teng.

Hotels and the like are unreliable. Who knows if there are ghosts in residential buildings or something like that?

Places like milk tea shops seem relatively safe.

"Okay, let's rest here." Li Teng did not raise any objection.

Although he and Cheng Qian both slept for a short while, they had nightmares one after another and were even more tired in their dreams. Later, they went to the amusement park and participated in some bullshit sports meeting, which exhausted them almost to death.

Not to mention that Li Teng and Cheng Qian spent two hours fighting two evil ghosts with a magic hammer.

Now they were all extremely sleepy and wanted to find a place to have a good sleep.

Otherwise, I really can’t hold on anymore.

"Is there anyone there?" Cheng Qian asked after entering the milk tea shop.

No one responded.

"We are just passing by. If there is no one inside, can we stay here for a night?" Cheng Qian asked again.

No one responded.

"There shouldn't be anyone here. This is not the same world as the real world." Li Teng sat down on a chair. He used to have a lot of strength and endurance, but now they are almost exhausted and he still has to hold a child. It's really tiring on my body.

Even the Iron Man couldn't bear it at this time.

Li Bai woke up and looked around, looking a little dazed.

"It's okay, just go back to sleep." Li Teng patted Li Bai on the back.

"I want to find a place to sleep with a bed." Li Bai proposed to Li Teng, and she got down from Li Teng to the ground.

"Then let's go upstairs and have a look." Li Teng took Li Bai's hand and led Cheng Qian to the stairs.

Following the stairs, the three of them arrived at the second floor.

Sure enough, the second floor is where the family lives.

Li Teng looked around in each room and saw no one. He was too lazy to check room after room.

If someone would definitely come out at this time, if there was no one and there was a ghost inside, he wouldn't be able to find out now.

There are two bedrooms upstairs where you can rest, a large room with a double bed, and a small room with only a single bed.

The lights in the room were all on, and the lights in all the houses on this street were on, so the two of them didn't turn off the lights. Turning off the lights would seem unusual.

The three of them entered the big room, closed the door and locked it.

"This mirror looks weird. Why is it hung here?" Cheng Qian asked Li Teng, pointing to the mirror on the wall opposite the big bed in the big room.

"Maybe... it's easier to pick out your eyes when you wake up in the morning?" Li Teng thought of a reason.

"Please..." Cheng Qian was speechless at Li Teng's answer.

"I really can't hold it anymore." Li Teng fell on the bed and didn't want to move a step.

Li Bai also took off his shoes and threw himself on the bed, rolling happily on it.

"Go to sleep." Cheng Qian saw that Li Teng was very tired.

"Mom, Dad, we want to sleep together." Li Bai proposed to Li Teng and Cheng Qian.

"You two go to bed first, I'll stay by your side." Cheng Qian took the initiative. Although she was very tired and sleepy now, the situation was still better for Li Teng who was working hard.

So, let Li Teng take a break. If something happens to him if he can't hold on, no one will be able to protect and save her.

If she and Li Teng both slept, no one could save them if there was any trouble.

"No, we want to sleep together." Li Bai insisted, letting Li Teng and Cheng Qian sleep on both sides of her. She wanted to enjoy the feeling of her parents' care.

Cheng Qian had no choice but to agree and pretended to sleep with the two of them. After Li Teng and Li Bai fell asleep, she opened her eyes and lay there thinking about things.

Bored, she took out her phone and looked at it.

My eyes are a little sore, forget it, I won’t look at my phone anymore.

Lying down, Cheng Qian felt something was not right.

If she lay down like this anymore, she would fall asleep.

In order to prevent herself from falling asleep, Cheng Qian gently got out of bed with her mobile phone and came to the floor of the bedroom to stand.

These twenty-four hours of life are really long.

It feels longer than a week.

I don’t know how I could make it to the end of twenty-four hours and still be alive.

It would be a waste to die, suffering so much and being afraid for so long in vain.

Suddenly... the mirror hanging on the wall made a 'click' sound.

Cheng Qian subconsciously walked to the mirror and looked inside.

After seeing everything in the mirror, Cheng Qian couldn't help but feel terrified.

What was reflected in the mirror was not her face, but the back of her head!

Cheng Qian reached out and touched the back of her head, and a hand appeared in the mirror touching the back of her head. Cheng Qian stroked her hair, and the hand in the mirror also stroked her hair.

Cheng Qian reached out to touch the mirror, but her hand was not reflected in the mirror. The hand in the mirror stretched into the depths of the mirror.

Cheng Qian touched the mirror and the back of her head. Instead of touching the smooth mirror, she touched something furry.

At the same time, she felt a hand touching the back of her head!

Cheng Qian almost screamed and turned her head suddenly.

There is nothing behind me.

Li Teng and Li Bai were still lying on the big bed, soundly asleep.

Cheng Qian turned around again and looked at the mirror.

Unexpectedly, what appeared in the mirror this time was no longer the back of her head, but her face!

Originally this was a normal thing, but now when she suddenly saw her face, Cheng Qian was actually shocked! I almost screamed again.

After taking a closer look at her face, Cheng Qian quickly discovered something unusual.

Her face in the mirror was blue-grey, like a dead corpse.

She tried hard to make a few expressions, but her expression in the mirror was motionless.

Cheng Qian moved closer to the mirror again. She suddenly opened her big mouth in the mirror and rushed out of the mirror to bite her hard.


Cheng Qian was caught off guard and really screamed this time.

But she couldn't really scream.

Because she was not standing in front of the mirror now, but sitting up from the bed.

On the bed next to them, Li Teng and Li Bai were sleeping soundly.

The scene when I got up and looked in the mirror just now was actually a dream?

Cheng Qian was sweating profusely, and she didn't even remember when she fell asleep.

Chapter 513

Cheng Qian got up and got out of bed again. She looked at the mirror hanging on the wall opposite the bed with fear.

Looking from a distance, everything seems normal.

Cheng Qian couldn't help but walked towards the mirror again. She wanted to see if there was really something wrong with the mirror.

After walking over, Cheng Qian found that the mirror was normal. There was no back of the head and no blue-gray face in it. It was just her normal self.

"Am I really awake now? Aren't I dreaming now?" Cheng Qian felt that everything around her was unreal. Since yesterday, she couldn't figure out whether she was in a dream or sleeping.

After trying to calm down, Cheng Qian walked to the window and looked at the street below through the open window.

The street lights were on and there was no one there.

“It’s already nine o’clock in the morning, but it’s still dark, and it looks like it will never get bright here.

"The character in my game died around three o'clock yesterday afternoon. In other words, as long as I survive another six hours, I can escape the fate of death?" Cheng Qian calculated in her mind.

At this moment, the sound of water came from the bathroom next to the bedroom door, as if... someone was washing their hands?

How could anyone be washing their hands?

Cheng Qian was about to turn around and take a look when she suddenly noticed two people walking around the corner of the street below.

Two identical women, after they walked around the corner, looked over the milk tea shop. They met Cheng Qian's eyes from a distance. Cheng Qian couldn't help but feel shocked... weren't these the two evil ghosts in the hotel? ? How did they get here?

Cheng Qian quickly took two steps back and returned to the room, her heart pounding wildly.

This piece of shit! The lingering ghost actually chased me here!

When Cheng Qian turned around, she bumped head-on into someone. She was startled and almost screamed, but the man covered her mouth.


It was Li Teng behind her.

"The hotel ghost is here again!" Cheng Qian whispered to Li Teng.

"We are dreaming." Li Teng answered Cheng Qian in a low voice.

"Ah?" Cheng Qian trembled in her heart. She was also worried that she was dreaming, but she was not sure. However, Li Teng was very sure. It seemed that he couldn't be wrong.

"I was sleeping deeply just now, and it was strange to wake up suddenly. I am sure that I am in a dream now." Li Teng said, walking to the table, opening the drawer and looking around, and found a cylindrical object. Twist it on the table.

Sure enough, after this thing started spinning, it had no intention of stopping.

At this moment, the sound of water came from the bathroom again, as if someone was washing their hands.

"What should we do now?" Cheng Qian asked Li Teng with some fear.

When she was awake alone just now, she had been trying to be bolder. Now that Li Teng was by her side, she unconsciously began to rely on Li Teng.

"Now that we're sure we're in a dream, there's nothing to worry about. We don't have to worry about the things in the bathroom. We just need to jump out of the window and we'll wake up from the dream." Li Teng told Cheng Qian Experience passed on.

"Are you sure you won't fall to death if you do that?" Cheng Qian asked Li Teng.

"How could you fall to death in a dream? I'll jump first, and you jump next." Li Teng said and walked to the window and looked out at the street.

The two evil spirits had actually come downstairs and were standing under the window, staring up.

Seeing that Li Teng was about to turn over and jump out of the window, they stretched out their ghost claws and prepared to catch Li Teng below.

"Don't jump!" Cheng Qian looked over and quickly stopped Li Teng.

"Damn! Don't you want me to wake up?" Li Teng frowned.

"It's okay if you can't jump off the building. If you stand next to the table and fall backwards to the floor, you can still wake up." Li Teng thought of another way.

Cheng Qian looked at Li Teng worriedly, is it really okay to play like this? You won't really throw yourself to death, right?

Li Teng was not worried at all. He had done this before and it was indeed effective.

"I'll show you. After I disappear, you can do the same thing as I did, and you can wake up from your dream." Li Teng said and climbed up on the table, then leaned back from the table. Fell upside down.

‘Boom! ’ There was a muffled sound, and Li Teng’s head fell heavily to the floor.

Cheng Qian couldn't help but tremble when she saw this scene.

However, Li Teng did not disappear.

He was lying on the ground with a look of agony on his face.

There was a large pool of blood on the floor behind his head.

"Damn! What's going on? Why didn't it work? Aren't you in a dream now?" Li Teng tried to get up, but was seriously injured and couldn't get up.

"What now? What should I do?" Cheng Qian knelt down and looked at Li Teng with distress and helplessness.

"Something went wrong. The dream was locked, and the method of waking up didn't work." Li Teng finally struggled to sit up.

The bones on the back of his head were broken, and blood was still flowing down, soaking the clothes behind him.

"Are you okay?" Cheng Qian felt pain just looking at it.

"It's just a little painful. It's okay. Just help me up." Li Teng didn't feel the pain at all.

With Cheng Qian's help, Li Teng stood up shakily.

The sound of water came from the bathroom again.

"Go and see who is causing trouble in there. Maybe my inability to wake up has something to do with the person in the bathroom." Li Teng gritted his teeth and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom switch was outside the door. After Li Teng and Cheng Qian came to the wall, Li Teng asked Cheng Qian to turn on the bathroom light. Then he opened the bathroom door and looked inside.

There was no one in the bathroom, but the faucet was turned on, and there were a lot of water stains on the sink, as if someone had washed their hands here.

The two walked into the bathroom. Cheng Qian reached out and turned off the faucet. Then they searched around the bathroom together, including behind the bathtub and toilet. There was no one there.

Standing in the bathroom, Cheng Qian subconsciously looked at the large mirror above the sink.

Looking at her and Li Teng in the mirror, she always felt that something was not right.

But something was wrong, and she couldn't tell for a while.

After a while, she finally figured out what was wrong.

Li Teng in the mirror and Li Teng outside the mirror were facing the same direction.

Li Teng turned his back to the mirror. The mirror was supposed to reflect his back, but what was reflected was his front.

When Cheng Qian discovered this problem and looked at Li Teng in the mirror again, Li Teng in the mirror actually winked at her... Li Teng, who was standing in the bathroom at this time, did not do such an action at all. .

Chapter 514

Sure enough, she was still trapped in a dream!

"Look at that mirror." Cheng Qian reached out and patted Li Teng on the shoulder.

Li Teng turned around and winked at Cheng Qian again.

Cheng Qian suddenly realized that something was very wrong.

It was dark around her, and she could only see the light coming from the mirror, and then she could also see...the bathroom on the other side of the mirror?

She was clearly standing with Li Teng outside the mirror just now, but now she was suddenly trapped inside the mirror!

Everything behind him was dark except for the mirror in front of him, which looked like a window and could see the original bathroom.

In the bathroom, Li Teng was studying whether there was anything wrong with the bathtub. When he turned around, Cheng Qian was gone, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

He subconsciously looked at the mirror, and then he realized that Cheng Qian actually appeared in the mirror!

There is no Cheng Qian in the bathroom, only in the mirror!

There was also a Li Teng in the mirror, which was Li Teng's mirror image. But when Li Teng looked at his own mirror image, he always felt that something was not right.

"Help me!" Cheng Qian slapped the mirror in front of her and called for help to Li Teng.

"Why did you end up in the mirror?" Li Teng could hear Cheng Qian's voice, so he asked her.

"I don't know either! I saw something strange about you in the mirror, so I patted your shoulder, and then I appeared in the mirror!" Cheng Qian found that Li Huateng could hear her, and she could also hear Li Huateng speak. , I felt a little comforted.

However, there is also a 'Li Huateng' standing next to her, deliberately imitating every move of Li Huateng outside, so that Li Huateng outside the mirror cannot tell that this is a fake, it is simply too scary!

"Your reflection in the mirror is fake!" Cheng Qian struggled to push the 'Li Huateng' beside her to the side.

Sure enough, Li Huateng didn't move outside the mirror, but Cheng Qian pushed him inside and staggered.

After being discovered, the Li Huateng in the mirror stopped pretending and stood nearby, looking at Cheng Qian with a smile on his face.

Li Teng fumbled around on the mirror, thinking of ways to rescue Cheng Qian.

"The only thing between you and me is this mirror. If you find something to break the mirror, I should be able to get out!" Cheng Qian said a few words to Li Teng.

"You are in the world of mirrors. I suspect that once I break the mirror, you will not be able to get out and may die together with the mirror." Li Teng shook his head. He instinctively felt that this matter would not be that simple. .

Cheng Qian did not climb into the mirror at all before, but just appeared in the mirror, so there is not a mirror between him and her, but a space channel. Once the mirror is broken, this space The passage might collapse, and Cheng Qian...or her soul might never come back.

Is this also a way for her to die?

If she died here, all the efforts of the two of them would have been in vain.

Li Teng is just a passerby to this script world. There is no need for him to care so much about the life and death of an NPC. But after struggling with Cheng Qian for so long, there are only the last few hours left. If she still dies, he will feel very depressed.

So, what exactly is the problem? How should he help her get out of the mirror?

"Can you communicate with the me in the mirror? Try to see what he is." Li Teng suggested a few words to Cheng Qian.

"Who are you? What's wrong with you?" Cheng Qian looked at Li Huateng beside her, and saw the smile on his face, which made her feel shuddering.

It's a scary feeling when the people you're closest to and most trusted suddenly become unfamiliar and untrustworthy.

Although Cheng Qian knew that he was not Li Huateng, he and Li Huateng did look exactly the same.

The Li Huateng in the mirror did not answer her questions, but just looked at him motionlessly with the same movements and smile.

"Speak! What's going on with you? Why did you catch me here? Are you a mirror demon?" Cheng Qian asked Li Huateng in the mirror.

This Li Huateng remained motionless.

Cheng Qian reached over and pushed him, and was surprised to find that Li Huateng had become hard, like a...wax figure?

Cheng Qian reached out and touched Li Huateng's face. Sure enough, it had become cold, almost like a wax or stone statue.

"What's going on?" Li Teng asked Cheng Qian outside.

"This thing has turned into a wax statue or sculpture!" Cheng Qian answered Li Teng.

"How about... you go deeper and see what the world looks like in the mirror? Maybe you can find a way to escape." Li Teng gave Cheng Qian a few suggestions.

"Go deeper? It's too scary!" Cheng Qian didn't dare to look back at the darkness behind her. She stayed in the bright light next to the mirror so that she wouldn't be afraid when she saw Li Teng in the bathroom.

If she were allowed to walk alone into the unknown darkness behind her, she wouldn't be able to do it even if she had a hundred courages.

"I will watch you here. If you find something is wrong, you can run back immediately. If there is really something scary in the darkness inside, it should have been approaching just now. If it is not approaching, it means it is still safe. You If you don't explore to understand what's going on inside, there will be no clues, and I'm afraid I won't have a better way to save you." Li Teng said a few words to Cheng Qian.

"Okay, I'll try to explore." Cheng Qian had no choice but to agree.

"You have your phone in your hand, you can turn on the flashlight function." Li Teng reminded Cheng Qian.

"My mobile phone..." Cheng Qian then realized that she had been holding her mobile phone in her hand. She was too nervous to notice it before.

Cheng Qian turned on the flashlight function of her phone and looked around the dark surroundings behind her.

The world behind her is not empty.

She was in a bathroom too!

The bathroom seemed to be about the same size as Li Teng's, but it seemed like there had been a fire and the walls were blackened.

The door of this bathroom was also burned down. There should be a room outside the door.

"Go and have a look in that room. See if that room is as big as the bedroom here. Is the layout similar?" Li Teng felt that the world in the mirror might be time-staggered. Mirror world.

For example, it was a milk tea shop from a few years ago.

There must be a reason why Cheng Qian was sucked into the world in the mirror. Only by finding this reason can she successfully escape from the mirror.

Now that Li Teng couldn't wake himself up by falling, he couldn't find a way to wake up Cheng Qian outside. Cheng Qian had to rely on herself to wake up from this mirror nightmare.

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