Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 820: No Ordinary Spoon

It’s not enough to shoot water with a good array, Luo Bi thought quickly, and said to Jiang Yixin: "Use your supernatural power to control the small spoon to scoop it into the water, and see if you can directly scoop up a shrimp or crab or something."

Jiang Yixin looked at Luo Bi in a daze: "...."

Uh, what is this saying? The brain holes have been opened to the sky. Although the attack method of the blue and white porcelain small spoon array is quite weird, the attack ability is still very practical. Three spoons killed a fifth-level alien beast.

Obviously it is an offensive weapon, but Luo Bi suddenly wanted to scoop up soup? Oh, no, it's not the soup, but the fish and crabs in the river. This imagination is too rich, Jiang Yixin held his tongue for a long time, but didn't hold back a word.

Jiang Yixin had to admit that Luo Bi was indeed a talent, with a brain that no one could match.

"What are you doing dumbfounded? Try it quickly." Robbie urged.

Jiang Yixin closed his mouth with difficulty, took a deep breath, he did whatever Luo Bi said, and he followed suit. Fortunately, after the ability was introduced, the size of the small spoon array became larger, and it was still possible to get something out of the water.

The premise is that he has to be able to use a small spoon to scoop things up, otherwise, everything will be useless. With a wave of the Bi Fei sword in his hand, Jiang Yixin strongly suppressed Zheng Huan's small blue and white porcelain spoon.

With sharp eyes, Luo Bi pointed at the water flower and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, one was photographed, quickly use a spoon to scoop it up."

Jiang Yixin took a look, it wasn't true, the shot from the blue and white porcelain spoon array was too strong, some fish and crabs came out of the water with the splash, if they didn't shoot in time, the fish and crabs would get into the water again when the splash fell up.

Jiang Yixin hadn't done the job of scooping fish and crabs out of the river since he was born. The boy panicked, held the sword and pressed the small blue and white porcelain spoon and pressed it down.

When the front was pressed down, the little spoon didn't tilt even a bit. You said how could this action scoop up something, but the shot was very smooth, so the little spoon made its own way and slapped down hard.

With a sound of "噗咚", a big splash was stirred up, and at the same time, the fish and crabs that were originally planned to be scooped up were smashed into the water. They were so solid that they could not be found anywhere.

"Can you do it?" Luo Bi kicked the muddy water on the ground and complained, "I told you to use a small spoon to scoop it up, not to smash it, but you don't know how to drink soup? It's just the posture of scooping up soup. Do it again quickly." .”

"I know how to drink soup, but I have never scooped soup with a power control array." Jiang Yixin felt distressed, his eyebrows were twisted together, and he said: "Don't look at the shape of the array as a small spoon. Turn on the attack ability, it is not an ordinary small spoon, you expect it to be difficult to scoop up fish and crabs like soup."

Luo Bi doesn't believe in this evil, no matter it's an array or an ordinary blue and white porcelain spoon, as long as it looks like a spoon, she doesn't believe that it can't do the job that a spoon should do. crab.

Jiang Yixin looked at the river surface with a bitter face, the small blue and white porcelain spoon array was splashing water by itself again, and the continuous shooting and smashing caused large splashes of water, because the water waves were too big and the blue and white porcelain spoon array was hidden in it. where.

If you can't see it, you can't see it. Luo Bi and Jiang Yixin still know where the blue and white porcelain spoon array is. Seriously.

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